Haven't played Call of Duty since Black Ops 2

>Haven't played Call of Duty since Black Ops 2
>Grandma dies and family meets up at my uncle's house
>Cousin is playing WWII on Xbone
>Decide to jump in for a few matches
>Looks like a 360 game
>Maps are so small compared to past games, spawns switch every min or so
>Absolutely disgusted

I thought this one was supposed to be good?

>I thought this one was supposed to be good?
What made you think it was good?
It's another forgettable and unbalanced fuckfest.

Why can't he buy the game himself? She's not even very attractive, just a basic looking bitch.

>pause online

Idk man everything I heard about it was positive

It's mildly underrated but the balance is really fucked. A lot of guns are literally unusable.

Didnt read your post, but if a girl got me a game with those conditions I'd just leave her. Every woman I've dated has known I prefer to be alone like 3-4 days of the week anyways. High maintenance women are soul sucking parasites.

i had mostly the same experience
>gpap dies
>go to parents house for a week
>playing bros xbone and codWWII
>havent played since WaW
>get fan mail from buttblasted kids and reported notices

Possessive thots begone.

Fucking time vampires.

I'd leave her for the sole reason that it's cringe (yes I know reddit word) inducing and unfunny. That and it's a shitty gift. If I want a game I just fucking buy it. I trust some of my gaming friends to buy me like an obscure game I otherwise wouldn't play. But if you don't play vidya don't buy vidya gifts. Buying a CoD fanboy CoD is like buying someone a jug of milk. Thanks for saving me a trip to the store I guess?

Vidya gift buying asid, the entire “rules” is bullshit. I’m not five, and I most certainly can make decisions on my own and have a right to not be at your beck and call every time you phone me, a time limit on text responses? Fuck her. This is precisely why so many want a significant other with similar interests, you shouldn’t have to give up what you enjoy to become a slave to somebody just to get laid.

>he signed it
did it came with a leash and a muzzle too?

>"i'd like for us to see other people. you can keep the game, though."

Get out while you still can, that shit is cute when she's telling you to not play video games but there's a thin line between that and her telling you to stop hanging around with your friends. The fact she posted it on the internet is concerning.

Go ruin another language, nigger.

Some people have something called personality.

If your significant other doesn't have some similar interests you're seriously fucking up. What do you even talk about together?

Yeah, and her's is a controlling bitch.

>”When I speak with you, you MUST drop everything and pay attention to me! I have a contract for it and everything.”
Sounds like a pretty shit personality.

>he can't create a time pausing barrier around him when he plays online
get a load of this newfag

>looks like a 360 game
>on xbone
Well there's your problem

>signing anything to a woman

this isn't news it's just shit

t. virgins

>pause space time
>cant talk to girlfriend because shes now frozen in time

t. has a 2/10 gf

>Some people have something called personality.

"you must stand ready to immediately drop whatever you are doing and start worshipping me instead at all times!" sure sounds like a really great personality lmao

An erosive, insecure and highly egocentric personality by the looks of it.

Sorry they don't cater to campers like you anymore, grandpa. Guess you have to rely on your reflexes now. Oh wait, you're too old to do that.

>start fucking people when time is frozen

Are you implying every COD since 2 hasn't been a piece of shite? What were you expecting?

>a 6 laboring under the delusion that she is a 10


>tfw no femdom gf that doesn't let me buy my own things and I have to do everything she says

blake is lucky

>nu-males go through this sort of shit to be stuck with a 5/10 control freak attention whore

>He can't pause certain aspects of space time at a whim and keep others going just fine or at any rate of speed you want
Fucking casual.



yeah but not women though

Why would you sign that in the first place?

The husband is the faggot in this one.

60 dollar gift at most coupled with something that is even worse than the worst DRM
and then people ask ME why I pirate

There probably was a problem with his game obsession, but that's such an awful way to go about it.
This guy legit sounded like he needed help not spending frivolously

I had the most fun on CoD 2 when it first released on the 360. Going prone with the Kar and pistol was extremely satisfying.

Just to be that fag, what CoD games does Sup Forums actually recommend?

People actually buy these things? At a rate greater than 120$ a month?

>Funko Pops
I would've left him on sight. He should be thankful.

How else would you feel alive, by living your life? Nah, be a buyfag, it's simpler.

I would've signed it on the condition she'd let me fuck her at the same rate I felt like wanking.

Lmao, I guarantee you're all fucking virgin losers who have never even touched a girl before in your entire lives. You're in no position to judge other people relationships.

1 + expansion, 2, 4. stop there.

>I'm a cuckold

Well good news for you, they've added the "Kink" to LGBT now, so you're officially mentally handicapped.


every time

They're in high school. I don't see problem with open relationship when you're that young.

What's wrong with 3, besides the fact that I'd have to emulate the PS2 version?

>You're in no position to judge other people relationships.
Yeah I am. I have the constitutional right to be a judgmental prick about whatever I want to be. Proud 56%er


>being such an addict that the people in your life have to treat you like this


>basing your opinion on half of the human race based on a single anonymous image on Sup Forums

>I don't see a problem with setting up a lifetime of being a cuck failure early

>"Guys, guys, hold on a sec, my gf is calling"
It's not that hard, user.

>Lmao, I guarantee you're all fucking virgin losers



I heard a piece on nation public radio (US news network) I was laughing so hard at the defensive nature of the discussion. I thought the cuck thing WAS an exaggerated meme but it really does bother people.

>le not an argument argument

>Some people have something called personality.


Yeah everyone is going to drop their controllers and wait until you finish talking with your cunt of a girlfriend

Do women ask many questions about the childhood of the people they date? Mine was shit enough that I have a no discussion policy for it and keep little memorabilia/friends from it and anyone who says anything gets an instant contact nuke. Well I doubt the odds of ever dating anyone, it does seem like a awkward question to dodge for anyone trying to really know me.


>Lmao, I guarantee you're all fucking virgin losers
calm you tits, woman.

>Looks like a 360 game


If you had any friends you would know your bros will call you a pussy whipped faggot the second you pick up.

yes women love insecure men with autism you should have no problems

Use a lag switch.

The CoDs that are developed by Sledgehammer are always dogshit. They are worse than Greenlight devs.

As someone who is a 25 year old kissless virgin, this thread is both cringey and depressing to read.

I've heard from my normie friends who actually have lives that this kind of behaviour in a relationship is terrible. Granted they were actually attractive people and didn't have to settle with whatever they could get. Which probably isn't the position people who make these posts are in.

Mass replying to posts should be bannable, desu.
They added kink to the list? Why?

>give all autonomy to me
Is not a plead to an addict. This is some femdom shit, I assume. At least, I fucking hope the guy is at least getting off on this.

The CoDs developed by the empty shell of what was once IW is also dogshit, I doubt anybody could tell the difference.

I googled this shit and found nothing, source?

As someone who is a 30 year old kissless virgin, this thread does not make me feel anything at all, just reinforces the notion that this place has gone down the shitter in the last couple of years, and makes me wonder why the fuck do I even bother coming back here.

You don't even know what Stefan meant when he said "not an argument" stop action like you aren't a bumbling dunce who just parrots what others say.

Sup Forums has always been shit. Its a universal constant. It's you that has gotten even more pathetic than when you first came here.

>Everyone just ignoring the fact that this is newsworthy
Who cares? Why is this important enough to write an article about it?

No you wouldn't.

Addition to collecting is a real issue, setting up an agreed upon spending cap is actually a good way to address it.

t. buyfag

not an argument

Actually it's this place that got even more pathetic, especially with threads like these, that's why I feel I no longer belong here.


So is there really anything wrong with cuckoldry? I would let my wife have sex with other dudes if she becomes happier

If you don't think there is anything wrong with it, then there isn't. Why do you care what others think?

I'm the 25 year old wizard you replied to originally. Feel the same way, user. Where do we go though if not Sup Forums?

Oblivion. Seriously, just end your life if when given free time and leisure pursuits and you can't find something to find value to spend your time with.
I don't mean it to be edgy, I genuinely advocate suicide for you.

The grave seems like a comfy place right now.

>Doesn't get herself a copy so they can play together
Pump and dump her. Not good enough to be a wife.

>mass replying

Good job OP you derailed your own thread. Although that's implying that wasn't your intention to begin with.