Holy fucking shit.
Is dota 2 unironically saved?
My last 6 mathes i've queued in 3k US west have had not a SINGLE non-english speaker on my team.
I unironically haven't pubs this much in probably over a year now. Did the frog finally save us?
Holy fucking shit.
Is dota 2 unironically saved?
My last 6 mathes i've queued in 3k US west have had not a SINGLE non-english speaker on my team.
I unironically haven't pubs this much in probably over a year now. Did the frog finally save us?
um sweetie, blizzard already saved the genre, you're welcome
Deletion of all Brazilians, Peruvians, and Russians instantly makes the game better
>ameritrash is happy to play with shitty unskilled teammates
i dunno what to tell you man, we dont have that dead economy and want to die like in Europe so i cant spend my whole life dedicated to this game.
>Is dota 2 unironically saved?
i dont think so
maybe will start playing again if this works.
Stopped playing since it became Dota 2.
Not having an option to surrender just breaks the game too much for me, every game comes to a point where you basically have to wait 15min for the enemy to decide if they want to end it or keep farming your corpses.
I don't even play moba anymore, LoL is fucking garbage too.
At least I have fond memories of playing Dota on War3 engine and Bnet/GGplayer/Garena.
It won't change anything. People will find ways around it. Nobody in Brazil wants to play on Brazil servers or with other Brazilians because they want easy wins.
too bad the base gameplay is shit beyond repair
>People will find ways around it
literally select english as your language and nothing more
thats all you have to do
is it too late to start playing dota? i've never seen any gameplay of it and i'm not remotely interested in the genre as a whole, but I thought i'd try it because the internet loves and hates it for whatever reason
>is it too late to start playing dota
yes. enjoy your 20 character lock for 25 games where you play vs people who know what to do because there is not enough new players so you can play with them
Dota 2 is so fucking unbearable as a solo player. 2900 hours and I will never touch it again. I even removed the license from my Steam account so I can't easily reinstall on impulse.
Some of the most significant changes have been happening somewhat recently like 7.00 for better or worse. So it's not the worst time, maybe. You probably won't have any idea what you're doing at first but the bottom bracket players never learn anyway.
This a thousand times. Got queued with a bunch of third worlders who just spent the game yelling at me and another dude because we were new. Even the enemy team thought we were trolling just because we didn't know the moveset of every hero in the game in our first couple matches. If I actually liked the genre, I'd stick with it and learn because dota seems like a decent game but assfaggots in general is awful.
>talent balance
Mostly the reason why I don't play. They're not the frog level of balance. icefrog when he sees someone doing to well what does he do? Eh maybe -5ms, -1armor, and so on. Talents? Nobody picking them? Uhhh, let's +100hp on top of what it is, +30 damage, and so on.
Talents were a mistake
>new to the game
>doesn't practice bit matches
>abloobloo people are being meanies
What a turbo faggot.
if i wanted to play singleplayer i wouldnt install this game
This. We need more - 30s respawn timer talents.
you can play with the peruANOs if you want, yurocuck
Good thing bot matches aren't single player then, faggot.
>We need more - 30s respawn timer talents.
But you don't even play this game.
Did you forget what you posted? You are the one who doesn't play them game.
gay ass mofo
>implying we spics are not going to choose english as language because we suck and nobody wants to play with spics (even us) so in the end everything will be the same
I never cared about player numbers but maybe Dota consistently losing players is the kick in the butt Valve needs to actually work on the game. Not that I'm about to start playing again.
If you're above 6k mmr you're still going to play with Peruvians anyways. The number 1 ranked player right now is a peruvian anyways.
t. soylord
bonus stat
today csgo had more players than dota
whats bad about soy?
Can you not?
? i see people using soy as an insult and idont know why. i legit want to know
You really don't.
i do
It won't help because Russians intentionally tick English out of spite.
t. Asked them in Russian
its a meme that drinking soy increases your estrogen levels and makes you into a low testosterone effeminate male
oh you met vasily then? hows his job as spokesperson for all russian dota players going these days.
>it's a meme
source that its a meme? uh.... read Sup Forums in 2017/18
I sure do, then proceed to communicate exclusively in Russian.
t. Russian
I play on EU west, and still get russians on my team. So no.
you sure do what?
deletion of all white people make all of life instantly better
Dota will not by saved by any stupid gimmick that valve tries now.
The game is shit and only the proswannabes follow it.
FFS i tried to talk about the patch today in /vg/ and those faggots were just talking about pro players and shit, they donĀ“t even care about the game anymore.
Yes, play with bots the first 10-20 games.
You'll thank me later
you can play with sticks and rocks as much as you like
theres your first mistake, its a containment board
Welfare recipient detected.
so is Sup Forums
no its the main videogames board
ever wonder why porn threads, or that thread about that deformed baby stay up so long? because the mods don't want the cancer to spread to the other boards. this is /b2/
not sure that makes sense senpai
This thread is bad and this board is horrendous