What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?
Also which ending was better?

Other urls found in this thread:


Best ending
>Ciri becomes a witcheress
>Olgierd is killed by Gaunter
>Fucked both Triss and Yen
>They break up with you
>Make sisters reconcile
>Live happily in your cotage with Ciri

He hired a Witcher to solve his problems.

Is there a ending where Tris dies? Sending her into unrequited love hell isn't a enough.

>Is there a ending where Tris dies
no sorry the incompetent developers dont let you make choices in an rpg

He's a shit non-canon (games don't exist) Gary Stu

Fuck off

There are plenty of choices, what you suggesting is more tabletop DnD where DM can change story on the fly. You can't do that in games, at least yet when AI gets better then your wish will be fulfilled

What are you talking about?

The Witcher games aren't canon

And this dude is a terrible character

no one cares about your shitty novels, kurwa

literally nobody gives a fuck about your shitty childrens fantasy books, you filthy poolak. The games are the only relevant thing that came out of this series and everyone including the author knows its true

How does it feel to know that the books get a show and the game doesn't LEL

>netflix series
enjoy your black garret and tranny yen, faglord

why would the games need a show? the game is a show in and of itself.

> Ciri becomes a witcheress
> Nilfgaard wins the war
> Olgierd is saved
> stayed with best girl Yennefer
> Anarietta btfo, place flower on her grave
> live with best girl Yennefer ever after

I don't watch shows though. I play games only

I fucking disagree, after reading books I don't know why people love Yen, she's horrible, plots all the time and jealous as fuck

He had the best theme:

how many times do we have to tell you that your books are irrelevant.

>give people what they want
>all of a sudden they stop enjoying your gift
>ask for payment
>"you are the evil incarnate, devil himself"

i guess losing everything but a house and a bunch of hillybillies wasn't a wish


I am actually worried about this

I'm out here trying to get that sick saddle fuck olgierd

Fuck Olgierd, I wish I could sacrifice him to bring Iris back.
Still, I ain’t no devil’s bitch, either.

He doesn't have any but he was pretty pissed when Geralt beat him. He is a sore loser, that is the only problem I can think of.

>tranny yen
what is the difference?

Games are not canon, it will be based directly off the books.

He's an evil demon.

They have the writer of the books as an advisor and he wouldn't stand for that shit, he's a hardass.

>Ciri vecomes a witcheress
lol worst ending fuck you Ciri must realize she's an adult now and become an empress not go to swamps and slay drowners

>Being an adult must mean doing a job you hate
Not if you have alternatives

being an adult means not being a retarded adult kid
what the fuck is sthis shit
Geralt and Yennefer are mad sterile faggots that should understand that Ciri is EMGYR'S daughter not theirs

>What the fuck was his problem?
He always gives you what you wished for , not what you wanted .

that's your problem though

>Being a nilfgard apologist
Just hang yourself by your golden sun desu.

I'm from Dyykstra team get fucked

gaunter killing olgeird has to be the best ending
that guy had it coming

but I needed the viper silver sword to complete the viper set so I saved olgierd plus u get iris

Better than being a degenerate Redanian supporter

Iris is kinda bad, this sworde can kill you faster than your opponents.

>that's your problem though
How is that my problem ? This guy is tricky af, it's like wishing for a cute trap gf but instead of granting your wish he MAKES you the trap gf .

*Blocks your path*

> siding with literal Nazi Radovid
shaking my head

>How about a round of Gwent ?

>So what was it like, having a Heart of Stone™?

That whole clusterfuck can just fuck itself. If there was an option to fuck off to Skellige and chill with my bros I would have.

Felt good to watch this cunt get what he deserved.

Mad Rad was at least right about the whole "fuck witches and wizards part", especially the "fuck Philippa and the Lodge" part.

>>So what was it like, having a Heart of Stone™?
He asked the wrong person

You're missing out on a chance to cuck the devil though.

>We can make a show about books everyones heard of or the most awarded game in history.

Tough choice

being immortal must get boring so he just wanted to play with the little ants

its her choice user

Women can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves.

I guess you could say he's topless

t. cucked Dijkstra

oh fuck off
i chuckled

The one that let me tell him to fuck off

That doesn't sound too bad.

>Olgierd is killed by Gaunter
>They break up with you
>Make sisters reconcile

anyone else haveplayed over 500 hours in Witcher 3

So how does this fag avoid getting his soul taken away by this universe's version of satan?

>introduce friend to witcher series
>he has 1300 hours in witcher 3

>*literally shits on you 5 times in a row*
what DID he mean by this?

Unexpected difficulty here, honeslty i like how CDPR listened to the complaints about the main game being too easy, but this boss is more ardious than difficult due to the life-steal.
>Highly expeirenced Witcher with enchanted swords
>Some demon with a broken shovel

Never remembered having that much trouble against this guy
then again i played broken fast attack build so idk