Sup Forums told me this game has good writing

>Sup Forums told me this game has good writing
Holy fuck I can't. They didn't even bother running the game through spellcheck. Bathesda manages to do so, why couldn't these lazy fucks?

for anyone who didn't notice the typo on the first pass (like me), line five says "takes it job seriously" instead of "takes its* job seriously"

Yeah, Bethesda has quality writing alright

Oh look, it's this thread again. Already done playing through FO4?

That's part of the lore, RobCo was lazy and didn't second check stuff like this. It adds more detail and dimension to the company.

>using "playing fallout 4" as an insult

FO4 is designed as a grindfest. Its fans are never "done" until the next game comes out.


It's a shameful thing to do. Ergo it's a valid insult.


How DARE he play video games?
Pic related, your mind on fanboyism/circlejerking.

why make this thread again?

Got any more of that?
Fallout 3 sure has some amazing writing.

So they ALL have a penis?

Bathesda never wrote this shit.

Sure user


[intellegence 8] So they ALL had a penis?
Wait, why does it say they're all male?
I've had enough, die profligate!
I had some other question I wanted to ask.

The best bethesda games are the games bethesda doesn't make.

Nothing wrong with that one.


is that...

Those are fine


That makes me love Obsidian even more. Those guys are involved in their fucking games, they craft them by hand.

Bethesda uses RADIANT-STORYLINE-GENERATOR to write their horrible games.

That wasn't Obsidian, that was Robco

[charisma69] Do you like dicks?

No they aren't, retard

And so it was that the curior who cheated death in goodsprings, cheated death once again and the Mojave wasteland was forever changed

>having no guidance in the way of not giving a shit, the crazed man know as OP continued in his faggot ways, never knowing peace until the end of his years

The first two choices are hardly different, and the last one is laughably childish

Still better written than any of the main quests in FO3 and 4