Are we going to let them?
>are we going to let them?
What are we supposed to do
Hiro welcomes this shit with open arms
what the fuck is censored?
Sup Forums has ads?
this just makes me want to stick to League of Legends for another 10 years. Riot would never take part in this manipulative BS. Even if you've never played League of Legends, there's never been a better time to get started!
Your life
the average poster here already calls anyone a shill when they express their own opinion, i think we'll be ok
no one gives a fuck as long as mods do their jobs
so basically, everyone panic
Isn't it obvious that most (if not all) of the threads about "omg I love this game so much SOOO beautiful and more fun than I expected" threads are just paid marketing executives? They're so common now that it's become part of the Sup Forums meme that we wank off the same games over and over.
That's all part of their plan, so when obvious shills are called out nobody pays attention to the shill-callers.
>Sup Forums
Even a newfag should know better
why do you think Sup Forums is only about star wars
Oh so from now on we'll have unpaid AI's instead of paid shills.
Who cares?
It was incredibly noticeable during the week EA's Battlefront 2 came out
Their defense force was in every thread, even the ones that just wanted to discuss Pandemic's game
It was the only time I saw a classic Battlefront thread go to complete shit in the history of Sup Forums
Please guys I'm sure we can all see that the mere idea of AI's posting on Sup Forums.org is complete nonsense. Anyways, WHIIIIRRRRRR am I right everyone?
AI bots can't simulate average Sup Forums retard soyboy. Good thing that I have a damn awesome and fun Destiny 2 to play while you faggots talk about inexistent bullcrap
All the effort they go through to make personalized ads to sell people shit is completely wasted on this place.
Nobody here will fall for it because everyone is a pirate.
Sup Forums has been under constant attack from bots and other surveillance for years. This shouldn't be a surprise. Ever sinve we hit CNN this place has gone to shit for it.
>schedule H
Does this mean more naked japanese anime?
At this point I'm convinced you could replace 90% of posts here with the a bot posting template threads and poorly generate gotchas and I would notice no difference.
Why does everybody even believe this? Honestly, prove to me that this isn't some fake shit made by an autist. The lenghts people go to make fakes is not to be underestimated.
Well, I DO like ice-cream....
You like soy.
You consume it a lot.
You are a soyboy and your opinion is invalid.
hi hank
ice cream? i love ice cream!
I completely agree, HANK.
you little shit
This is absolutely fake just like the lies about star wars battlefront 2. Probably just some {{text_fill[2]}} autist
All Sup Forums is now is a bunch of paid marketers console war'ing against each other from paid 9-5 office positions. There are no video game enthusiasts left, its just shills using the site whilst working. People who like games are playing them
>5 BEEP BOOPS have been uploaded to your software
Get a load of this fucking shill