You have 10 seconds to name a game more comfy than Mario Odyssey

You have 10 seconds to name a game more comfy than Mario Odyssey.

What type of milk is that OP?

Kirby's Dream Land 3.

>What type of milk is that OP?
It's latte.

herd those sheep

metroid prime
pokemon crystal or emerald
kotor 1 and 2
vanilla wow
mass effect 1
morrowind and oblivion


Kirby's Epic Yarn

Harvest Moon 64

Best Post

i don't get this wojak. what's up with his mouth?

>drinking from a fucking Harrods mug
are you an oil sheik or something

Sup Forumstards like me with open mouths.

is the open mouth for surprise? it's very unclear to me

minecraft 1.3

You have 10 seconds to name something you still do in Mario Odyssey despite having already acquired all 880 moons.
>Experiment with volleyball tricks
>Idly redo platforming challenge rooms
>Redo the harder boss refights in mushroom kingdom
>Amble around gathering coins so as to eventually max out the moon counter
>Take more pictures
>Pull off big unintended jumps

Odyssey was way too easy to be interesting. Probably my least favorite Mario game. "Comfy" is a meme

Gravity Rush 2

>latte with soymilk without coffe and milk

boring webm ever!

this and terraria
also >comfy

>crap minigame
>to easy
>"harder" all are easy
>to easy
>this is not ig retard
>to easy

Odyssey isn't even playable handheld. It's the least comfy game you could be playing. Puyo Puyo Tetris, Stardew Valley, and nearly everything else is better handheld.

I think that's an easy one

>can't spell
>doesn't appreciate the value of relaxation in a virtual world

Nintendo Labo

It's the nu-male face. Look it up.


that's some milky tea

A hat in time.

>doesn't appreciate the value of relaxation in a virtual world
he never go to the beach before, he never climb a mountain he is a fatso neet looser who lives on their parents basement
no wonder why you cucks enjoy that "confy" games

>no spyro

>muh difficulty
This isn't 2D Mario dude, you're looking in the wrong place


Animal Crossing Switch when it comes out.


Monster Hunter World


Dude move that Switch down or to the side

>Multiple fires+breaches in hull
>Crew suffocating from said fires + broken O2 systems
>Mantis dudes teleporting on board wrecking shit up

And yet, now I feel like doing another run

It doesn't block me from where I sit, otherwise I would move it.

Uh, Breath of the Wild.

Jesus OP.

Oh hey I have that exact same keyboard, that's kinda neat
It kind of sucks, I want a better keyboard.