lmao what an easy way to get rid of competition just pay a woman to say that shit about your opponent
lmao what an easy way to get rid of competition just pay a woman to say that shit about your opponent
Other urls found in this thread:
> guy doing his thing, playing videogames as a job
> some slut's boyfriend comes in his stream chat and claims the streamer raped his girlfriend
> no proof of him doing the rape, no evidence
> all she said was she found a friend to "knock him the fuck out"
Of course the woman is going to be right, and the man is just a rapist.
Anyway, fix FGC by eliminating all women from communities.
So she didn't go to the cops, there's no proof, he wasn't charged, nothing? It's just "woman says"? Ebin truly ebin.
>woman says
Who cares? Did she report to police? Usually women don't make it public.
Oh hey it's Kotaku trying to be relevant again
>Sup Forums defends a known scumbag because muh meanie SJW
Lmao. I bet you suck Noel Brown’s cock too.
There’s more relevant trannies in the FGC than women, the only thing that matters in it is skill, unlike your shitty MOBA with forced women’s divisions.
>Can destroy a man with a few words with no proof
Ladies please, remind how hard it is being a woman
Where's the proof Sven
People tell us we're pretty!
>boyfriend claimed the rape
>get cucked
>claim rape to save face
>known scumbag
Known by whom? Just because a bunch of people agree on a thing does not make that thing true.
Whose bitch is this?
>goes to the internet instead of the police
>get raped
>heh fuck the police i'll just let everyone know 3 years later for attention
Yeah, she didn't get raped.
Oh wow a womyn said something, it must be true! Just more prove that whenever women are involved in anything it turns to shit. Lying whores that spread their cancer.
>raping this
What the fuck is wrong with black guys?
unga bunga
>it's a nog
fine by me
>Women don't care about games
>Things are good
>Women crowbar their way into games
>Everything is about identity politics and oppression now
Women, why do you do this?
Can a black person truly rape a white person?
>didn't report it to the police when it happened
Know how I know this shit is fake?
>cheat on bf
>bf finds out
>I was raped!
It happens more often than you think.
I would
They literally can't stand when something that exists and it's not actively kissing their ass. No matter if the men that enjoy it are undesirable by any women, if these men don't actively worship women, it must be destroyed.
Unless they rape you so hard you become black, you're still up in the whole situation.
Is this the true reason why real sports are always divided into men and women's categories?
>(He’s also known for pleading guilty to credit card fraud and identity theft in 2016.)
of course you didn't read the article. even though the brainlet OP went out of his way to use an archiver.
>defending a rape accusation when both parties were drunk
so you're a scumbag for something you did years ago and admitted when you were wrong?
never reproduce
do you report every little thing to the police you little bitch?
I would defend Hitler, Mao, Castro and Stalin over any whore that cries rape to cover her bullshit, every time.
well, kinda. yes.
it show that he is capable of doing certain things and crossing certain lines.
Credit card fraud makes you a rapist? Yes, yes it does you good little goy
credit card fraud and identity thief though
it's bit more than guys doing his jobs
he's a scum
stealing credit card info is not the same as forcibly penetrating someone
shouldnt have to even say that
>Little thing
Ok brainlet
I believe it
Andre is a fucking nigger of the highest order so I wouldn't put it past him
stay on topic you illiterate brainlet. he was talking about him being a scumbag.
Are you a woman because you speak like one
About to report you for being a faggot
That doesn't make someone a scumbag as we lack the details. A family member can use a credit card belonging to another family member and be guilty of the same crime.
I also find it interesting that the article felt that was appropriate to include in attempt to smear him further. It's like saying "That black guy who got shot has priors, so he deserved it!"
No. No he didn't.
This. Fuck women, they're all worthless. Even my mom is a cheating whore
>lied to some guy til i was 4 about my father
>got her shit kicked in daily
>stuck around
>ex cheats
>i find out cause she got her shit kicked in by him
>denies cheating and refuses police
That's when you know it's 100% bullshit, same with 99% of the #metoo bullshit. Just cry about it on social media and let the mob handle the justice, no need for investigation, proof or due process.
Why'd you call him an "Ok brainlet?" Being a brainlet is never OK.
>Get caught cheating by bf
>Cuck bf actually believes me
>Ruin another guys life
reddit spacing
>Sup Forums refuses to believe that a nigger raped a white woman
and you didn't, because that was not the point.
a punch in the face is also not "a little thing", and i wouldn't necessarily report it to the police.
so your argument doesn't stand. her not going to the police doesn't mean anything.
She has worse fish skin than I do holy fuck I didnt think that was possible.
You mean paragraphs?
Modern women are far worse than the darkest of negroes.
>putting a guy and a woman that barely know eachother in the same hotel room
Rapist or not, that is one insanely incompetent organisation.
Please don't belittle black guys by comparing them to modern white women.
I thought that avoiding police reporting was evidence of the pervasive and real nature of rape culture. Now it doesn't mean anything? Well, guess that solves that.
heh quite hilarious always to see the tried and true comment of some dumb ass nerd always being to dumb and self centered of a cunt that they be all like "If that were me i would do everything perfect and be a badass while doing it"
Like shit i know that it is a lack of empathy that you gay lords feel but still shit still always makes me chuckle a tad to see dumb nerds being stupidly gay and self centered dumb nedrs.
>Physically able to literally beat, rape, and murder a woman anytime they want
>"Oh no they talked about what I did and now I can't play my vidya games waaaaah!"
Burn the coal
Face the door
>What I did
You mean what they pretended he did?
>and you didn't, because that was not the point.
it was the point in the context of the original post, don't lose track
>>Sup Forums defends a known scumbag because muh meanie SJW
people are defending him because he's been accused and his life impacted without a shred of evidence. calling him a scumbag because of past crimes only serves to make an audience less sympathetic to the actual bullshit happening right now
>Hmm that guy is capable of raping me
>That makes him a rapist
>"Hey he's a rapist!"
>That'll teach him
Explain how hard it is being a bitch, bitch
>barred from your career because a woman said you were bad with zero evidence or witnesses or proof of any sort, simply just words
>its fair because your gender grows muscle easier
I grow muscle easier than most men, so does that mean it would be okay for them to start accusing me of tax fraud?
>That doesn't make someone a scumbag as we lack the details. A family member can use a credit card belonging to another family member and be guilty of the same crime.
i highly doubt that was the case considering the multiple fraud charges and an arrest to top it off.
it isn't about what he deserves, it's about whether he did it you fucking brainlets. they included that jsut to show he had a record beforehand, which is perfectly fine for added context.
>what I did
That's the point, you don't have to do jack shit for some cunt to ruin your life with three little words and a few fake tears. Fuck off you cancerous cunt.
>gay lords
What the actual fuck are you on about?
you need proofs to accuse ssomeone of a crime, where is her proof and why didn't she called the police ?
there is literally nothing wrong with either of these. Those are hardly real crimes
>MVCI players
>Surprised they are scum
Wow. What a shocker.
this, but unironically
>Tell someone X person raped and beat you
>Without any proof, the accused person gets banned for life from their lifestyle and their name posted for everyone to see
Women nowdays are truly Judge, Jury and Executioner. Can easily ruin someones life with 5 words
Doesn't mean that he did what he's being accused of.
Inoccent until proven guilty once had an actual meaning to it.
You raped me 3 months ago, user. You can never shitpost again.
>it was the point in the context of the original post, don't lose track
but that's not the post i replied to you bimbo. i replied to him for even doubting their use of the word scumbag, just because the source is kotaku and a woman, despite the article mentioning him being a fraudster at the very least.
it's beyond pathetic how brainwashed you retards are.
This was my first tought as well.
Just accuse someone you'll be up against and have no real chance of winning, and he's gone.
Heöö, just pay some random slut with a lrageenoug htwitter following and that should do the trick.
And that’s why you’re alone and miserable.
There was a Canadian woman who got drugged and raped by her doctor. Her first instinct after regaining conscious was to take off her panties and seal them in an air-tight bag. Then she went to another doctor where they got a sample of her vag juices, then she went to the police and reported the incident.
Not all women are dumb.
Charges come from criminal acts, not discrete incidents. So using the credit card to buy 5 items at 5 stores in 1 day can result in 5 charges.
>it's about whether he did it
You're asserting he did based upon past criminal behavior. He must be guilty of crime A because years ago he did crime B. That's how innocent people are found guilty simply because of prejudice against past criminal behavior in current accusations.
spotted the whore who cries rape to cover her bullshit
>fighting games
LMAOOOOOOO they play for nickels and dimes. If they wanted to make a career playing video games they should’ve gotten into counter strike or lol.
>Hitler, Mao, Castro and Stalin
Wew, leave it to Sup Forums to know all the latest ecelebs
>believing a guy who got involved in cc frauds
I sure wouldn't.
thanks for elaborating, but your earlier post didn't actually have that content in it. sorry for the misunderstanding, faggot
You realize that sometimes it takes years for this stuff to surface?
That's why criminal history is not usually allowed to be brought up in trials
>What I did
user... is there something you need to come clean about?
There's a long way from CC fraud to rape.
A career in video games isn't about money. You might enjoy playing a game but to play the same game 8-10 hours a day is honestly exhausting. Rarely is there an athlete who picked a sports because they want to earn big $$$ in said sports. If that was the case, no one would be an olympic athlete since they are paid garbage compared to more mainstream sports like basketball, football or soccer.
IMO cc fraud is worse than rape. You're ruining people's life.
>sub 3/10 claims rape towards anyone more attractive at all
>works every time
Explain yourselves, amerilards.
It's easy to spot the leftists when they believe accusations with absolutely no proof simply because it was a woman who made the accusations.
who here a jerry sandusky truther?
you're right, in the end we don't know. but that goes both ways. but you can't say all this reflects well on him.
if you know this about a guy would you hire him? you're probably less likely to do so.
Not true.
Olympic athletes are not paid much by their country, but they still make major bank from sponsorship and for permission to appear on a cereal box.
Are you sure he didn't raped another man?
So they couldn't have provided a fucking rape kit or whatever it's called to prove it?
>trusting women
We're never going to get anywhere as a society.
>It's easy to spot the rightwings when they believe accusations with absolutely no proof simply because it was an orange who made the accusations
>You realize that sometimes it takes years for this stuff to surface?
At least two people other than the "rape victim" knew about this and didn't tell anyone for 3 years. Letting a rapist get away with zero repercussions for 3 years is negligent as fuck.