This motherfucker

This motherfucker.
>75 tries...

He really isn't that hard at all
Nameless king is tougher, so is shiteater midir


Fucking how

You have 20 rolls at full stamina at this point in the game.

Beat Nameless in 10 tries, Midir in 5.
Midir was easy, when you stick to his head he loops four attack over and over.
First phase of nameless was stupidly easy and second one had really well telegraphed attacks.

It was mostly gael's cape in second phase you cant roll through that shit.

You suck nigga

So if you're not a tard and can into pattern recognition then why did you find gael hard?

Beat him on first try at SL60.

Then again it took me >20 tries to beat demon prince.

>Nameless king is tougher


Tougher than Gael? He certainly is
All that Gael really has going for him is a big health bar, and by the time you're doing DLC your damage should be through the roof

Strange hitbox on cape. Still best fight in the entire series.
First try got him to 25% then i tried to ,for way too long, beat him like i would any other boss It didnt work so i stick with staying far from him and fishing openings. Of course i talk about second phase.

In the second phase you just don't lock onto him, and roll diagonally twice from start position and his cape won't do shit
And even if it does hit you, it did pretty minor damage

i beat this guy my first try, i was honestly supposed to die

when he was shooting the fuck out of me with that guts berserker crossbow ripoff i only took one drink to absorb the shots, it was about to shoot through all my health but for some reason i chugged a second estus...i have no idea how it happened, my controller is new so it wasn't like a broken phantom input, if i didn't drink the second one i would've died, i just didn't drop the ball after that and killed felt like a dream

Nameless King has the most obviously telegraphed attacks in the entire series.
You must be a retard if he took you more than few tries to beat.

Demon Prince was so fucking easy.

unironically one of the easiest bosses.

champion gundyr, nameless king and lord of cynder were all harder

Nameless king took me 3 tries on first character, 2 on second
Gael I've beaten with two different characters and he's never killed me
Gael's attacks aren't as telegraphed but easy as fuck to just roll spam out of damage
NK's attacks cover a lot of distance and there's very few windows to back out and regain stamina

co-oped him and it was pretty easy. Fuck solo playing Souls, it only means you die a bunch and replay the same areas over and over. Replaying isn't new content, folks.

How they are harder?
Beat Champion Gundyr and Soul of Cinder on my first try.

So you could beat the hard bosses in a reasonable amount of time and failed to this flailing fucker 75 times? Well, that's the beauty of these games.


try to use focus next time

Just admit you suck.

Midir is super easy

he has that retarded charging attack and infinite stamina

>Soul of Cinder
a lot of moves to learn since he randomly change phase, plus he killed me in 2 shots

>nameless king
in second phase he has a lot of lagging attacks that one shot me if i failed the dodge

gael on the other hand
>big guy in armor moveset
>low damage
>telegraphed aoe

it took me a couple of tries but it was pretty easy overall

what a casual

>people find Champ Gundyr hard
I'm curious, what weapons are you guys using? I always beat that fucker with the cleaver.

Soul of cinder is piss easy... An ultra greatsword stuns him in like 3 hits. And in the second phase you just need to get some distance and attack him when he does the jumping move.

The fucker literally pauses his attacks until you roll so they always hit you and does 40% of your hp each hit.

How in any way is he easier than Gael

Lol ? He's one of the easiest end-game bosses, I don't think I ever even died to him across 5 playthroughs. I had a harder time with soul of cinder or even gundyr, not to mention friede ...

now that i beat him i know that, but it's cool that you found him piss easy, guess you are more skilled than me then

You quite literally roll through it. One for the attack and one for the cape.

And I'm pretty sure he's ending the combo when that happens so two free hits there

Not as easy as Gael

Got DS3 today with the $12 sale
Already getting rekd by trash mobs in the castle after firelink shrine
Why I so bad at the computer games

Bad genetics

I beat him in maybe 15 attempts, granted I was using the aquamarine dagger so it was really easy to get hits in. Dodge rolling his shit is almost like a rhythm game. Had a WAY harder time with Frost Bitch desu.

Soul of cinder has like no hp and 4 of 5 his transformations are completly usless. It's easy boss as well as gundyr

good for you

That's a normal mechanic, if you keep pressing the drink button you'll keep chugging, every souls game is like this.

These threads are painful to read, everybody has a different build and playstyle so one boss might be easy for you and hard for others, and vice versa
either way, Sulyvahn is the one that troubled me the most

I actually never died to him, first time I saw him I home warded out to search the area, then saw the fog gate. I beat him at SL 100 first try.

I was kinda disappointed, all his attacks were easy reads where he does some weird ass dragon ball z pre attack indication in mid air. Horrible way to end the souls series

This is Bloodborne lite, just roll nibba.

>Give blood of the dark soul to little girl
>Nothing else happens, last souls game
So what gives? Does the girl paint other worlds? Like is demon souls and bloodborne just paintings inside of dark souls?

Silly baka gajin, we couldn't afford to make another 10 second ending cutscene, enjoy your two lines of dialogue.

all bosses are easy to me

>expecting bombastic cutscene that gives you plot perfectly chewed

What game have you been playing? What else did you expect?

Has anyone actually died to Quelaag?

I dont know, maybe a fade out with the girl or some one talking about painting? Painted worlds are the most confusing aspect of this for me.
>Oh look a painted world protected by painting guardians
>Oh Gael has a torn painting but the world still works ok
>Lets burn the painting from inside, ok w/e
>Oh the girl wants to paint a world inside a painted world
What is this inception but with art?

>Play DS3 on release
>Move onto other games
>Get Fire Fades for Christmas
>Suck ass at DS3 now
>Have to slog through main game again
>Losing motivation
Don't know why I didn't keep my character. I really want to see the DLC but fuck me for some reason 3 hasn't drawn me in like the other Souls games. I played it once and feel like there isn't a lot I did't experience already. I'm about to be at the swamp and man I'm having issues pushing myself to play.

Use co-op if you've already beaten an area solo, no one cares. You'll make the game easier and give the pvpfags something to do.

Problem with 3 is its very linear and when it does branch out its in minor ways. This is one thing I liked about 2 for replayability, at the very start of the game you had like 4 directions you could go and if you hated one area you could at least speed run another, kill a boss, bonfire asetic, kill him again for the +soul and start the game off with w/e build you wanted.

You're likely talking to SS memers. If you're trying to use any weapon that has a windup, like UGS, NK is probably going to give you trouble because there will only be a handful of attacks that you can punish without getting your shit stomped. All bosses read your inputs, but NK is set to 11 in that department, and his delay on attacks is probably the most noticeable. Whenever I see someone say this guy, Freide, Midir, etc were easy, I immediately assume SS shitter.

Are the paintings a cycle in and of themselves??? In thinking the cycle of fire and dark ended, maybe we just kicked it off again in the new loli painting.

Being this shit you havent gotten to sl 179 on first playthrough via phantom soul drops and 1 man army killing every boss upto gravetender dlc boss in ariandil with a plus 10 mace only

I liked the game but I think the amber theme is pretty awful. Demons souls and dark souls had much better themes.

Legitimately the best easy boss in the series, all of his attack’s can easily be dodged or blocked, but goddamn fighting him across the wasteland whiles he’s doing fucking Somersaults or bat gliding was cool as shit

>I played it once and feel like there isn't a lot I did't experience already.

Because it's true. There's only one path to clear the game with, and all the loot and secrets are on it the first time through.

his attacks are fucking telegraphed

his last form is probably the easiest, you can just take your time and cheese him

>just keep rolling back to dodge his attacks, they are easy to avoid
>wait for gael to use his special attack where he attacks you twice from above and then uses his weapon art
>dodge everything and attack him 2-3 times depending on your weapon
>step back
>rinse and repeat

it's probably the safest way to deal with him as melee since it's nearly impossible to get hit by those attacks

What the fuck is SS and Nameless King is easy. You niggers just need to learn how to dodge.
He has like 5 attacks that are all easily avoidable

Nameless King and Gael aren't really hard bosses mechanically, the reality is they just take a long fucking time and therefore make your mistakes more punishable.

Nameless King first phase is a gimmick, second has very clear telegraphed attack, the only thing that caught me off-guard was his lightning aoe thingy midway through, but overal the only thing that makes him appear hard is because the game forces you to do the first phase again and again, if it wasn't for that nobody would bitch about him, same with gael who is just a healthpool.

Midir on the other hand is complete fucking bullshit.

Post your fucking stats and build and we'll criticise and share our wisdom.

Dohry's Gnawing, fuck nut.

Just once, I think. Honestly, Beltower was the fucking worst. Being able to walk though that with no issues on NG+ was what let me know I had got gud.

nameless king is only tough because of the retarded camera in phase 1, other than he is really piss easy

my very first run I ended up in blighttown with no repairkit or smitbox so I had to beat her with a toothpick or climb all the way back up

took me like 20 tries I want to say

midit becomes trivial if you manage to not trigger his instakill attack. after that's it's just a bullet sponge

>not expecting a level or the credits to play at some point
>for the final goddamn entry in the Souls series
>being a willing fanboy that laps up Fromsoft spunk even when they put out shit

Yeah, that's a good boy.

Why are Ringed City apologists exclusively brainlets? It's not enough you enjoy the shittiest DLC in the Souls series, you gotta strawman anyone remotely displeased to make it look like they're asking for too much?

Breh, you forgot your medicine

>All bosses read your inputs
>look this up
>it's true


don't worry about it too much and keep trying. just don't summon or else you'll just get carried by someone else


I assume straight sword. DaS3 players are really anal about them for some reason.

>ai that actually works and reacts to player's behavior


Yeah bite me mate.

You can't just regurgitate the same retard-tier strawman every time someone criticizes the objectively shit ending of Ringed City.

>can be tricked into reacting to the wrong player action by what buttons you hold at the same time
>"reacts" when it starts animations to punish whatever you do in the same frame you push the button


It's not, From are hacks.

What does it say about me when I breezed through DaS3 without any trouble at all, but the Bell Gargoyles in DaS1 kick my ass? I just don't get it.

>Naked barbarian ultra greatsword build
>Beat him in two tries
>Mage build
>Died 20 times. Still haven't beaten him.

this post is Sup Forums in a nutshell just like everyone on Sup Forums and /r9k/ is 6'11 with a 10 inch dick and everyone on Sup Forums is aryan

Here’s my usual build
>get str and dex high enough to use a long sword
>pump everything else into faith and int
>few points into attunement
>I now have every tool available to me
Every single boss becomes easy at this point, because you can exploit all their weaknesses.

It only shows that DS1 is only hard due to its clunkiness and DS3 overdid it with stuff like rollspamming and "style over substance" bosses.

Or maybe he's just a speedrunner. It's not exactly a rarity these days.

Gid gud retard

But that doesn't count. I mean, sure everything will be easy after you play a game lots of times. I can beat Dark Souls 1 in 3 hours now

This. Every souls game I play my first character the same way: very little armour and the biggest, dumbest weapon i can find. For dks3 it was the hammer of the demon king. It made Nameless King nearly impossible: no windows to attacs and for negligible damage. Couldn't do it and I had to summon. Next run I played with the dark sword and did it on like my third attempt