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an unfinished game



Disappointment and boredom

Filler after filler. With an occasional cutscene every few hours.

>an unfinished game
this isn't even Sup Forums being pessimistic, it's true

A fun game.
Listen to the tapes.

great gameplay, shit story

fun game, story wasn't finished, boss dies at the end to solid snake

fun gameplay that gets kind of repetitive and boring after a couple of hours. nonsense story, awful cutscenes.


a lot of fun unless you are legit autist about muh efficiency and exclusively play the game using only tranq pistols and sniper rifle, d-dog or quiet and fulton every single soldier you see, even those below rank S.

Gameplay peak of the series, weakest in storytelling but taken independently it's not as bad as it's perceived.

A bit of an unpopular opinion but the story and gameplay are great.

Unironically in my top 10. Im a massive faggot and I know it.

I did this and gave up when I got to Africa. Fuck that place

Isn't it how you are supposed to play the game?

>in hallway playing dead
>soldiers shoots every corpse around me to make sure they are all dead
>get to me only corpse that doesn't have any bullet wounds
>doesn't shoot me

fuck you kojima

>only linear part of the game is the first chapter
>exactly long enough so you can't use steam refund after you play the prologue and start the Kaz mission
>rest of the game is base building and open world grinding

no that's just how sperg play it

Dude, I'll spare you the trouble of unlocking most of the shit and just give you my save files so you can fuck around.

>kaz literally shows up on a white horse with white clothes to save me out of nowhere in the last minute

it looked cool so I'll forgive

Repetition. Its good in the beginning though. I ended up not bothering to finish the game. Just the same facking thing over and over again.

ground zeroes in unironically better

In addition to what everyone else has said, the game has INCREDIBLE aesthetics

>Riding through Afghanistan on horseback
>80's music blaring
>Nice camouflage
>Big Boss ;^) ;^) ;^) ;^) is a beautiful man
>Good graphics

Think what you want of the game, but goddamn if you can't tell a lot of money was put into it

not wrong

>Nice camouflage
Felt like camos are a waste now that you can't use 'em quick on the fly. I ended up just wearing the sneaking suit all day erryday.

>Not wearing one of the gaudy uniforms
>Not being shirtless
Fashion Boss best Boss

What I wouldn’t give for a map editor for this game. So players could go full autismo and do remakes of mgs 1/3 with it.

Solid 20 hours of entertainment and TECHNOLOGY moments.

Shit bosses and telepathic enemy AI, so don't be shy in using D-Dog and everything you have in your inventory.

So I shouldnt go stealth on it but instead use all the cool stuff I have?

>20 hours

i got 80 hours out of this game just playing casually

amazing gameplay. meh story.

its a nice change from the other games which have a lot of cutscenes

different missions will require different approaches.

Not like that, if you don't use stealth you'll die to dead. Use stealth AND all the cool stuffs you have.

By chapter 2 tranq and snipe tactics no longer work, because enemies have body armor and shit like shields and night vision goggles.

The game doesn't give a shit about kills anyways, so raise some hell

you can do whatever you want. you can get in a tank and blow everyone up

>By chapter 2 tranq and snipe tactics no longer work
That's an exaggeration. Only body armor peps are the real problems and you can still CQC them, or grenade them if you just want to kill them. Shield and NV peps are piss easy to tranqs.

I didn't do much grinding the first time I played it and just rushed through many missions.

I don't like being at a disadvantage when getting caught and have no way of fighting back. Plus tranq is boring as fuck. CQC is the real way to stealth.

It's not true.

The game isn't unfinished, the "unfinishedness" is super meta but you're missing out on a lot of the obvious ARG-like theatre surrounding the launch by only playing it now.

The original trailer started with the lyrics "everything's a lie" and this applies to the game story. Every single character lies to you and as a result 99% of the audience doesn't get the real plot, they just believe the surface-level narrative because they're used to being spoonfed.

But the game practically screams at you that your character (and you, the player, by extension) are being brainwashed. I don't wanna spoil things for OP, but but keep your eyes open and believe NOTHING. Oh, and play Ground Zeroes first, and Peace Walker before that if you have time (they're a trilogy).

A shit MGS game. But a fun open world fuck-about.

How hard is it to emulate mgs3/pw nowadays? Would my 3 yo i5 laptop w/ just some extra ram be able to run mgs3 at a good framerate?

after playing you too, will experience phantom pain

it's not over yet

MGS3 runs ok on my 930mx at original resolution, anything above that and it's a slideshow

A phantom pain when you finish the game, but not the one advertised. - Because what's advertised is not there, and you'll want it to be.

Fun gameplay
Shit story
Mostly shit missions
The most annoying thing is that every cool thing is spoiled by the fucking credits to every mission

The best game despite being unfinished

Give it back, this isn't right! that was ours.

explain please.

>MSGV has good gameplay

When will shitty meme die?


Should I worry about my base getting invaded? I'm on PC and hear there are alot of cheaters.

You're too late to join peace day user.
Tough luck

ok. just advice. play it fast as you can. give up on collecting s++ soldiers, upgrades and non lethal runs. MGS V is game that should be long 20 hours but it is stretched to 200 hours.

>rest of the game is base building
MGS5 had base building? Did we play the same game?

nah, only later on and maybe this is not correct, but as long as you don't build a base development strut on your FOB, they can't steal from you, only the soldiers on your FOB command center who are probably plebs anyway
if I'm mistaken, someone will correct me, but that's the way I understood it

We're gonna make that bitch talk!

>but as long as you don't build a base development
That sounds more like that is for building the base bigger and bigger. That won't affect how much materials you get and what equipment gets made right?


why don't you cheat while you are at it
d-walker is best buddy for drifting through enemy bases

pretty much this

you get all the best gear by end game anyways, because grinding up R&D platform takes fucking ages and you will do fine with base gear and the gunsmith

remember, you can build it on your main base, just not on FOB, and what it does is, with level, changes the amount of things mined automatically, and making raw materials into usable ones
during my playtrough, even without the FOB base, I didn't have any resource problems

can feel a bit empty at times, other times it's fun as fuck, conclusion is weak, online is kinda fun


This. They give you tools for fun. But the mission design basically denies it all.

Missed that. Now I understand. Thanks.

How so? I've only played Phantom Pain, so I'm curious.

>not cheating

you can wipe entire bases with just the gatling gun, without giving much of a fuck

D-Horse is objectively the best. More variable than a car, and isn't awkward to control like D-Walker. Also isn't a hack for stealth, you have to do that shit yourself.

I don't think you should worry about it, but to be honest with you, I really don't like the way it's implemented or explained.

The game is designed so it's impossible to 100% every mission on your first run. You're meant to do multiple runs of each mission with multiple approaches in order to finish all mission tasks. S-ranking can be done by either no trace or speedrun so you don't even need to stealth to S-rank something.

at least it is fun and I use it mainly as a vehicle with a fulton ballista on it

there is a side ops editer for pc on nexus mods

you can wipe entire bases just by crouching and suplexing dudes. your point?

it's not so much mission design, but the overall difficulty scaling.

one is not equal to the other numbnuts

>shitty AI
>empty world
>grinding for resources and then waiting literal days of in game time for items to develop
>repetitive missions
>no co-op


I tranqed through the whole game.

But it's true about the game not caring about kills. You're big boss. Everyone complained about big boss not going nuclear and turning into a demon. But going nuclear is all up to you.

>game is easy as fuck even when going loud
>body armour and helmetlets just get BTFO by shotguns anyway
>can slap a dot sight on a sniper and use it as a backup rifle and use the first slot for shotgun or grenade launcher
>tranq gun sucks ass, higher tier cant even penetrate the glass of riot armoured guys
>armour piercing 1911 can oneshot anything with normal helmets or the heavy armoured helmets
>XOF only appears for two missions, never in free roam
>cant bring some MB soldiers with you to fuck shit up
>small variety of weapons bloated out too look like loads with slight attachments or upgrades
>no cameras anywhere except missions, even then its only one or two
>guards cant use gas masks and helmets/shields you can sleeping gas a base and clear it in a second
>not enough enemies in the game, even when they do call for reinforcements
>the lethal weapons are shit
the non lethal weapons are shit
going sneaking suit - loud non-lethal is the best strategy

There are a boatload of cheating scum on PC but theres a limit to how much they can take from you. You will be able to develop everything completely normally even if they steal from you as much as possible. The only thing you MIGHT care about and it barely even matters is you can lock your highest AI members you collected. Meaning lets say your highest combat guy you got from a mission is an S+. Go to you management screen for your guys and you can lock him so he can't be stolen. But the materials people steal from you aint a big deal.

No, that's only if you care about invading others. If you only care about single-player then you'll almost never get invaded because you'll have nothing worth stealing. Just keep any S+/S++ soldiers on direct contract and set your security settings to max preparedness after every mission.

you forgot the most important thing, why would a cheater attack you? they could easly cheat soldiers or resources.
They only attack top players just to piss them off. But even then they get bored quickly. Most cheater on pc don't play pvp, they just fill their base with S++ and then quit out of boredom.
So don't worry nobody is going to attack you to steal your E rank soldiers.

Nah those niggers are the only people who attack me. I go to the retaliate page and their base has 2000+ S++ combat soldiers. Fucking scumbags.

you can tranq through most of it, but when you start replaying the story missions, tranq is still viable, but much more sub par

>playing the whole game as notSnake
honestly lost my interest after the last mission

a fun game

Fun game with disappointing story and empty world.

that said, I enjoyed it a lot, very addicting. And it's the only sadly MGS I've played, so the ending mission got me confused

Lets be real here the game is fucking waaaay too easy compared to the other MGS games. I mean you get an arsenal of weapons and tactical gadgets making it a fucking breeze.

I just said, "fuck it" and played how I want, when I want. I thought firefights in this game were fun as fuck.. Some missions I'd go completely stealthy.. Just immerse yourself more than anything.

a fun but unfinished game that ironically you will enjoy more if you don't give a shit about the series

Only time will tell.

>the game doesn’t give a shit about kills
I’m already a demon user

Why do people have autism over demon points when you can just do the refugee escort dispatch mission to get rid of them?

Do the optional objectives and it becomes hard.

I really find it hard to Fulton and recruit niggers, so I shoot them. Plus they're training child soldiers, operating hostage releases for money, dealing in and a metric ton of other shady shit. Africa was a bloodbath on my first playthrough.

Cyka Blyats are just young lads so Afganistan part I like to just sneak through.

optional objectives usually boil down to going the opposite way from main objective and jerking off in a corner.