What would you like to see in GTA VI?
What would you like to see in GTA VI?
future and flying cars
If there is a female lead character will she be able to pick up prostitutes and if so will she take the dick or go for the lick?
when you jack cars it would be cool if some cars were locked and your character had to smash the window to get in. and yank them out if they were wearing seatbelts
That would be cool.
The it needs to climbing and physics of BotW or it will feel outdated as fuck
1980s liberty city.
>70s Midwest
>Snow and desolation
>Native American mafia managing casinos vs Irish-italian Union mobsters
All of America.
we haven't got a period piece HD game yet, maybe something set in the 70s or 80s.
80s Vice City would be safe but it would basically be a remake of Vice City so I don't see R* doing that, thought they did reuse both Liberty City and San Andreas so I guess it actually might be likely
Personally I think 70's San Fierro would be awesome, with a Dirty Harry vibe
I like the 70's idea.
I'd be totally ok with a female lead. Maybe some kind of pimp queen, leading a bunch of stripclubs or a prostitute ring.
Some level of destructible environments, even if its shitty shanty town looking houses.
yeah it would be awesome, but honestly R* will probably just do a modern day vice city so they can reuse all the vehicle assets from GTA V and so we can have jetpacks and flying motorcycles. I can't see them doing a historical GTA game ever again as it wouldn't have mass market appeal (aka kids who buy shark cards)
>a woman protagonist that willingly whores herself up to climb up the ranks of society
>gta sa, liberty city and vice city all in one map
>the abilty to fucking date if the protagonist is single
>more lazlow
>more murder missions like the Leonora Johnson case
1960-70s Las Venturas maybe. But really anything story oriented without online part and microtransactions being main focus.
Nah give me some psycho Latina with Cartel connections
Not full ugly, not a sexbomb
I would like to see a female character in it, vice city would be a cool locale too but it needs the 80s vibe otherwise it's kind of boring unless you dexter the game up which would be cool... Also I want good physics and depth like in 4 5 felt kind of video gamey... Also actual myths like monsters and vampires or something
More shit like golf and yoga, less of that boring commiting crimes stuff, also cops need to be everywhere and basically omniscient and omnipotent, if I go into the desert and fire a gun it shouldn't take more than one shot for police helicopters to start swarming me.
Niko Bellic
Oh boy do I have a game for you. You should try "GTAV". Stands for Grand Theft Auto 5 (the V is roman numeral)
They are kindoff sucking out the cartel idea with the multiplayer content and missions already though, not sure if that would still be fresh in a new game.
sims already exists
Adding onto what I meant by dexter it'd be cool if one of the guy characters was a crooked cop and you did police missions as well as criminal ones, idk how that would tie into the optional police ones already tho never liked playing those
Anything and everything.
Release date: July 1, 2022
More microtransactions
Haven't done vice city in awhile. But personally I'd like a whole new locale. I'm thinking something different from what we've seen like something modeled after Seattle or Denver or somewhere like that. They can put a bunch of hipster npcs around the city for the player to run over and stuff. I wanna go back to one protagonist again too. The switching thing sounded cool on paper but I didn't enjoy it that much when actually playing it. I think they should try to make the character have a compelling back story but leave enough ambiguity that the player can still project a little bit of themselves onto the character's personality. And for the love of god I wish they'd bring back cool cheat codes again. None of this "5 minutes of invincibility" crap. Just give me an invincibility cheat for when I wanna screw around. I would also love to see infinite ammo, flying cars, and evil pedestrian cheats again too. And some cool Easter eggs and stuff like that would be nice.
Something not in the US
Maybe Australia or the UK
Or maybe some non English speaking country.
more microtransactions and fluff content
Red Dead Redemption 3 should be about a former african slave named Mango who with the help of a German doctor-turned-bounty hunter named Emperor Shootz team up and become a bounty hunters duo in a quest for revenge and to free Mango’s girlfriend who for some odd reason speaks weird German. They need to to Lollipoplan to kill Sir Lollypop and save all the african slaves.
Red Dead Revenge Unchained
Release date: 2028
a non retarded police system, sick of getting the cops called on me for something I did while literally nobody was watching
Also I'd love more buildings and interaction, more random buildings/banks to rob. Maybe if you blow the shit out of the police station there's a longer police response time.
more specifically Quebec+Ontario
>start off working for the French Canadian mafia (yes thats a thing)
>killin biker gangs
>drug deals in Montreal industrial rave clubs
>have to wack a guy and bury him out at your sugar shack up north
>travel to Ottawa to bully some feds
>travel to Kingston to bully some rich university student wannabe drug dealers
>travel to Toronto to bully the Canadian entertainment industry