Monster Hunter World

>*Stuns the monster you are hunting for free*
Have you thanked your Tzitzi today?

I'm pretty sure they only happen to stun the monster you are hunting in order to protect itself or to get free food out of it. No one would be so cucked as to work for no sort of compensation.

What’s the true best, probably Jap way to land a true charged slash on a sleeping monster? I’m talking measuring the right distance consistently

Just use barrel bombs dummy

Everyday, he and I are bros in saying fuck Legiana


>not thanking Great Girros for paralyzing Odagaron

Love how he shows up at every best moment to help out with quests. Saves me so many flash pods.

>using barrel bombs for 500ish damage when you could be doing over 700 plus 2 barrel bombs if you position them correctly
Are you serious?


charge first hit don't charge second then charge final works everytime

>Great Jagras

>Great Girros

>no great Shamos

As someone HR 52, this game end game just make me miss 4U.
It really had the best endgame of all MH games.
Grindy as fuck true but so much potential.

>140 GQ gave you a chance to get a crazy broken weapon or the best charms while also offering an incredible challenge
Taking any hit from a tempered Teostra and not get OHKO on the spot make me die inside a lil bit

little things like this make the game perfect.

Why is he so smug?


>Bat seeking dog missle


I am thanking him by rocking his bitchin pelt.

Why is the combat still clunky even when its not stuck on a handheld

go fight some tempered bagels, I always have fun getting one hit by their bombs

It's a base game, has no G Rank, just something to get used to. Hopefully they'll have G Rank as an update you can pay for rather than having to go out and buy MH World Ultimate

Should I spend 10 bucks to allow Sony to let me play online?

Not sure if multiplayer is worth it, got to HR by myself

It's only clunky if you use the heavy weapons.

>trying to find bristly crake

>Fighting bagels in melee
Nigga what the fuck?

>full retard layered RNG in both weapons and charms
Just go play Frontier or something

even vanilla 4 had GQs that went up to a good level, X had deviants, Tempereds just seem so lackluster in comparison, they don't even have a different appearance from regular monsters

You listed deviants like they were a good thing when they were actually terrible

I know some people don't like bats but that's a bit much .

Fucking this.
They don't even have any cool auras or stuff that make them look any different from normal monsters.
Meanwhile MH4 still had the Frenzy mechanic and cool aura.

the fights themselves were great, the only thing terrible about the system is the tickets

What's the secret behind sword and shield in this game?
In other games people said they were fast and therefore good at status but this game has the cat and insect glaives which do way more attacks and status more consistently than the SnS that has trouble reaching anything but the feet.

Deviants and their sets were truly the best thing about X. Wish they brought them back, it was a good system.

Hopefully fucking never. The only monster I don't miss, and I don't think I ever will.

only vorefags enjoy the khezu

fighting its not even fun because it spends 80% of the battle screeching

>Implying deviant fights weren't fucking awesome
Only bad thing about them is the stupid ticket system, what the fuck were they thinking with that shit?

I wonder how much of the game got fucked by time constraints

I don't know how else you'd explain the trashy weapon designs

In other games you could do that but also place bombs incredibly quickly with the right skills to gain an enormous dps boost.
I'm not sure if it's possible on World tho, I haven't tried yet.

Outside of guarding, IG is outright better than SnS.

Never if we're lucky.

Giginox when?

it was indev for 4 years, it's most likely just the usually MHTeam kikery with holding back content

>I don't know how else you'd explain the trashy weapon designs
>All those weapons who keep the same fucking skin from start to finish
Tobi's weapons especially got fucked by that, it's just stupid.
inb4 DLC weapon skin

That's a shame. Insect glaive is really cool but I love the big knife and little shield.

mmm I'd make some delish tzitzi sauce out of that fairly surprisingly pretty creature

I'm not much for the weapon myself, but I'm curious about how exactly you're supposed to use a Longsword in multiplayer against monsters that aren't xbox huge? I see people talk about positioning a lot, but there are plenty of monsters that, unless you're just doing a 2-person hunt (and sometimes even then), you will never have enough room to do a spirit combo unless the rest of your team fucks off for some reason.

it's pretty inconsistent

>Upgrade Jyuratodas IG
>eventually becomes an Axe when it reaches the HR Rarity
>Tobi Kodachi one stays the same

Also, can you not change the color of the pheromone end's glow or something? I recall it changing color to match whatever element your bug was but I made a water bug for this thing and it still glows orange.

Anyone got more webms of monsters fucking up other monsters in turf battles?

Tzitzi is not for sexual

Nope, the Gajalakas are the best bros.
>Down monsters
>Para or sleep their ass for you

>do low rank capture quest
>accidently fuck the monster up so bad he dies
woopsies :^)

negrigante hitboxes are fucking bullshit

that is all

i think we should all protest until our switchbros get a port, who's with me?

>do High Rank capture quest
>Basiljuice carpetbombs it to death

Nope you can't and that's dumb.

who the hell isn't an idort

also Switch still has XX


Also, with Lance/GLance, how do they rank as solo weapons?

What other monsters can cause bleeding besides Odogaron? Dunno how useful bleed resist is gonna work out being.

Only if you let him grow spike or don't superman jump its slam.

Or he could do both.
Put down barrels and then Charge slash it.

There's several other IGs that use that halberd base too, it's just one of the variant bases

Even the fucking final boss weapons are just iron reskins, it makes me want to puke

So what's endgame like? Is there any point in playing once I've hunted every monster at least once? I see tempered being thrown around. Are tempered monsters any different from their base equivalents aside from increased damage? Like are they faster/have new moves etc? If not the I don't even see the point

Because you play lots of games with weightless combat that let you cancel every action. MH makes you fucking commit when you hit a button.

Barrel bombs don't get anything from the sleeping modifier user, that's why you do both.

Why are so many LBGs trash? Seems only a few are worth using, then there's completely garbage ones like the Mythical Horn with damage hilariously lower than it's counterparts.

Is there a higher rank stag beetle set? It's so fucking cool but I've already outclassed it

the element of your bug doesn not determin it's color. It's the status effect.
You have a blast bug on.

Then use it. No reason to min max in the easiest entry in the series.

Got it my first time there and didn't even know it existed, it was just hovering the mushroom

Oh, so it's Dust instead of element now, okay.

just increased damage, they give gems for augmenting to make you stronger but there's not much point to it as there's nothing new to fight other than the tempereds themselves

What is the point of having more than 2 points in any Element Attack? Since most weapons cap their element before a flat +100 boost it seems kind of pointless.

Tradition at this point.

You fight tempered monsters to get augment stones for your equipment and better decorations than the crap you got while going through the story, that's pretty much it

I hate that no one makes text guides anymore, having to dredge through youtuber garbage to find info is the worst

I'm trying to get rarity 4 bone weapons, but I'm missing the top bone in the recipe (specifically HBG but I think all of them use it). Anyone know what it is/where to find it?

Whatever retarded pile of dogshit at Capcom though Vaal Hazak was anywhere close to a good idea needs to be beaten with a tire iron. This is seriously the worst fucking Elder Dragon they've ever done, and I thought it couldn't get any shittier than Kirin and yet they somehow managed to do it. What a fucking joke.

Only LBG worth using for me is the Rathbuster.

Lads, I want to main bow, but every question I see posted has at least one bow user.

What should I do?

Will they bring the Jang after Deviljho? Tigrex? Zinogre? Tigrex fucking up the Wildspire would be fun.

>I hate that no one makes text guides anymore

user, wikis are the new faqs. You don't have to watch shitty youtube videos


I don't really get how he is a elder dragon to be honest, he's just a sponge that has a gimmick that get completely fucked over by nullberries

no, only the rest of the monsters that were in the leak, so Luna, Oroshi Kirin, Alatreon, and whetever Treasure Dragon is

>Muffling it ain't me in the distance

The monster hunter wiki is hilariously barebones, unless someone made a new one without telling me

And Kiranico's still a work in progress at the moment

Is he /our monster/?

and Kushala Daora is a complete push over if you have wind resistance.

You're mad if you think they aren't doing more than that. Those are probably just part of the Spring DLC

Or flashbombs.

just don't get your hopes up user

You do know that the reason they had fleshed out wiki's and shit when a new monster hunter came out is because they were building off of the Non-Ultimate/unite/XX version.

Does poison still work?

Yep, on Teo too.

works fine for me
t. gunlance user

What do you need to meld Rathalos Gems? I've hunted like 10 of them and it hasn't dropped yet.

>clearly out of the path

>it hits

this is bullshit

Lance is arguably the highest IQ weapon in the game

It would be really questionable if they made the decision to add two clones, Alatreon and no Fatalis and only one new monster. This game also sorely lacks a good Water monster.

Why the fuck is it so difficult to play with friends? I don't mind just hunting monsters, but they wanna do story quests, and trying to do either together is more complicated than it needs to be. Fuck.

The only monsters weak to water is Lavasioth and Barroth with mud on him tho.