So where the hell is it?

So where the hell is it?

They're not seriously saving the reveal for E3, are they?

I expected to see it in the January direct but they opted to just go for the mini with the actual direct coming later so it's up in the air. I want to say at some point in February but who knows what nintendo is thinking.

>the actual direct coming later

Nintendo likes to show (and often even announce) games kinda close to their realease date. They are probabily going to show it in a later direct or E3, but I personally think it will be in a direct before the E3.

I really hope they don't take forever to localize the game. I'm hoping for a worldwide release. It was like 9 months for Fates, but only a month for Echoes, and FE has really gotten popular in the west thanks to FEH.

Seems like a post-august release. I would bet they are going to launch it in September

It has to be in the next direct, E3 seems way too far just for an announcement trailer for something revealed over a year ago.

Unless this game is in the middle of more dev team infighting than Fates.

>looking forward to modern FE after the garbage they put out recently with butchered localisations

>They're not seriously saving the reveal for E3, are they?
You better believe it.

E3 is almost always reveals for next-year games and more advertising for games later that year.

Pokemon for example is never revealed at E3. It's always around these days and E3 is just more advertising for it. Odyssey too, Xenoblade 2, etc. All that stuff revealed in the Switch event that got more advertising at E3

Echoes had a pretty damn good localisation. So the potential is there provided they don't get treehouse to localise it.

Say what you will but between fire emblem, bayo 3, metroid prime 4 a potential animal crossing and other titles it's clear at some point they'll have a big(ger) news blowout. It's a matter of when.

8-4 localized Echoes and Awakening

It was the shitters at Treehouse who localized Fates.

did the game quality suffer when they started cranking them out on the 3DS? I only played one on GBA they gave to Ambassadors and it was OK

No, FE6 to FE10 were good.
DS games were mediocre and almost killed the franchise
3DS games are okay. Personally I liked Echoes the best out of the 3DS games.

Can't wait for the new F-Zero and Customrobo announcements at E3 this year.

They recently gave a vague idea when we might see the switch Pokemon. But they still haven't said anything about Fire emblem so I bet we wont see it till early 2019.

Pokemon Switch is undoubtedly a 2018 title.
Kimishima said Switch's 2nd year is crucial and they want to keep the momentum going.

Hopefully they have some stuff at E3.

>FEH got more people into Fire Emblem than Smash or the specific choices in Awakening to make it far more accessible.

Just like Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is getting people ready for the Switch title.

It's good tho that they've already released news about Labo and other smaller who? games. At least they can give more space for bigger announcements. Imagine if they still withheld Labo and the indies for the big direct.

Yeah they said the soonest we would see it would be late fall early winter, but the point I was making was we haven't even gotten that for Fire emblem. Me personally, I'm cool with waiting till 2019 Fire emblem with what we got.

If we do get Pokemon this year its going to be the thing everyone will be playing. If we get Smash bros along with it your going to see the next PS2 era of gaming, I hope we get it, the way its going now I can see a big crash coming with how everything is going. Crypto-currencies are killing the gpu prices, loot boxes are killing online, lets plays are kill single player, and most game's feel shallow as McDonald's food.

It's probably having development problems. Expect it to be delayed.

It was on the investor meetings scheduled for 2018. If they were going to delay it, they'd have put a "2018 or later" like Pokemon or "TBD"