
Denuvofags absolutely on suicide watch.

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally 3 months later when nobody cares about that trash game anymore

>mfw it's real

I appreciate the effort that went into cracking it but, for what?
A shitty game?
Meanwhile i can't for the life of me find a forza horizon 3.

already cracked

I wish they ported the first horizon to pc so I could play it with a proper wheel.
if I get an xbone can I use a wheel with backwards compatible titles?


>Buy mad max on sale
>Works pretty great, play an hour
>Try the next day, doesn't work
>Try everything to fix it for 2 weeks, notice some new players also have this issue
>End refunding the game
>Next sale, dozens of people have this same issue
>Some guy realizes it's fucking denuvo not working on their side
>They flood WB customer support and get it to work in less than a day

And they fucking say denuvo doesn't affect legit players. Fuck them, there is no fucking reason to keep the DRM 2 years after release. I'm never buying denuvo crap again, not even on sale, don't want my games to stop working after their shit service collapses.

its a convoluted bypass. Not technically cracked.

Fuck you, OP. It's fake.

meanwhile I pirated and played the game trouble free

>it's real
DBFighterz WHEN

Anyone with a legit copy willing to pirate it to see howmuch denuvo and VRM protect affect performance?

I'll try it when game is 10$ on sale

>Was waiting daily for a crack months ago
>Now that it's cracked I couldn't give less of a shit

being able to play = cracked

Nothing will change, denuvo+VMprotect is still running, it's just bypassed.

Why would you even play Forza Horizon 3 cracked? You can't download liveries made by others, which is the single appealing factor of the game.

if you want to try it out then get an old pirated copy of nuDOOM which still has denuvo and compare it to the current buyfag version which has denuvo removed. performance stays the same for the most part it's just your HDD that is at constant 100% in the old version


the performance issue varies from game to game. Doom wasn't really that affected, on the other hand that indieshit was fucking crippled by it.

Also assasin's kangz has vmprotect on top of denuvo. There's no way that shit does not have an impact on performance.

Where do I download this shit

>pay $60 for game
>three months later it's trash


Does the game even have multiplayer and, if so, does anyone even play it? Single-player games don't change in quality over time.

denuvo 5 is already out there with DBFZ, crack that you CPY faggots I can't wait 5+ months

WELL, nuDOOM before denuvo removal was unplayable either way because my HDD sounded like a jet plane even with a soundproof'd PC case and even with the PC case under the desk. and my SSD didn't have enough space for it's 60gb size

But is the game any good?
The last one i played was Black Flag and i enjoyed it somewhat

shit, to give you an accurate representation of what it sounded like playing it, if you ever played games from the bluray on a super slim ps3, that's exactly what it sounded like, I was genuinely scared the HDD will rip itself out of the case


lets hope warhammer tomb kangz and mortal empires is next.

i cba downloading 60 gb's of KAANGZ in egypt

Wasnt this game released like a half year ago?

AC:O already got the sales they needed. Denuvo won.

No multiplayer my nigga.
Also the most RPG-like AC ever made.
Still no NG+ tho (they're adding it later this month)
>t. someone who actually bought it and was surpised because it's actually fun.

>order a steak at a restaurant
>guy at next table yells "enjoy your scraps! I had a steak a half year ago!"

it's pretty good, I haven't really played the series since brotherhood but I got this one for free with my ssd and it doesn't really feel like an assassin's creed game as much as a witcher 3 style open world game with souls like combat

this. maybe also RE7 DLCs I want to fap to infected Zoe

o ye completely forgot about RE7

i still have it installed on my PC waiting for the DLC which never came

Don’t bother. Shit crashes without warning at random intervals. It’s a wifey known issue in the community and MS has done fuck all to fix it. It’s a suspected memory leak


This. Not too bad really I feel like everyone wins in this scenario. Publishers get to feel like they protected "sales" and poorfags still eventually get their free games.

torrent when ?

GTA5 had Arxan and when pirates removed it it definitely got a few extra frames

>Forzas most appealing factor when the game first launched on the Xbox heuge was the freedom to make your own designs
>two consoles later, fags are just using somebody elses


>implying PC piracy would have affected the sales enough for the publishers to even notice

It turned out there are people out there more talented and autistic than you when it comes to designs.

lol maybe i'm not a faggot and just want to play an open world racing game instead of spending time putting vinyls on a car

Yo where can I find a list of all Denuvo games? I don't want to accidentally buy one during a Steam sale or something.

Denuvo isn't removed from the pirated copy but if it were I wouldn't be surprised if the bottlenecks suddenly disappeared

Just play one of the gen 2 NFS games then.

make sure to check the ones that had it removed too. if devs are willingly removing it then there's definitely sketchy about it and no shill can tell me otherwise

Friendly reminder that this crack is based on the lastest version of Denuvo since the game was update recently, meaning that was a 3 day crack (!)
Good news for future games.

tbqh I probably have like 4000 hours in the underground-most wanted-carbon saga

Ok I forgive you then.

Dragonball soon!

literally git gud


Injustice 2 when?

Oh god I forgot Sonic Mania has Denuvo. Why does a glorified Genesis ROM have Denuvo?

because SEGA aren't known for the best of decision making

desu I replay the games yearly to do the careers with different cars, albeit in u1 I just do honda civic > mazda rx7 all the time because everything else understeers like hell. and in u2 I ran out of cars I'm interested in trying

LITERALLY after the final update with everything included

lmaoooooooooooooooooooo denuvofags

>ass creed

Why even bother

Its on leddit crackwatch.




tomb KAAANGZZZ when?

apparently it's been cracked already
and it's complicated as fug due to muh win 10 or something

more like
>buy it for 60 bucks
>sell it for 50 2 weeks later after i finished

Motherfucker didn't you already post it and it got deleted?

>dudebro's creed

desu I'd rather have Halo Wars 2 cracked, not interested in this nignog game

>but seriously guys it really is the best game :^)

>gets cracked so anyone can play it
>nobody gives a shit

Its a good (open world) game anons.

I bought it and the worst thing was the ubisoft spyware, without it, I recommend it

too bad I don't give a single shit

>DSL connection
I won't bother.

Couldn't be that it's just a really demanding game, must be DRM that's bogging the game down

There has literally never been an instance of Denuvo being removed and suddenly the game runs 2x faster and there never will be because it uses a fraction of the resources piratefags claim it does

fucking lmao @ anyone still playing asscreed games past maybe the 2nd one

they've been pumping out the same garbage with barely any changes for over 10 years, why do you give a fuck to even spend time pirating it?

Fuck this shit, where is my handball?

It's $49 on the Windows Store right now

Completely reasonable for a game that is both eye-bleedingly attractive and actually fun

hahahaha me too

nigga just use the google drive lniks

I am slightly below minimum requirements. How does it run?

They've done weekly patches since launch most of them are bug fixes and some small changes that the community want. There has been some new stuff like enemy scaling, horde mode and then theres the trial of the gods events which lets you kill egyptian gods for rare gear. Also every week theres a reset for the heka store you have a random chance of getting rare good loot when you do quests for him or you can straight buy it from him.

>You get shitty MMO-tier content in a boring $60 turd of a game
How generous.

Ok but where's handball 17

its already better than all of the previous ac games

Can you turn off the damage numbers?

Never in a billion years.

No, not really.
It's pretty much all the same garbage shit about old Ass Creed games but with slightly less shit combat.

>paying $10 for a game you can't even keep


So Far Cry 5 is on the horizon. Will it use the same version of Denuvo (v4.9) ?
Because if that is the case then by the looks of it, it will be cracked within a week since this particular crack is done on an update to the game that is just 3 days old

I am literally waiting for Monster Hunter World and Cyberpunk 2077. Why should i waste my time with garbage like asscreed?

Looks like you can my man:

because you're waiting and you have nothing better to do

Please let Final Fantasy XII be next
This game is too good and while I'm enjoying it, I want it to be cracked as quickly as possible so that its deemed redundant and Square removes it

>this is your brain on paying UbiShit 100$ for what I can get for free

whats with the magical swords and shit?

Yes, everything can be switched off individually aside from the radar, it can only be toggled off in the no hud mode.
ff15 crossover

I boutght gta 5 off g2a because I wanted to play online. I wouldn't pay for something that wouldn't give me as much content.

that's not really that hard to accomplish but it looks pretty cool, i hope you can turn off the hud/floating dmg numbers tho