Other urls found in this thread:
>got it memorized?
I love Junko!
I love her stinky sister!
I saw that
fuck waifu shit, post best boys
he literally did nothing wrong
Is DR3 canon? the anime I mean
It is
Even the fucking manga Killer Killer is canon
He did everything wrong.
I wish there were more doujins starring her :(
I wanna kill Junko!
I wanna fuck Junko desu and cause you absolute despair by having your waifu stolen.
I still can't get over how for the first three cases the people you'd expect to be killers actually killed someone
3rd trial had me absolutely butt blasted
Does anyone have the female version? I liked the design.
>/drg/ has their own separate general on /trash/
Could that place get any worse?
that place is just riddled with porn though
even this asshole goes there
He's on every danganronpa thread