Xbox one has no gam-

>Xbox one has no gam-


Also on PC.

"here at Xbox we care about having the player experience the best games on the most affordable console around. With great options like Xbox Game Pass, traditional discs, and online sales via the Microsoft store there is no better time to be a gamer. Here is what to look forward to exclusively on Xbox One and windows devices."
>Sea of thieves
>State of Decay 2
>The Last Night
>Forza Horizon 4: Japan
>Crackdown 3
>Ori and the Will of Wisps
>Halo 6
>Dark Tides
>Fable 4
>Perfect Dark
>Age of Empires 4

Can Sup Forums finally admit xbox won?

PUBG is by far the biggest game this gen and is only on xbox + pc.

No one cares about exclusives if no one actually buys them.




refute this sonybros

You fucking can't

>Sea of memes
>Zombie game #409
>The Last Night is an upcoming cinema-
>Another racing game
>Mite b good
>Ori and thzzzzzZzzzzzz
>Actually giving 343 another chance
>literally just a title at this point
>The 4th title in a series with no good games
>The 3rd title in a series with only 1 good game
>Console RTS
>prove it

This. I'm an Xbox boi but Sony has way better exclusives. God of War and Last of Us are better than any of xbox's.


i mean yea bc realistic shooters on consoles are sooo good

nice try samefag

>Xbone has such a lack of exclusives to bring people in that people are praising BC like it's something amazing and new

OP here, I falseflagged as a Sonybro out of my own frustration with our lack of games.

At least they didn't fuck up Gears 4 MP too bad

Recore is hugely underrated.
The base game while not completeted was still pretty good, and the Definitive version actually made it into a great game.
I do hope there's a sequel that isn't rushed out.

...Why's Minecraft on this list twice?

>tfw you gotta wait for tyrone to finish his virtual porn session before he's willing to give you that bbc you're addicted to

>I'm an Xbox boi but Sony has way better exclusives
Nice joke

Never make a women wait for the dick

Being the only console that has it makes it a selling point. Especially when PS4 has a fuck ton of remasters, so its an easy jab.


>minecraft twice

Congratulations. OP put the softball on the tee for you, and you managed to hit it. Your parents should be proud.

What a bitch. I mean, seriously. No context required. She's a total bitch.

What does Sup Forums think of the Xbox One X?

>now with 75% more soy

What is with these people opening their fucking mouth in every fucking picture.


Phantom Dust? Is it a remaster or just backwards compatiable?




I'm reading the tweets right now.

>You need a dedicated gaming PC to play cuphead

Jesus Christ, what will happen when all these people enter the acceptance stage?

they'll come to papa sony

more people will click your youtube video if the thumbnail has your mouth wide open

I like that the Xbox has MP games that have legs and aren't just tacked onto a SP heavy game. SP games are cool and all, but most of them have zero replay value these days.

>mfw xbone corner have zero visibility and is pushed to the back of all video games stores.
>sometimes they are with PS3 and 360 corners.

I would sympathise with you if MS and it fanbase weren't shit.

>itt butthurt ps4ortnite owners mad they can't play Pubg

They are trying to convey surprise, aren't you surprised user?
>I bought a console AND NOW I HAVE A CONSOLE

But I can, it's right there on my PC

The state of the microdick audience

PUBG is trash and I own it on the X while Fortnite is better in almost every way.
I hope a real dev comes and makes an even better PUBG

Phantom Dust came out? I thought that got cancelled?

Its a remaster of the OG one.
It's free so can't complain too much.

the Phantom Dust sequel/reboot thing was cancelled, the remaster came out

>console fags complain about pc upgrades being too expensive
>buy entire new version of console for 2% better preformance
The last good 2nd version of a console was the PS2 Slim. PS3 wasn't that smaller, the 360 one was the non retard version of the console(the one without 54% fail rate) and now they're coming out with them sooner and sooner.
Meanwhile, I upgrade parts on my PC once every 5 years.

Ah, that explains it. Probably better off that way, I suppose.


People are stupid

No, I will be happy to get one and smile but I wouldn't open my mouth so wide that someone could put a cockroach in it. I feel like putting a mouse in these people mouths since they are stupid it enough to have it opened that wide. Do these people not know just how retarded they actually look?

>2% better performance
The X shit all over the base Xbone. It crazy how much better games look and run on it.

none of those games are good though

I see what you did there OP, I think it's very clever and comical.

Sunset Overdrive will become One's Jet Set Future.

>The best Xbone games are HD remakes of older games
>Master Chief Collection
>Rare Replay

Xbone has incredibly pathetic exclusives. It's the worst console of this generation, even worse than the Wii U.

>Minecraft twice

This is a joke, right?
Lucky's Tale?

Games load twice as fast now as well.

Really? I'm getting an Xbox soon for Forza and Sunset and I'm quite literally starved for games on the console. I'll be getting Ori and Cuphead on it, but those aren't really a driving factor as I don't need W10 for them.

I don't want to play those games though

It's just as good as mario

>sunset overdrive
wanna try again?

Didn't the remaster get shit on though?

Completely agree my man! Bro I been playing xbox all my life but I finally played Last of Us on the Sony Playstation 4 at my good friend's place (who loves Sony btw) and this game BLEW ME AWAY.

ori is average as fuck, just a pretty game with dull gameplay

I don't know why MS are forcing developers to gimped their games for the base Xbox One though if the X is really that powerful though. The X should've just been a new console with Xbox One backwards compatibility.

As they should considering you can get an Xbone for a quarter of the price of an X.

The only game that they have coming out is Crackdown 3(PC also) and even then they haven't said anything about it in some time.
The game is probably in a bad state since they removed the forums from the main site a few months back.
PC+Switch+PS4 the way to go.

Yeah, the game is pretty good.
I understood the hate it got because it was clearly rushed when it came out, but they finally completed it and turned it into a great game. if you do get a Xbone, it will give you a free gamepass sub for 1 a month I think. Use that to play it to see if you like it.

Great game
>sunset overdrive
shit no one would have give a single fuck about if it wasnt an exclusive

The best thing on this list is a collection of games all available on the 360.

The X is a mid gen upgrade. It either should've been the base console from the start or in this case, a replacement for the lackluster console they rolled out. Kinnect fucked things up real good. The X is not powerful enough to warrant the title next gen.

Most western Dev are actually make solid enhancements for the X.
Its the Japanese Devs I'm most iffy about.

Racing games are fun and I don't care if Sup Forums hates them.

>SP games are cool and all, but most of them have zero replay value these days.
Yes.. because the Devs focused too much on the multiplayer.

>Listed twice
How desperate...

Forza Horizon 4 will most likely be releasing Q4 and it's a Xbone game unless you were dumb enough to update to Windows 10.

What PS4 SP game has a multiplayer worth touching for more than 30mins?

I have an XBONE and on that list I only have Sunset Overdrive.
OUt of the rest, I'm only looking at Super Lucky's Tale, Quantum Break, and Rare Replay. Maybe Ori.
Isn't GoW 4 XBONE exclusive? Just got that with GoW 1-3 and Judgment codes.
Also looking for Halo Master Chief Collection.

Xbone has Japanese games?

It's going to be more of the same going forward with God of War and Spider-Man. Since Killzone is kill, I don't know what MP games Sony has to offer other than multiplats that play and look better on the X. As multiplats go, Xbox has a better online infrastructure and a much better controller.

Bought an X in anticipation of the EA acquisition. Stay mad, So(n)y boys.

>Being exclusive to one company
Nick joke.


Absolutely disgusting

Great now you can play all the great EA games like... uhh..

Only game on there that I would get is state of decay and thats on my 360. Weak.

What would one play on a PS4 if you're not into Japanese games?

what are actually good Xbone games? I haven't really been following this generation's games but it feels like both PS4 and Swith have plenty of decent games while I haven't heard anything about good Xbone exclusives

>Its the Japanese Devs I'm most iffy about.


Uncharted, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last of Us and God of War IV.


Why would you not be into japanese games? Get a new hobby.

>Seriously think EA is going to be brought by MS
This is the same company that backstabbed its founder when he tried to launch his own game console back in the mid-90's.


this mad

Its had the real popular Japanese games that would actually sell on the Xbone. But I wouldn't mind if it got niche ones too.

That's my main issue with the PS4, their SP games are pretty good, but most are one and done types of games. Then they go marketing Multiplats to service as their MP game when they are better on the X and PC, AND not to forget how much of a tire fire PS+ is.

Those are really uninteresting games... I'm glad I bought a PS4....

Ori is the only truly good game out of these. Sunset Overdrive was nothing more than decent.

If you don't like racing/driving games like Forza, the main reason to get an Xbone, you might aswell get sterilized.