Has there ever been a more perfect leading lady in a video game?

Has there ever been a more perfect leading lady in a video game?



Yes. Nobody cares about this cutscene game.

can we make this into a soyboy thread?

Max is cute

I like Max but she fucked up. She went for the girl that's always talking about another girl while guilt tripping you instead of Kate. I don't think anyone actually liked Chloe, why her game is irrelevant and never talked about.

you didn't chose the best pic

Kate is pure and not a sinful dyke.

BTS is more niched and less ambitious since it was made mostly for the fans of the original to give them an opportunity to revisit the setting and give a little bit more backstory


too ez

Never before her, but now? The torch has been passed.

ez pz

This game makes Chloe even more detestable, desu.

and the list goes on

Not even the best teenage girl protagonist.

is that an actual skin in I'll bleed???


ill marry max

Laura is a super cool mostly silent protagonist, one of my favorites.



i just got this game for free