Vidya opinions that legit make you mad

>vidya opinions that legit make you mad

what's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>X is bad because of the fanbase
>I wont play X because of the fanbase

>I listen to vidya music in real life

Everyone thinks your pathetic

>Mario is a series worth rehashing a million times

its an okay series at best.

>old games are bad and you only like them for nostalgia

my pathetic what?

>lootboxes are bad!

Fuck off. If you don't like lootboxes, don't buy them.

It's only "worth" it whenever they actually do something new with him.

Luckily it happens ever so often.

>the ps4 is a good system

i would unironically get an xbone before I get that piece of shit and I hate M$

>AY YO, Anthony higgs should be the next rep for metroid in smash bros

>If women in your game don't have tits the size of Manhattan you are shilling out for the feminists

>TLoU is good

>long list of criticisms about a game
>"You just hate it because it's popular"

>Video games are an enjoyable pastime that come in a wide variety of genres that appeal to a wide range of people

>It's a good game, but it's not a good __________ game

>SNES games are the peak of genre X
Literally never true.

except it is faggot

This one! This one here!

>[game] is funny
Never turns out to be true but the most glaring example is undertale

you have shit taste then

trying a bit too hard there, buddy

>OOT overworld is too empty
People who say this are never talking about gerudo valley or the bridge leading to it. They're never talking about lake hylia. They're never talking about the path to zora's domain. They're invariably talking about hyrule fucking field. And hyrule field has some good fucking reasons to be big.

1. the size of it completely blew everyone away. Back then there were like NO giant maps like that in video games. The first thing you see when you leave your hometown in that game is the BIGGEST map you've ever been in. And it psychologically cements that you've been spun loose into a huuuuge world, which was exactly the effect they were shooting for.
That's completely lost on players today.

2. It's a big area to ride your horse around. You can't actually take epona that many places in OoT. They had hardware limitations but wanted to portray link as a horseman, and let the player ride around. Getting the horse makes you feel like you're more well equipped to cross the field. It feels like an upgrade.

3. It's not actually that big, and it's not that empty. It takes 30 seconds to run across. There's a bunch of grottos, with HPs, rupees, milk, etc.

4. They hid 10 big poes across it. This is a little reason but I think it's worth mentioning.

Even if they're talking about other parts of hyrule overworld being empty, you can't go 10 seconds without passing a skulltula or bean spot or secret in any map.

People who refer to the playstation 1 as PSX

>I don't like (old game) because the graphics are bad

Yahtzee's "can we all admit that platforming can't inherently work in 3d?" is pretty high on the list.


>JRPGs are garbage
>JRPGs are inferior to WRPGs
>"Xenoblade Chronics 2 is a great game"

This, this so fucking much.

>People who think that any post 6th gen console was good

>i like the new ultra beasts and think Pokemon is moving in the right direction

I've played a lot of old games. I tried playing Thief and Thief 2, but I just couldn't. It literally made my eyes hurt after a few minutes and I'm not sure why.

Eurofag here, I remember Playstation being also called PSX in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, France, Belgium and Holland in the 2000s. Why are americans so triggered by this name?

>Skyrim and Witcher 3 are good games
>Dark Souls 2 is not the worst in the series
>Mario and Zelda aren't made for little children and playing them past the age of 15 doesn't make you an utter manchild

>No Call of Duty past 3 was good.

Look I get it CoD is a cash cow that's been milked until its tits have fallen off, but I will never rebuke MW2 because it was fun as hell with all the loadouts I made.

the PSX is actually a PS2

because there was a PSX console and anal people like like to keep it distinct from the playstation and PSone

It's not, really. Nothing about it is good. And story is good, only if you are like 13 and never seen movies before.

Because PSX was the beta name and that's like calling the Gamecube the Dolphin

>open world sandbox games are good because you're free to do what you want
just an excuse for having no direction

>Using the title of a magazine as an argument


I agree with this. I've never laughed at a game's jokes. That usually triggers someone ("you must be dead inside!"), but all you have to do is make a game that's funny. Playing games in local multiplayer is fun, but that's not a joke from a game.

>[Popular Critic] said this game is bad so that must be the objective truth
fucking play the game and generate an original opinion about it instead of just regurgitating whatever you read online.

I've seen worse: people who used emulator names as an argument

Anyone who claims Nier is a good game

So you think skyrim and witcher 3 are shit, dark souls 2 is the worst in the series and mario and zelda games are made to be played by exclusively underageb&s?

>People who argue that the new multiplayer flavour of the month game is gonna be alive for years.
They never are. You play it for 3 months tops if you're lucky before the playerbase dies down, then another game comes along and you try again to convince people that THIS game is the one that'll thrive. That game dies too.
It's a vicious cycle that happens too much. We have to break it.


People who make an autistic nitpicking argument over whether it's better to say PS1 or PSX
People who post that fucking Japanese-only PS2-based DVD player and say "hurr durr hurr hurr this is the real PSX"


Someone i really respect the opinion of told me Nier was worth looking into.. Is he wrong? Whats wrong with it?

>this game made me sad
Literally fucking how

I don't get why people dislike this one.

Even the official Playstation Magazine refered to Playstation as PSX, but you are too young to remember that.

>he doesn't elaborate
your opinion is shit and you need to kill yourself.

in the same way some people cry at movies

>Super Mario Sunshine is a bad game
>Halo Reach is a bad game
>Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer is better than 3's
>Twilight Princess was bad because it had a "long intro"
>thinking any Animal Crossing after the first one is good

All wrong and garbage opinions.

Stop it, boner

>games with emotional themes pander to tumblr

kojima is a god

>dark souls has great combat with real depth

I get mad that people eat up the pokemon games like crack even though they're the most cheaply produced garbage with zero innovation

>i heard some retarded girl cried when mufasa died in the lion king.. Fucking HOW? amirite?

>If you dont like the game dont play it

thats pretty sad

>I like quest markers because I don't have time to read and explore
>I am a busy man with stuff to do



as opposed to just getting angry and shitpost about it?

ok i won't

I use that as my character's attitude in any RPG. Blah blah blah dialogue whatever give me money.

Hmm, I wonder which is the right name, the one a fucking magazine gave, or the name printed on the goddamn console?
That makes no sense either

the ps one was specifically the name of the little white one.

>thinking vidya music is only mario ost tier


>throws the bottle to distract the guy who is actively shooting at him

immersion you literal autist.

enjoy playing on your toaster, fucking mong

this opinion is only valid when the devs actually listen to the cancer fanbase and cater to them, any other time it's just the tism

that any metal gear game after snake eater matters at all. there are only three true installments to the solid series. the rest are completely fucking irrelevant. kojima only shit those out because he was under contract.

that jet set radio future is better than the first jet set. future is still cool and the heart is there, but it just doesn't have nearly as much charm and personality as the first one does.

that graphics matter at all, specifically in the context of Sup Forumsirginfags complaining that something is pixel based or 'too cartoony', etc.

that hl3 is something that should still happen and the general complaint that valve, or any company, isn't making a game that they don't want to make, as if that game wouldn't suffer and be total shit because of an overall lack of ambition, drive or heart.

that whatever / whoever isn't the best is shit, but that applies to most elitist communities online.

also these

>hl2 is good
What the fuck

>kojima only shit those out because he was under contract
That applies to Snake Eater as well tho.

Game series sucks anyway.

>e one a fucking magazine gave, or the name printed on the goddamn console?

both. sony fucked up.

the original ps was referred to in their own advertising as psx, and yes, they did in fact label the prototype of the ps2 the psx.

they are not perfect. they make mistakes.

After i play it and make a criticism towards the game some faggot comes and say that bullshit, as if i have to like every single aspect of the game

>Nintendo Switch is successful because it's selling well

Only insecure twats with no self-esteem think chads and stacies care what you listen to.

It's a shitty "argument" used to deflect all criticism and stifle negative discussion

>hl2.exe has stopped working
What the fuck?

that is literally how it works you autist.

no one cares about the things you dont like. the things that you hate don't make you special. nintendo are making bank and thats exactly what they want.

>Sold more units in just under a year than the entirety of the Wii U's lifespan
i dont know, I would call that a success so far.

People unironically think this. I know we don't have many realistic reps but we can do better than him

>Fallout new vegas is the best rpg
Come on, it barely qualifies as an action rpg, its a nice shooter ill give you that

>lootboxes are good!

Fuck off, I already bought your game.

>its a good game but you need to slog though the main game to get to the good post game content

>Make a criticism about any Soulsborne game
>hurr-durr git gud u fgt
>Every retard soulsfag's default counterargument

>making bank off selling rehashes and objectively inferior hardware
That's not what success is. That's like saying EA is successful despite being the most hated game company in the world.

All they're doing is gating off their games from the rest of the community, and that's downright unacceptable.

Nintendo deserves every lost sale thanks to piracy and emulators.

i like when people say that tho

easiest retard detector known to men

>console is good because it's successful
That just means a whole lot of dumb fucks like shitty games
Sales are never an argument of quality

Explain how it isn't.

>Kingdom come deliverance is going to be good and if you point out any flaw you are a SJW
Fucking fags are so brainwashed by memes that they don't see all the red flags.


Calm down, aspies

>It aged badly