How does being a ghoul make one attracted to ghouls? This is some shitty writing...

How does being a ghoul make one attracted to ghouls? This is some shitty writing, not like amputees become attracted to other amputees.

Between nobody else wanting your rotting flesh, outliving human partners, and the radiation fucking yo your brain I can see it. Mostly it's likely an adaptation to their current situation of being a high functioning zombie.

this. Harland just know better than to punch above his weight

You mean a fool?

You'd still masturbate to attractive hentai right? Or does he fap to ghouls as well?
How big is the guro audience in the Fallout universe?

how does being a convict make one attracted to convicts? This is some shitty writing, not like amputees become attracted to other amputees

wouldn't be surprised if his dick was barely functional anyway

would he even fap? You'd think each layer of skin would be too precious to waste on masturbation.

He doesn't have nose or ears, why do you think he has a dick?

This analogy makes NO sesne.
Being a convict means you're stuck with other convicts. Dumbass. As soon as they're out they're back to vanilla.

Because he had sex
If he didn't he'd be a eunuch and act far more rational.

Your second sentence literally explains why it makes sense my man.

Old people are happy to fuck eachother, its the same thing but with less noses.

>Says it doesn't make sense
>literally says why it makes sense afterwards

>he had sex
Now that I think about it. What if the reason they go for other ghouls is the same reason Spider-Man killed Mary Jane. radioactive semen

He's not stuck with other ghouls.

This is how I see it. Plus like with old people still lusting for younger people regularly there's also points (unless I'm making shit up) where ghouls talk about good looking smooth skins as well. Just as there's that one freak we never see that wants a ghoul whore to fuck in NV.

Non-ghouls or people under 200 years old are like children to them when it comes to their emotional level. You'd want to engage with developed humans from before the war, not some dumb kids born in the barbarity of the wastes.

That... would make a lot of sense if it wasn't for FO4
Let's just say FO4 is bad fanfiction

But he is though, no sane normal human would fuck a ghoul. I suppose he could just rape humans, but in terms of a consensual relationship which is what most people want, it would have to be someone just as horrifically ugly as him.

What? the whole point of his character is that he is forced to live in a segregated community with other ghouls, and other humans fucking shoot him when he gets too close.

You don't find him strolling around the roads of Megaton tipping his hat to fine human ladies ffs, he's hiding in a system of caves or sewers or something ffs.

>no sane normal human would fuck a ghoul
a man can be sane despite a few fucked up fetishes
after all there is a market for ghoul prostitutes ingame

why not wouldn't finding someone who has what you had amputated and vice versa be perfect you could fuse togethet like a megazord and be a whole person again together nothing more meaningful than that

Learn punctuation nigga

How do you know amputees aren't attracted to other amputees? Why wouldn't they at least be more open to people who have gone through the same process of losing a limb and re-learning how to do things? Someone who can relate to your problems and struggles makes a pretty ideal partner.

The same way the lack of real pussy makes some fuckers here attracted to ghouls


>go balls deep
>girl immediately wants to stop and takes you to court for rape

I wrote a detailed post explaining the nuances of this to you last time you made this thread OP.

This time I just want to ask you imagine me snuggling up with my boyfriend tonight enjoying social and sexual intimacy that has been denied you. Think on this, and reflect on whether or not your tendency to post shitty threads like this one over and over again has contributed to the cold, lonely night ahead of you.