>The Switch version of Celeste has sold the most, and that’s what we were expecting. We feel like Celeste and the Switch are a perfect fit for each other. We are glad we launched on all consoles though, and we really appreciate the support we’ve seen across the board
Celeste Has Sold The Most On Nintendo Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off,who cares?
wow... that’s amazing.....
in b4 "starved for games"
No shit, the other consoles got MonHun. Switch has been a but starved for big name stuff
Also, Celeste turns to shit in the B-Sodes, where you're asked to do pixel perfect platforming while the screens shakes and the game pauses and eats inputs
Dat timing
Nintendo fans confirmed for better taste in video games. You can keep your fifa.
>We feel like Celeste and the Switch are a perfect fit for each other
Can't be helped people still associate these sorts of smaller indie games with Nintendo consoles than they do AAA titles.
I hate myself sometimes.
>its perfect for the Switch
Why do soyboys say this so much about games?
>Tfw shitposting has become so low effort that its this easy to predict what the next shitpost will be
Literally starved for quality content on this shit board
Saying "inb4" doesn't invalidate what follows, morons. I own a Switch and really like it. Nothing of note has come out since December
Nintendo not releasing any Switch games this month also helps.
Better have nothing than inferior multiplats
Monster Hunter is already dead in the West after just one week. Crapcom shipped 5 million copies but they’re going to have a hard time selling the remaining unsold 2 million. It will be in the bargain bin come Christmas
Considering that is all we have gotten, but older games and less of them, it is worse. The next exclusive of note is Kirby, and that is still over a month away
>pro-abortion SJW game
into the trash
>Monster Hunter is already dead in the West after just one week.
Kek, also go on the E-shop and then go on the psn store and tell me, which one is flooded with indie shit in your face?
I was pointing out the consistency of shit posting on the subject of any time a game does well on the Switch compared to others. It's the bottom of the barrel meme that lost meaning after it was used the 3rd time.
I'm not gonna argue shit about console wars, but the Switch line up has been far better than most in the same time period.
I'm sure you hate yourself most of the time
Abortion is a right
Indie games are made to be played comfy on your bed or anywhere you like. The fact that indie games are outselling on the Switch by a huge margin over other consoles and PC was inevitable. This is the console that indie game developers have been waiting for.
>violating baby's NAP is a right
fuck off
>murder is a right
Why do you post with your trip on even though it has nothing to do with your post?
Why is there always a shill thread for this game up
Its not that good, its super meat boy but with an easy mode.
Yes, just like owning a gun is.
"Nintendo is starved for games" has been true since the Wii U though. You're getting so close to noticing it, yet so far.
where does the Constitution grant a right to abortion?
That has nothing to do with this conversation, and the dearth of competition around Celeste's release on the Switch is significant. A game in a big name franchise released on the other consoles while the Switch hasn't had a big name release in over a month. You treating that fact as "consolewar shitposting" os just you being a fanboy bitch. Unsurprising given your stupid trip. You can't just ignore the facts because they aren't in favor of your company of choice. Nintendo is by far my favorite console manufacturer, but I'm not going to fellate them while we are waiting months for the next big exclusive
That's okay, it wasn't valid in the first place.
Maybe you need to come up with some more original shitposts so you won't be so predictable.
You clearly haven't played it. Why not pirate it and find out for yourself?
right there
This, other systems had fucking DBFighterZ and MHW launch on the same day, why would they buy an indie too?
You cared enough to post.
What are some Sup Forums approved eshop games? All I have on Switch is Sonic Mania, everything else is physical.
Everything is better on Switch.
It's easy to predict the correct response to a question
Explain all the other indie game success stories on the Switch then?
Bunch of people bought a zeldabox and now need something else to play on it.
I dunno, there is Bayonetta 1 & 2. Sure its a port, but its something a lot of people didn't experience on Wii U.
Rocket League, Celeste. Overcooked, Jackbox and Snipperckips, if you have friends
>terminating a non living thing
>game is LITERALLY tumblr incarnate
>it's actually good
is this the beginning of the end for us, Sup Forumsros?
And even easier to predict the retarded shitposter's response.
>abortion isn't murder
>but if you kill a pregnant woman you get charged with double murder
How is this so hard to understand?
Blossom Tales is good if you want an old school Zelda clone.
Fast RMX is a great F-Zero/Wipeout clone and exclusive to Switch.
Golf Story is a comfy rpg romp.
>if you kill a pregnant woman you get charged with double murder
Do you live in Afghanistan?
>pick up an abandoned sandwich off the ground and nobody cares
>take a sandwich someone else is eating and suddenly I'm "stealing"
Nope. The good ol' US of A.
Was this game shilled before being released or did it appear out of nowhere? I don't recall hearing about this game before.
>US lecturing anyone on legality or morality
how is that even remotely comparable?
>comparing a baby to a sandwich
Simply reality is this:
Nintendo have gone to great lengths to nurture the indie scene on their console.
Some types of games are simply better suited to the unique nature of the system.
Nintendo have higher quality control than steam so it's easier for genuinely good games to stand out, hence indie developers are flooding to the Switch as their main platform.
>comparing a fetus to a baby
I'd rather have the snadwich, desu
>pirated in 2 minutes
>boring as fuck
>shit 'artstyle'
>boring and already seen game gimmick
>played for 1 hour and deleted
>shit story
celeste is ok if you have literally nothing to played besides it, but it's back to Dragon Ball Fighterz for me :)
its not about abortion though
Oh, nothing, I think it's just a strange double-standard.
It was barely shilled after the Nintendo Mini Direct, but after certain e-celeb made a video about, the shilling began with full force
It is retard, do you really think a meme this vivid would spark out of nothingness
>new shitty indie game sold the most on a platform with no games
more news at 11
The point I'm trying to illustrate is that this whole "terminating a fetus isn't murder" argument doesn't hold up under scrutiny because killing a pregnant woman counts as two murder charges.
If you want to justify abortion then find a new argument. Just say "I should be able to murder a fetus if I want" if that's your stance. But don't lie and pretend it isn't murder when you can literally be charged with murder for it.
>soyboys buy SJW games
Wow, I'm shocked
>Made by fellow progressive developers
>Featuring progressive characters and story
>Groundbreaking low effort 8 bit pixelart
>"Skip gameplay" option for us people that don't really like to play games
>Rewarded with prestigious 10/10 scores by progressive game journalists
>Tumblr artstyle
Looks exciting, fellow transgender-bender cis fluid gender unconformative numale allies!!!
Its well known that nintendo console owners will buy up tons of crappy games just to justify owning the console. This happens every gen. I see the libraries of nintendo console owners and it always makes me gag.
Actually yes, it did spark out of nothingness, the story was never about abortion, it was about anxiety and depression, nowhere in the game will you find anything about abortion.
Is there any good reason to NOT port an indie game to the Switch? Even Axiom Verge managed to sell well, and that one was already on Wii-U/ 3DS(?)
the fuck is this crazy burger saying with his made up double homicide
you're confusing two different stances though
obviously a pregnant woman who hasn't aborted is fine with nurturing the fetus, whereas a woman who wants to undergo abortion isn't
Not really. Wii software sales were shit. What a dumby you are
Expect for that one screenshot that proves otherwise
I have switch and I pirated on pc heh
Cool, have fun with your nothing then.
what fucking screenshot, nigger?
The one your sjw friend mods keep on deleting
Who the fuck cares? Nothing to play for Months, what do you expect?
>people on this thread
>meanwhile I'm struggling to find time to play Celeste on my Switch, MH and DBZ on my PS4 and the WoW new races on my PC
Feels so good to not be a poorfag
But indie devs release their trash on every fucking console. You toddlers are mentally ill.
But if a fetus isn't a person, then you can't murder it, and therefore killing a pregnant woman shouldn't be two murder charges.
Well congrats to the team I guess.
>The man with no taste ate literal feces along with top french cuisine and was very proud of it.
It's funny how after less than a year Switch becomes another WiiU.
>Finally get a game on the Switch
>Pay more for Switch version
>Looks like absolute shit
>Runs like ass and only has around 3 hours playtime on battery
>Console is fucking huge and longer than almost every modern tablet
>Objectively the worst way to play the game
It's PERFECT on the Switch.
>Proceed to port beg more than PC users
why do you want to kill a pregnant woman that bad you crazy bastard
>it's the perfect fit for the Switch
It's really not though. There's no optimal d-pad support from Nintendo because they just decided to say fuck it and put out their worst d-pad on not just one of their main controllers but both. Diagonal movements have been an absolute nightmare and many of my deaths in the b-sides have been due to the shitty controllers on the switch. It's a really fun game, but I highly recommend anybody buy it for a different console, probably PC, so you can play with a proper d-pad. /autisticrant
I've been seeing this meme for a while now. How is it 'progressive'?
legit curious
I played the entire chapter 3. There isn't anything resembling an abortion
In fact, you can watch the beginning where it's "supposed" to be the screenshot, and they don't talk at all about abortions
you mean the screenshot that doesn't fucking exist?
Which are feces and which are french cuisine? Seems to be like you're just mad that mommy and daddy can't buy you all of these
>muh body muh right to commit murder
I dont, I'm just pointing out inconsistencies in the law and SJW logic.
>sjw made the judicial system
You shouldn't be playing with a dpad anyway, as the feathers show