Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Katamari. Then watch our world get decimated and turned into stars.
Any other answer is simply incorrect
Rune Factory
Final Fantasy TicTacs of course
Monster Girl Quest
Unironically FFTA.
Thank you, user.
Any space game with good exploration
tactics advance isn't actually a bad choice
Fighting everyday would get old fast tbqhf
My life isn't so bad now so hopefully I'd just get a hair dye if I picked it since a Bangaaa friend sounds awesome
You don't have to fight the other clans everyday tho, you can have an animal related job, like a lone blue mage exploring the country to discover and catalogue on book new species while learning useful magic from them. A beastmaster raising all kind of lamias for your fetishes and dragons for anyone who wants to use them in fight.
Or a merchant of all sort of things, exploring catacombs and discovering treasures.
Or become a master magician, dunno.
Megaman Battle Network
>tfw no netnavi waifu
No, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is the only correct answer.
Maiden Rape Assault Violent Semen Inferno
Monster Hunter
>casuals get fucking eaten alive or carted
>pros enjoy the hunts, loot, amazing food and saunas regularly
But user, even if you have a navi waifu you can't fuck her. Unless you're a navi yourself?
Ivalice desu
I want to breed rabbit girls
wario world
I remember that thread.
Megaman Battle Network or Starforce
This. You can join clans, beat and kill everyone you want up and you'll get revived at the end as long as you're not in a jagd, spend your evenings getting rowdy in a bar, and ogle cute viera girls all day while montblanc sucks you off under the table.
I like this post until the last part
What the fuck is wrong with you
It's just a joke, I killed montblanc in the jagds on subsequent playthroughs, he's useless and my other moogles are better.
sims :)
Hope you don't have any mental problems.
And then you go to gaol because some dickhead judge showed up and decided you're not allowed to step on grass.
Monster Hunter World on PC
The game has like 24 slots for units, do you really needed his slot that badly? I bet you didn't even used half of all the units you had.
Rules are stated before battle and if you can't play by the rules just surrender, what's the worst that could happen? The battle ends there and at most you lose a mission, not your life.
>killing monbro
I wonder if these are the same people that would never use frog in chrono thriger.
world of warcraft
>there are people who don't use brobot in chrono trigger
No wonder god hates us
Unironically a monster
crypt of the Necrodancer
Porn game probably. Having difficulty actually choosing
>FFTA made before isekai becomes popular
Really makes you think
Alice in Wonderland best isekai
Go to the snow you lazy fuck
You don't actually have to fight though. You could just be a pimp that has Vieras do the job for him. All you have to bother with is being a clan leader and occasionally taking a girl out of jail.
smt iv
>ITT: People think they wouldn't be a random NPC instead of the main protagonist.
Which one lets me turn into a cute animu girl?
Being an NPC in Pokemon wouldn't be too bad if you get to fuck the underage girls
I'm more than fine being a random NPC in FFTA as long as I'm a human.
The sims, maybe then the God hand controlling me will make me get a girl
Being an NPC in a world with godlike sorcerers and monsters would be pants shittingly terrifying. Imagine what it would be like being a random office worker in Metropolis.
>Being an NPC in a world with godlike sorcerers and monsters would be pants shittingly terrifying
Not when there's a judge on every fight and you can't die unless you're on a jadg
Except in a game like tactics everybody has the ability to learn magic if they put themselves to it
Would *you* learn magic? Or would you realize the level of dedication, study, and effort that it takes is way beyond what you're willing to invest and instead just work the farm and imagine what it would be like living in a different world, like a 21st century Earth where people can become astronauts or learn to fly jet planes and *of course* you would do those things if you lived in a fantasy world like that.
Maybe if he's an actual npc as in one of the characters only mentioned in the quest's description that's a normal villager, but if he's one of the human enemies in the game that would make him just as dangerous as those monsters or eventually become it.
>Doned, Marche and ritz became clan leaders after a few months of landing in the new world
>Ritz becoming the leader of a full Viera clan
>Marche managed to become the most wanted felon on the country
>his clan got so powerful they were seen as dictators by other clans
FFTA world seems waaaaaay more easy than our world user, after all it was a fantasy, it makes sense for it to be easy.
>be recruited into clan
>only have to take care of giant chickens a week once a month then you're hanging out with friends
I wish this was real life.
Why did I laugh so hard at this?
A Yankee in King Arthur's Court