So I just played through Dragon Age Inquisition, is origins any good?
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It's the only good Dragon Age.
Oh ok
You didnt like inquisition?
No one besides soyboys and biodrones did
well you played the worst one so it can only get better
Ya it wasnt that good, I guess. So is there less sjw propaganda in origins or something?
this right here
Even Da 2 was better than the last one
Even if Merrill and Varric are the only good things to come out of there
It came before they went hard with all that.
Meh, not really. There were some good ideas, but the SJW and MMO shit ruined it.
>10 posts
>noboby talks about OP playing the third part of the trilogy first
You guys aren't even trying
Ya the trans scene with the bull was pretty dumb
It’s more aesthetically consistent, which imo was one of the biggest problems with inquisition. Nothing in inquisition really meshed together and the landscapes outside of the hinterlands were just fucking awful.
Origins is smaller in scope, slower when it comes to combat, but is better because of it. Also no retarded jumping puzzles is a plus. I don’t know why Bioware was so intent on jamming their jank as fuck physics in to two games back to back.
The tone is significantly darker as well. Inquisition felt a bit generic, Origins actually played around with some of the more common tropes.
Ugh, don't even get me started on that.
Origins has the best writing and storyline, but it plays like an old school rpg (slow and tactical). No SJW stuff really...if anything the 2 main party members (morrigan and allistair) are mocking the white knight/independant woman stereotypes.
Inquisition was basically a young adult novel instead of dark fantasy. I don't know why they made that switch.
That definitely sounds more interesting. I did feel that dai felt like your average med fantasy.
it was the last game bioware started to develop before being acquired by EA
what do you think
You can still kill them all.
Currently slogging through Inquisition. Just makes me want to play Origins. I always get this feeling a quarter of the way through to just start over or drop it but I'm trying my best to keep it going all the way through, seeing as how I got all the DLC for pennies. The War Table has to be the worst fucking development idea Bioware has ever had.
What in god's name would possess you to jump in with the third installment?
You just finished the worst game in the series. If you don't like the best one, then you have issues.
>You can still kill them all.
And then Iron Bull betrays you in the end.
My brother bought it a while ago and I decided to play it
The best story elements in DAI are brought forward from the previous games. DAO really set up a wonderful world, shame DA2 and DAI shit the bed.
I'm interested in what the default world state is if you don't have precious saves? OP what did you think of Lellianna, Varric, Alistair, Hawke, Morrigan, and the Hero of Ferelden
No shit? I really need to play this thing to the conclusion.
It really doesn't matter for Dragon Age outside of some references and noticing the various retcons Bioware would pull in 2 and Inquisition. Hell, for all intents and purposes DAI does so little with the brand beyond recognition it may as well have been an entirely new IP.
Origins is the only not terrible one.
Mostly because it plays more like a traditional bioware RPG (Think Neverwinter nights and KOTOR) and less like fantasy mass effect
Grey warden, I'm Witherfang.
>I'm interested in what the default world state is if you don't have precious saves?
Pretty much what you think. Only shocker is that Warden was canonically a female elf who sacrificed herself.
The default world state is made in a way so that new players that start with the third game for no reason dont get confused. The Warden was some shitty elf that died fighting the archdemon and mostly has goodie two shoes choices
>No shit? I really need to play this thing to the conclusion.
It's in the last DLC.
No. It's Made in a way that it is easy for new players to understand. There is no canon HoF.
Why did they remove all the sexuality from DA? I don't remember much from 2 but I remember one if your companions was a whore. DAI really feels like your surrounded by a bunch of monks. And the only remotely sexual party member is Sera and she looks like a pug dressed up with hair. Whoever drew the cards knew what they were doing, but you could see them transitioning more an more to that comic book shit.
Varric was okay, Lelianna was kinda annoying and Morrigan seemed to be the most interesting character in the game. I didnt meet the hero of ferelden
You could see some DA:I companions naked during romance scenes but it's not like I want to see any of these freaks naked to begin with.
What's wrong with that? It would be like devs making a game and then releasing a prequel years after.
One of the potential party members swings both ways and isn't shy about it. You can either be cool with it, tell him to tone that flamboyancy down while you're around, or kill him. No-one cares which option you choose.
> I didnt meet the hero of ferelden
He doesn't show up even if he's alive. Morrigan says he's trying to find a cure of the Calling.
>One of the potential party members swings both ways and isn't shy about it.
You mean two. Leliana and Zevran are both bi. You can have a foursome with them and that pirate slut.
Artist that worked on those cards and environmental team as a whole were literally the only people who gave a fuck about their job in Inquisition. I would fucking hang all of their writers and then shoot them just to be on the safe side they never again write anything.
Yeah doubt they're going anywhere with that story wise. They kind of bungled the default world state for Mass Effect too. Regardless, nobody should be using default world states, play the game, download other people's saves, or use the Keep.
Yeah, I guess they skirted their histories just enough.
It's not just nudity, there was a style in DAO that pushed the limits of an "M" rating, DAI feels childish in comparison.
So Trespasser really is the end of the line as far as DAI goes? I might as well finish my playthrough.
Morrigan, Dorian and Solas were the only characters in DA:I that had some effort put into them. Cass had potential but was kinda ruined and became ugly af
I thought the OST wasn't bad.
>So Trespasser really is the end of the line as far as DAI goes?
Yes. The Inquisitor gets BTFO pretty bad by Solas and can't continue being an adventurer.
>So Trespasser really is the end of the line as far as DAI goes? I might as well finish my playthrough.
I mean if by "end of the line" you mean an open cliffhanger, sure. Can't wait for them to forget all about it if DA4 actually happens and Anthem doesn't get Bioware closed down.
Welp. That's what I get for killing Leliana the first chance I got. I like that I could freely kill would-be hangers-on and not learn what they're all about.
I don't like that she showed up in the sequel saying her dying never happened and the main character of 1 is a lying ass. Which apparently doesn't happen if you don't kill her and import the save.
Way too many main theme remixes. Or rather its motif is ever present through most of the soundtrack. I liked some dragon fight songs, though.
It's not bad it just feels more generic. Personal preference.
I felt Dorian was pushed really hard, kind of makes it one sided when choosing between Mages and Templars.
Can we talk about how shitty the "French" (fucking Quebecois) voice actors were. Wasn't helped by the facial animators either. I always feel like I'm talking to ET whenever Mother Giselle is on the screen.
>Battle against the grey warden mission finally happens
>It's just some generic music instead of being based on anything from Dragon Age 1
Nah it was trash.
Oh, I absolutely prefer DA:O's OST. DA:I's was just inoffensive.
I heard that, that's why I'm rolling Dalish romance w/ Solas
At least we have the old games. I don't see how they're competent enough to get Anthem to save their company, must be hell working for Bio right now.
I played the Dragon Age series in reverse 3-2-1
2 is clearly a piece of shit, no worthy to talk about it.
Origins is more of a classic Bioware game, huge on lore building, but I never liked the gameplay. The "dark fantasy" theme is there just to be edgy, but it doesnt affect much the narrative that is very plain.
Most of the characters in Origins are boring an poorly written too. The cast in Inquisition is the best of the game and they make a below average game shine.
>Way too many main theme remixes
It's called a suite
>Most of the characters in Origins are boring an poorly written too
>I took no time to interact with these characters and as a result don't know anything about them so they're boring*
Origins makes you work for the good party member interactions and moments whereas 2 and Inq serve them to you on a platter
I just picked it up the ultimate edition since it was on a big sale. I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.
Anthem wont save Bioware. Its an rpg company that is so desperate they are trying to make a destiny clone that is incredibly ambitious, at least from the e3 trailer we saw. It will be utter shit and they will die after its release.
Alright what's the most fun (read:least boring) way to play DAI? I've tried sword and board warrior and dual dagger rogue (Reaver and Tempest respectively) but I've only played Mage in multiplayer. Any suggestions?
To those who played origins, can you give me a rundown on the key choices you made in the game?
Spare my bro at the Landsmeet.
They're using Frostbite the best they can do is release a dolled up, pretty looking TPS with solid writing. If normies eat it up, it could prevent EA from EA'ing them. Ironically I think the EA stamp on the game will prevent more buyers than any ill-development by Bioware
Spared Zevran, Romance Morrigan, (Hardened) Alistair killed Loghain, took the Throne, sided with the Mages in the Tower, sided with Bhelen, lift the werewolf curse, free Conner, give Sten his sword
That's all I can remember.
Whos that
Take the bar for myself and send the greedy owner out to die against the undead.
Probably Loghain. He's a cuck
Cuck the elf at the dalish camp
*Hardened Alistair killed Loghain AND took the Throne
PC killed Archdemon and had baby with Morrigan.
Because Hamburger Hepler feels sexuality in women is patriarchy empowering and demeaning to her fat
Every time
It's unfortunate they turned every woman into a man and every man into a cock drunk fag. Every statue or landmark is dedicated to some hero warrior, and every guy is running off with his male mistress. Isn't she working somewhere else now?
>not killing the fag as soon as you found out his degeneracy
I hope none of you left him alive by the end of that game, he's tumblr tier sissy faggotry
Will Grey Wardens ever return to be the heroes Thedas needs? Or will the new default world save be the Inquisitor drove them into the ground?
I was just saying the game does let you kill his degenerate arse and there's no negative consequences for doing so. Which makes it probably not SJW approved.
I know, I'm saying that any faggot that didn't do it in this thread should neck themselves for being literal SJW tier tumblerinas
she wasn't involved in DAI
Why would anyone even recruit Zevran right after he tried to kill you
faggots that wants to catch aids buttfucking him probably
they should be necked
I had fun with archer plus tempest. Pop your lighting then stealth and explosive arrow for damage and then tag everyone else you can while in the lighting. Ice armor is the best way to avoid melee guys while you dodge.
I may respec my dual dagger into bows once I find a good one/schematic
I keep wanting to try an old dwarf two hander, maybe next time.
First playthrough you have no reason to kill him, it's pretty explicitly explained how the Crows work, and how assassination contracts in general work in Thedas. If you killed him on your first playthrough you're foolish, subsequent ones though? Go right ahead.
>not loading up your old save file after learning he's a fag and killing him then
get off this site you faggot snowflake
Seems the only snowflake here is the one stressing over how people play their role playing games. Thanks for the bump though
I'm sure your fellow SJW friends would love how you play your role playing game over at Tumblr.com, go there instead of polluting the place with homosexual snowflakery
These aren't a series of books, dude. They don't have to played in chronological order. You might miss out of some earlier-game references but that's not that big of a deal...
Unless you're a screeching-autistic-neckbeard who hates others enjoying things but in a different manner from the way you enjoy it.
>You're not doing it the right (my) way!
>You're not doing it the right (my) way!
>You're not doing it the right (my) way!
>You're not doing it the right (my) way!
Just because it isn't called Dragon Age 3 doesn't mean they shouldn't be played sequentially. I didn't play 2 (beyond a few hours) and there were some things I missed out on. Same with Cassandra's movie or whatever. No idea who she was. That's a huge detriment to the story of 3.
>Story dependent RPG
>It's not like it's a series of books or something
That's actually the closest comparison you could possible make you fucking idiot.