*purges your city*

*purges your city*

Non Warcraft fag here, what’s Arthas’ fucking problem anyway?

Uther: Glad I could make it, Arthas.

Arthas: I watch my tone with you, old man. I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin.

Uther: As if you could forget. Yes Arthas, there's something about the plague I should know. ...Oh no, it's already begun. These people may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into the Undead!

Arthas: What?!

Uther: This entire city must be purged.

Arthas: How can I even consider that? There's got to be some other way.

Uther: Damn it, Arthas! As my future king, order me to purge this city!

Arthas: I am not your king yet, old man. Nor should you obey that command even if I were.

Uther: Then you must consider this an act of treason.

Arthas: Treason?! Have I lost my mind, Uther?

Uther: Have you? Prince Arthas, by right of succession and the sovereignty of your crown, you must hereby relieve me of my command, and suspend my paladins from service.

Jaina: Uther! He can't just--

Uther: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow him. The rest of you... get out of his sight.

Arthas: I've just crossed a terrible threshold, Uther.

Jaina: ...Arthas?

Arthas: I'm sorry, Jaina. You can't watch me do this.

nothing, culling stratholme was the only viable option, he didn't mean to become the lich king, he just wanted to save his people

A city had the food poisoned turning people into undead. He had a fit over his superior Paladin and made his superior, and girlfriend leave him. After purging that city a demon taunted him to going to the north pole. He was so focused on revenge he hired mercenaries to burn the ships that would send his troops home then lied that the mercenaries were average monsters and killed them. Finally he got Frostmourne despite that his new Dwarf friend said it's cursed.

When Frostmourne was released it also killed his Dwarf friend.

He meant the best for his people, but he was a reckless idiot
The Lich King used his idiocy to trick him into selling his own soul, bit by bit. The purge was the first step in that process.

>killed his dwarf friend
no user, it merely bonked him on the noggin and gave him amnesia!

t. modern blizzard

Whatever dumb decisions he made afterwards, he did the right thing culling the city

muradin actually didn't die, they brought him back in wrath, he lost his memory and became leader of some blue dwarfs that lived there for some reason

Get Bamboozled by the Legion/Lich king to go full retard and become the lich king bitch (but at the end he take his revenge so it's fine)

custom maps literally ruined my ability to enjoy other games and realize how unimaginative everything is

someone post the alt version of this please
i wiped my HDD recently and lost it

>Writing a new interesting character is hard so let's bring back someone with a retarded reason

Pls blizzard take my 60 bucks and explain me how Sylvanas is a good girl :$

Wherever he goes, he must also purge

"Well Arthas I made it, despite your directions."
"Ah, Uther the Lightbringer welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!"
>finds plagued grain
"Gasps By the Light! My grain is ruined!"
"What if... I were to purge Stratholme and disguise it as stopping the plague? Ho ho ho ho ho, delightfully devilish, Arthas."
>Uther walks in
"Uther! I was just, uh, stetching my calves on this sack of grain! Isometric exercise! Care to join me?"
"Why is there smoke coming out of the city, Arthas?"
"Uuh, dooh! That isn't smoke, it's steam; steam from the steamed clams we're having! Mmmmm, steamed clams."
>starts killing civilians
"Uther, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!"
"I thought we were having steamed clams?"
"Doh' no, I said steamed hams! That's what I call hamburgers."
"You call hamburgers 'steamed hams'?"
"Yes, it's a regional dialect."
"Uh-huh, uh what region?"
"Uuuh, Captial City?"
"Really? Well I'm from Lordaeron, and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed hams'."
"Oh, not in Lordaeron no, it's a Khaz Modan expression."
"I see."
"You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have in Andorhal."
"Dohohoho nooo, Pattened Menethil Burgers! Old family recipe!"
"...For steamed hams?"
"Yes, you call them steamed hams, despite the fact they're obviously plagued."
"... Y-ye-eauh... You know th-... One thing I sh-... S'cuse me for one second."
>purges Stratholme
"yawns Well, thats wonderful. Good time was had by all, I'm pooped!"
"Yes, I should be- GOOD LORD, what is happening in there?!"
"Auora Borealis."
"Uh- Auora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of Azeroth, localized entirely within Stratholme?"
"...may I see it?"
"Arthas! The city is on fire!"
"No Jaina, that's just the northern lights."
"Well Arthas, you have crossed a terrible threshold but I must say, you steam a good ham."

Sylvanas isn't a good girl though
t. everyone except cuckthanos

same, senpai.

Hilarious how almost every new "genre" to come out in the past 10+ years are largely ripoffs of sc, wc3, or hl/source engine custom maps

still an admirable effort

thanks man

Glad you could bake it, Uther.

Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the waiter, but I'm still your superior as a chef.

As if I could forgetti. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plaguette you should knead. Oh no... It's too late. These peopleroni have all been infectedanana. They may look al dente now, but its a matter of thyme before they turn into the unedible.


This entire citrella must be peeled.

How can you even cook that? There's got to be some other whey.

Damn it, Umami. As your future chef, I order you to broil this city!

You are not my chef yet, boyardee. Nor would I obey that command if you were!

Then I must consider this an act of seasoning.

Seasoning? Have you sauced your mince, Arthas?!

Have I? Lord Umami, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown of roast pork, I hereby rehydrate you from your commandard and suspenderoni your pepperoni from service.

Arthas, you just can't...

*Ding* It's done! Those of you who have the will to taste this flan, follow me. The rest of you? Get out of my kitchen.

You've just tossed a terrible salad, Arthas.


I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't watch you cook this.

>new game comes out
>it's literally a wc3 map in unity for $15

Holy fuck man, warcraft 3 was too good for this world, people who missed out on pre-bot/post-listchecker battle net literally missed the greatest age in gaming.


I fucking hate faggots who claim Wrath was the best expansion.

Literally everything wrong with the game started there, writing especially.

TBC was a mess gameplay wise. sunwell was a mistake.

>playing an MMO
Literally designed to waste your time as long as humanly possible

That is an alternative version already.

Arthas did nothing wrong

They seem so alike that one can easily miss it if they speed read it.