Why are we always fighting giant monsters? Can't we do other things with them?
Why are we always fighting giant monsters? Can't we do other things with them?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna pet and play with my Palico
Monster Hunter x Rancher when?
>what is MH stories
>what is montser hunter stories
I hate you all.
>Can't we do other things with them?
what else do you want to do besides fighting them?
what kind of things, user?
you know that Monster Hunter Stories exists, right?
You nerds, he wants to fuck that Rathalos, not play with it.
When the fuck is the update that adds elder dragons and this nigga coming out?!
I have my own monster hunter story.
So we are doing the rathian egg trip.
My friend knowd the area reslly well and i kept getting lost till i finally figured out the map. I my friend keeps droping the egg. My friend btw is a bigger fan of mh than i am. He keeps dropping the egg. I finally get there grab an egg get lost again. Till i finally wonder into camp and present the egg, need one more though, so i went to find out if the rathian is giving him trouble, I attack it and my homie gets closer, drops the FUCKING EGG AGAIN!
I stop fucking around with the monster and decide to kill it. Friend tries again, drops the fucking egg... so i go nuts on the monster capture it grab my own egg and he meets up with me to also grab the egg i take him through the way i went. Quest complete. Ee had 5 minutes left. It was a level 3 mission. Not a good morning this saturday.
As you can see, MHS is STILL on the official american best seller page, is there hope for capcom to make a sequel? nintendo published it in amerca, maybe they can do a bayonetta and get exlusive rights for this spin off? i don't give a fuck how much Sup Forums would shitpost about it, i want more MHS.
Yeah I always looked at the designs for these games and thought it would be cool with some sort of moncap style thing. Not Pokemon but more like Digimon where you raise the things.
>giving rathain's eggs away
>not hatching them, tame it and kill shit with
And i want a MHS' thread and i will hijack this thread for it!
Does stories ever get hard? Or even remotely challenging? Im only on 3* quests.
I get it's for kids and shit but I mean, come on. They could have made a hard mode considering the IP
A real answer is giant complex monsters take a lot of time to design and animate. Having player control this kind of monster would mean you would have to make a ton of more animations to make it feel good while playing because the player has expectations that if he presses a certain combination of buttons, the monster will do a certain thing. Having AI control such monsters means the developers can limit what it can do and program it in a way that you can get around without having a ton of animations.
post monster rape/love
keep playing, nigga, you will come back crying.
late monster can be a pain in the ass if you are umprepared...which is pretty much like a normal MH. Equiping an anti-fire armor is obligatory for teostra, fucker also loves to put blast on you.
i like MHS simple take on it, it just needs more monsters and weapon types.
i want to do the other things
That's playing with Ratha too!
Stuff Ratha full of potent beads! He loves it!
ratha suck ass, as soon the game allowed it, i benched him forever.
what's it supposed to be
art style looks a bit smooth
The game only begins throwing genuine challenges you at the very end with the final boss and Rajang (optional, requires a Brachy breaking strong boulders to reach in the final zone) AND high rank which is Post-Game.
The game only gets challenging at and after the main story's end.
Literally Monster Hunter Rancher.
You were the monster all along.
That's sort of like normal MH right? Then "main story" tends to end in MH games at village High rank but there's still tons of other shit to do.
I don't fucking care, i have silver ratha, the tigrex bros, jho and based Glavenous, too bad the last one doesn't have armor ingame.
Thank FUCK you can overclock new 3DS. Stories is almost unplayable at normal FPS/performance
Switch/G rank version when???
yes, pretty much, MH main fun is always postgame stuff.
Depends on the game. In some titles even at low rank monsters can hit hard but as soon as you upgrade your defense it becomes trivial.
In others, specially old games, damage never becomes completely trivial no matter your defense.
In stories the main story and game just feels like a super long tutorial and when you fight high rank monsters they never stop hurting you. You can grind to 99 to minimize it but it takes too long so you just keep enduring and trying to build good monsters and making lots of healing items until you clear the tower and maze.
>Stories is almost unplayable at normal FPS/performance
Bullshit, i have new 3ds too and never had problems.
>G rank
>tigrex bros
Nice paper tigers. It would be a shame if they took any damage.
How do I overclock my N3DS? Even in the CFW menu I can't find such an option.
Is this an edit? If yes, where can I see the dick version.
Stories cute artstyle for humans has spoiled me, normal MH now look fucking horrible, world look like that game with the red haired bitch that looks like a 40 years old even when she is like 18.
It's not an edit.
Oh boohoo you're a pedo, what a special snowflake with a complaint that's not posted ten times in every thread from a game with a cute artstyle.