Who here Xbox Army? It looks like Rare has made the next Minecraft with Sea of Thieves as it is blowing up on all the big gaming sites. Apparently a new Fable is in the works. MS might be making a major move to acquire new exclusives. It's an absolutely amazing time to play on Xbox. What are you looking forward to and who would you like to see MS acquire or partner with?
Xbox Army
Sea Of Theievs looks mad good. Music is top notch
MS should get EA and Ubisoft
Is this dude for real?
Anyone messing around with the BC games? I'm glad they're enhancing a bunch of them instead of making it a straight port with no upgrades. I also like how we don't have to pay for the enhanced upgrades if you already own the game(s).
I was playing through Fable Anniversary, but dropped it when I couldn't get the smart glass achievement because that app doesn't work anymore.
Still kinda mad about that.
I can't fucking wait for Microsoft's E3 press conference this year, it's gonna be good.
what an ecks bucks?
I'm glad they didn't push their AR/VR and that they dropped the Kinect. Nothing worse at these games conferences than sitting through a half an hour of indie games for a peripheral.
Agreed, Microsoft and Nintendo will just be showing games at E3 this year and that's it.
Is this some attempt by a Microsoft shill to create hype?
Never even heard of this shit game.
Who is even left at Sony that will represent them at E3? Kaz and House are gone so I guess it'll be that one big guy from the last few years. The only thing I remember about their conference from 2017 is "HULK SMASH".
>he plays Xbox in the year of our lord
I don't even know, the only thing they really have to show is remasters and some movie games that still haven't come out yet. I bet most of the show will be VR focused with some stupid ass orchestra. I'm hoping since Kaz is gone, they will stop making feminist movie games and go back to making video games.
Instead you got an hour of indies for the world's most powerful console.
Still better than VR shit
Funny how that VR shit ended up being about as impressive as all those timed indies.
What's going on with PSVR anyway? This place is littered with Sonyfriends and even they don't seem to care bout it. I don't think I have ever seen a PSVR thread on here, let alone any VR threads in the past five months.
>it's another xcuck talking about e3 in february
not surprising, you've got fuck all else this year
It had RE7, which is apparently great, but I don't care enough about both things to try out, and the Until Dawn prequel, which I would be excited for, but fuck VR.
Playing MHW. I'll be fine
It gets more threads than these transparent Xbox shill attempts do. You probably don't notice cause you spend all your time in your safe space.
EA and Blizz-Activision would be ideal, if possible
You bought into the PSVR meme, didn't you?
I like Xbox but this is obvious some paid shilling with the guy either talking to him self or working with other shills.
The VR shit was, shit
>you can't be excited about someone else's E3 unless it's Sony
>talking about Christmas in july
that's the approximate comparison
>you can't have discussions of a video game conference on a video game board
Sea of Thieves looks fun but lacking in content.
Then again I’m a salty old crusty Rare fan and I want Banjo to get the third game he truly deserved but that will never happen in my lifetime I’m afraid
I hope the 20th anniversary game is the third game but if it's a remake I'm fine with that.