Monster Hunter would be more popular in the West if they got rid of the fucking cats

Monster Hunter would be more popular in the West if they got rid of the fucking cats.

Why do they keep them in?

>Why do they keep them in?
They're cute!

>Westerners don't buy games because they have cats in them

To be total bros and to pick up that Wyvern Gem that you didn't get in rewards.

>complains about pussy in games

what r u a gay faggot?

The cats aren't what holds back MH in the west. General impatience with the gameplay and grinding is.

Felynes are the best part of the series.

>getting rid of cat
This is the one thing that would PREVENT me from buying the game

People have to realize that you can‘t satisfy the entire West all at once, probably because not even the West knows what they want.

>Not understanding that this game is popular BECAUSE it has cats
Removing cats from MH is like removing all items and skills from league of legends

Can I make my cat wear cute dresses while I kill pickle dragon?

This, I've dropped 4 different monster hunter games after 2 hours of the initial fetch quests and overwhelming amount of side content.

>tfw you can make a black and white cat that looks like your old cat that died a few years back from old age.
You may be gone from this world, but you will live on, old friend.

Fuck you, I was gonna make that joke.

fuck yuo and your stupid thread op

Isn't this suppose to be "fix" in this version?

Why can't i play as a fumbling cat just barely managing to get by?

>made my cat in game
>now want to dress my cat in anjanath armor in real life

This could be the one I finally get into but im not willing to risk buying it on PS4. Just going to wait for PC so at least I get the good version.

It is. You're fighting real monsters an hour in.

>they delayed version with less dev support, fewer events, and fewer players
>good version

Damn hopefully we can mod that stuff in.


monster hunter has always been goofy and over the top, faggot

t. Delusional console baby

I'd rather play with my friends and at a better resolution and framerate. Events dont matter to me.

This is a valid reason

Name any time a multiplayer game's pc port has been the definitive one.
Because I can't think of any besides dark souls, and that took a good 3-4 months before it was remotely playable, and it was only playable due to mods, thanks to literally no QA having people sliding down ladders right through the floor into the void and other dumb shit.

Also, you're delusional if you think MHW is gonna have any lasting support on PC. It literally didn't even come out on xbone in japan, there's no way anyone's going to give a shit about it on pc. And it'll be long after the general hype is dead unless they launch it as a G version or something.

>muh graphics
Oh so you guys are secondaries that aren't real hobbiests
Are you sure a normal fag board like reddit isn't the place for you

You fantasy fucking your cat partner in off hours?

Then what do you suppose we put in their place?
Faggot dogs?
Shitty iguanas?

Actually I'd be down for iguanas

You're not?

>Why do they keep them in?
Because they've been here longer than you, underage nu-gamer

Infant justifying his shitty purchase.

Fuck you

Why do you think palicos have any influence on how people perceive monster hunter?

Kirin armored cat doujin when?

You almost got me with that one. Nobody would purposefully play a worse version of a game.

I doubt you could fit your dick into their tiny hole, nor would they lust for your monkey dick

>fox killed my old cat
>name my Palico "RIP Steve"

RIP Steve. You were a great cat


>Why do they keep them in?
the programmers were too excited to test their "shells and fins" fur rendering algorithm on 9th gen hardware

>fewer events
It's Monster Hunter. Events don't go away they literally sit in the quest log forever. If anything PC will be able to pick and choose from all the events/arenas that happened instead of waiting months for an additional quest.

>y-you aren't having fun getting to play the game months before I do, with a healthy multiplayer community, with events that add new content and unique rewards, and with active developer support
>m-my version is going to look shinier
Spoken like a true pleb, you can just admit you don't take the hobby seriously and are just a casual user

Cats are as annoying as fuck, they should bring back shakalakas.

>implying westerners don't like cats
My only gripe is they often look like a servant race and it makes me feel bad for them. Even if they're physically weaker than the humans and wyverians, they're still total bros and I consider them equals.

>do missing in rotten vale or coral level
>sent to research vessel
>have to sit through another loading screen to go to smithy in astera
>have to sit through another loading screen to go back to research base and talk to sexy leader lady to start next mission

what the fuck were they thinking, just put a smith in the research base if you're wanting to have more than one base, gatdam

I know that feel m8


The cat customization is probably what made mhw so popular with Normies.

You know the whole "NORMIES GET OUT REEEEE" is a joke right? Youre not actually supposed to act like that.

>not liking cats

It would have been more popular in the west if literally fucking everything didn't have a timer attached to it.
I get the challenge of having optional timed hunts but putting a time limit on everything (especially when monsters can just leave in the middle of a fight because you ran out of time which is fucking bullshit) is just tedious as fuck.
If you'd ever actually been hunting you'd know that you can be out there from before sun up til after sundown.

Proved you're underage.
Just stop user.

Cat creator was the only redeeming amusement I got out of the three hours I spent trying to make my character.

This is the first thing on here to have actually bothered me in like a year, good job

>damage control
The absolute state of (You)
It's ok if you only care about graphics guys, you would fit right in on Sup Forums

Cats have been cooks in at least 2 games and that's hardly a minor role

>30/50 minutes isn't enough time for him to kill a monster

I have bad news for you

Im sorry you dont have friends you can play with on PC, but some people do. I hope some day you can realize that other people are different and not be so angry.

events go away in world
there's a schedule for them if you google it
i agree with you though they aren't just going to not rerun the events we'd have gotten on consoles already, aside from the exclusives

>reeeeeeeeee why are you playing this game with your friends right now, you don't have friends, you're mad right now not me
Wew lad, maybe it's time you go take your pill

I liked the one in 4U, what a bro

of course

Palicos have the best armor

Im sure you have plenty of friends on PS4 and that is perfectly fine.

>This game would be more popular if it got rid of the thing people like almost universally.

dude what, it's literally the only reason I would play this shitty looking game.

>get rid of something been around and embedded into the series for 15 years to appeal to casuals like me and everyone else
>Gets pissy when people point out World is causal as fuck and this this the awful audience it's attracting

Their utility and designs aren't bad, the problem is their fucking voice clips that you can't turn off.

>Your Palico hugs Handler and not you when you get seperated


Oh, are we at the part where you just start repeating yourself because you've been mind broken and have no defense already

we didn't actually get rid of cats so you'll want to be more specific instead of being a vague cunt

>he wouldn't hug Handler

Op WANTS to. That's my point.

i agree op

cats are ass

i'll give you the reason why this pisses me off
>Objective Kill 2 great Jaggies 40 minutes
>"Easy peasy"
>Takes 10 minutes to find the first one and a few more minutes to kill
>Can't find the second one
>look it up and it's in a zone I haven't even been to yet
>by now even if I got to the monster in time to START the fight it would just decide to leave for no reason in the middle of the fight
That's fucking annoying
>Playing with buddy
>he dies RIGHT before I land the killing blow
>he respawns
>can't get back to the monster corpse in under a minute
>"Fuck you I guess you just get nothing" - game designer
Again, I'd be fine with optional timed missions but the fact that there is a timer attached to every. single. thing. is just so fucking annoying andtedious

Chacha and Shaka >>>>>>> Niggerlynes

There's literally nothing wrong about cats.

the second voice option on low pitch is barely audible

It hasn't been a problem for like three games now

oh in that case please figure out that greentext still requires you to write something understandable in its context, you bitter newfag

also he really doesn't, do you not realize how monster hunter threads are made here?

>getting rid of cats
>Making something more popular
What the fuck are you on? and where can I get some of that wacky shit

>throws herself into danger literally every world
>is never greatful when you endlessly save and babysit her

She needs a good Jagris voring


>MHW is geared towards western audiences
>all the female npcs are ugly

my cat is the cutest mother fucker i've ever seen so you can suck my dick

Pandering to the /trash/ demographic, they are multiplying in number year on year.

So go do expeditions retard, but then you'll complain that the monster eventually runs away instead of sitting still letting you kill it

>our lord and saviour

i've taken 30 minutes to find things in world when i was tired and have never seen quest targets leave the area. that mechanic only applies to expeditions.

Post an in-game screenie and say she's not ugly.

>with a healthy multiplayer community
user said he's playing with friends, which is significantly better than playing with random niggers which are guaranteed to be retarded because they're sonybros
>with events that add new content and unique rewards
if the event content is good enough it'll be added permanently, because it's literally a free addition to how much content there is in the game
>and with active developer support
thanks for betatesting the Early Access, when the game is bug free, we'll play it I mean, why else would you want dev support?

>Oh so you guys are secondaries that aren't real hobbiests
Says the man supporting the most dumbed down, simplest, easiest version of a series with over 14 releases in the past decade.

The timers are always like an hour. How the fuck do you struggle to kill anything in an hour?

You can easily do 3 monsters in 30 minutes

>leave for no reason in the middle of the fight
>some asshole is hitting me with a hammer
>I had better just sit there and let it happen
Did you know one of the earliest forms of hunting was to just chase shit down until it collapsed from exhaustion and then kill it

She's cute

Holy fuck, that's hideous. What happened to this series?

Monster Hunter would be more popular if CAPCOM would just accept their controls are shit and let me change the inputs to not suck ass without having to change the buttons on the controller itself.

>upset pc cucks constantly taking the bait
It's easier than capturing a jagras

I'm still looking for a legitimate reason to use anything other than hammers. Tail cuts don't matter because it's easier to just capture the monster.

refer to the image above your post