You know remember the mighty flop that was Mighty No. 9

You know remember the mighty flop that was Mighty No. 9
Also, did the backers get their 3DS and Vita versions yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

>M9 thread
does anyone remember that cringey comic with the feminist chick vs some guy who's avatar was pic related
I can't find it

I thought this game was good, fuck you.

Thank goodness but where's my penis?

I don't know about a 3ds version, but at least we got this gem


The last time 3DS/Vita versions were mentioned was when Level 5 or whoever bought them out.

>this happened


>did the backers get their 3DS and Vita versions yet?
Not yet.

Can only find this base one, but you should be able to reverse search with it to find the complete ones.

Never ever


I bet if they didn't hired that shitty "community manager", the impact on Inafune on being a fraud would have been much higher


The press would certainly have had a lot less reason to try and defend the game for sure.

Remember all those comics of Mega Man passing the torch to Mighty?

Yes and I remember there being a number of ones after Mega Man 11 being announced of him stealing it back.

I also remember there being a bunch of comics stating Yooka Laylee was going to be totally different.

Remember Broken Age?

Yes but that's in a completely different folder and I'm too much of a lazy fucker to find it.

Was ok, doesn't look like a 4m project at all but it was never meant to be that, fans got over hyped and over funded it, I got it for like 10 bucks and it was definitely worth it, most of the flaws I heard were honest nick picks, the infamous "you can't see that there's a spike under this platform" it's just lying, no stupid deaths in my playthrough, in fact I thought it was pretty easy

This, pretty much. Everytime we tried to post about how it was Inafune's fault, someone would bring up that dumb bitch as being the center of everything, and Inafune is completely innocent. The only other person who could share Inafune's blame is Ben Judd. Inafune and Judd are like Bush and Cheney. One is the idiot and the other whispers criminal things into his ear.

that call is cute.

if the game marketing was `it`s a modest game,we are not the new mega man`,maybe the game would not face such heavy backslash.

What the fuck

Should have also contemplated not thinking so big with building a brand so quickly. It was like the story of Icarus. He got too greedy, flew too high and thus crashed and burned.

True successor to Mega Man coming through.

In all seriousness, Shovel Knight did a lot of things right, but I don't think I'd want a Shovel Knight 2/3/4/etc in the same mold of Mega Man classic. Yacht Club has proven themself, and Shovel Knight was a good game that held people over until Capcom dug up Mega Man's grave for 11. I can't wait for King of Cards.

I think it's supposed to be Gothlolita and not the typical goth?

Ben "my right hand man" Judd

Yep. It's the jap goth.

the game wasn't great. it was competent despite being severely ugly

Strangely, the game's design contradicts itself entirely. It's designed around time attacks but Beck doesn't play fluidly. When you encounter an enemy you stop in your tracks to fire your peashooter at it and then dash through it. It's pretty slow compared to how Ray plays, which should've been the game from the get go

Look up gothic lolita

Inafune could have made a megaman 1 clone and it could have been better. Relied too much on shit gimmicks and unnecessary features.

It was delicious to see all those manchildren realizing what kind of fraud Inafune was.

Same would happen with Bloodstained. I swear backers never learn.

>3DS and Vita versions
>When it took them a year after it came out just to get a box

I remember these. About the only good thing to come out of that game. Man those forums were a shitshow.

I think the worst part is that everyone on the outside looking in just wrote it off as those dang old misogynists raging against the machine because a woman was the community manager, when the reality was that someone that didn't give a shit about Mega Man got a job wrangling a community of Mega Man fans solely because she was fucking someone on the localization team and when called out on that went full police state on the place.

And then when people tried to discuss the actual game it was the other way around. Everyone here just wrote it off as shit because the community manager was a retarded SJW when the game itself was a flat out broken mess that cut the main gimmick that everyone cared about beyond "dude megaman lmao" because of a "tight budget" (despite making way, way more than its initial goal.)

At this point I'm expecting them to just port the existing game over to Switch and giving all 3DS/Vita backers that and trying to be like "hey, you got off good with this deal! You get the Switch version first!"

And even then I would strongly expect the physical versions that weren't supposed to happen making their way to stores before the backers get anything. I'm still so fucking mad over that part.

You're forgetting some parts on that community manager drama but k

>finally ship out the boxes
>they're flatpacked and you have to assemble them yourselves
>manual was too long for the box after assembled

MN9's kickstarter was the gift that kept giving

Yeah it's been a while.

Beck was destined to fail. He just looks so unplayable.

What other characters are there in gallery of unsuccessful video game leads?

the best thing to come from this game was that asian guy who speedran it at sgdq 2017. holy shit that was kino, made it all worth it

It'd be a very big gallery.

The Sonic clones from the 90s (like Bubsy) would fill an entire wing of a museum.

He probably got banned too if for that hat than nothing else.

Call is always cute.

So like, a Super Shovel Knight/Shovel Knight X?

>compares a sonic game released over a year later
>not comparing it to Sonic Mania

wow really makes you noggin joggin

Funnily enough, I think Yacht Club said that their next game won't be another Shovel Knight, but when they get back to him they'll be trying to do something like Super Shovel Knight or Shovel Knight 64. They also held a twitter poll sometime to see what types of games people wanna see Shovel Knight in, and they listed off Kart racer and Paper Mario-esque RPG that both got a pretty good amount of votes I believe.

based on empirical evidence, I believe your cock is gone

>Shovel kart
I didn't know I wanted this but I do


only good part of mn9, she's cute

Anything will work as a kart racer. There's a reason Dark Souls Kart is a meme.

Found the poll. It wasn't on twitter, but it shows a lot of good ideas.

>Landstalker like game
I'd play it. Shit I'd play most of the ideas if they came true.

Hindsight is 20/20. People were defending Inafune because contrary to popular belief only a very small number of people were suspecting it was as scam from the get-go.
They assumed the game was going well but had their ability to communicate with the devs blocked by a self righteous Lebanese weeb who claimed to be working on the game.

Their fears weren't that the game would be a slow, trashy looking mess like it did, but that Dina would influence the game into some disgusting preachy mess reflected by her terrible artworks.

I need this.

What do you mean by unplayable?

What the fuck, I remember the "basic" one having a puffy vagina

Singleplayer challenges
Can get invaded by other racers who attempt to screw you over in challenges and races
Can summon buddies to race with/for you
Singleplayer can go from a menial task to an all out racing brawl

Seriously why didn't they go with this Call instead. It's a shame that people have shit taste and voted for the one that resembled Roll more.
I like to believe that in a separate timeline, the game turned out good by a butterfly effect simply because they chose Call E.

Would you want to look at that during 20hrs of game play? There is nothing appealing about the design when compared to it's influence. The simplicity of Megaman as a character is dynamic. Even when it was updated with X it still looked alive.

Beck looks... bland. Add more to him and he starts to look like an Apple product

That kinda happened in our timeline.

>sprite is of call
>HUD icon is of the better call

I am confused

That was an edit.

Do you have it?

>2d platformer
what the actual fuck


B was clearly the best design

Alternative costumes. There are lots and lots of HUD icons you can collect in stages, a pic of your character is just the default one.

Everyone says that's good, but I'm really hesitant about allowing MN9 into my GV.
GV is really one of the only games that made me feel something.

I have the rest.
Part 2/3

GV ending in MGB hits right in the feels but the game has barely any story.

>Likes some of the characters in MN9
>Wants them to be in a better game

Is best Call in there?

And here's the last of it.
Part 3/3

whatever happened to that cartoon anyway

>No. Finale

>This ain't Boku no Pico.gif

Only A, E, F and H.

>Attention: You are a fagget



Disappointing, but expected

Why A?

The finale would be where the bad guys win.

>Ywn get shocked by her

Found part 4 since this thread's still alive.


goth(ic lolita)

Oh well.

TTGL was a mistake.

I wanna marry Drunk Call

>Literally just became gurren lagann.gif

Holy cringe.


and part 1 with text

Those glass boobies do strange things to me.

Hnnng, I want to IMPREGNATE Lumen

>[Puts on spare glasses]