>99.99999999% of Sup Forums can't do this
99.99999999% of Sup Forums can't do this
Emulate ps1?
Touching a girl?
Summon mystical blue lightning?
I juggle like a champ, but since I play KoF XIV which is the supreme fighting game juggling has little to do other than being part of standard combos.
Wear clothing with flames on it and not look like a raging homosexual?
A tiger knee motion or uppercutting a chinese girl irl?
i make doa girls jiggles
99.9999% wont get what it is either
I can do it, just not reliably. Then again I'm not a Mishima player so it doesn't really matter to me.
ewgf's aren't hard to do, try a pewgf
This is the sad part.
>they changed it so even if you fuck up, you still get a proper launch
I can hit women just fine
it isn't precisely the same input though, otherwise anyone could do it no problem:
f,n,d,d/f+2 (pressing 2 on the same frame you do d/f); Kazuya's version being f,n,d/f+2
PEWGF is actually easier than EWGF since it requires one less input.
It's not that one. DP is 623. EWGF is 6523
>mfw I dropped Tekken out of pure salt
>EWGF is 6523
I don't get it, do you return the motion to neutral then do 23?
ok thanks, seems simple desu but I never tried it
to get the electrics to come out you have to press d/f+2 on the exact same frame, so it takes a lot of work to get it consistently
you have to do each input in a single frame for the fastest input of course; you do not have too much time to get the electric, but of course you need to be perfect for the 'P'EWGF
I remember when DEWGF was a thing...we have evolved now to the PEWGF
No it’s not
Why is it so hard for casuals to do a f+qcf motion which is basically the same?
>tfw my most comfortable char is lili but I don't even like how she plays I just think she's hot and her moves are easy to execute
>99.99999999% of Sup Forums doesn't play tekken
she is very linear but she does so much damage if your opponent is caught sleeping
I like her though; her thighs are top tier and only play her using her classic dress and boots combo.
I can still only consistently do this on the left side of the screen.
>mfw my two mains are Kazuya and Asuka and i just want to be gpod with Kazuya but Asuka is just easy mode and i fuck up people several ranks higher than me with her frequently
it is even worse with Mishima players in Tekken. They prefer to be comfy on P2 side so you just do a throw that switches them over to fuck them up.
that's me and devil jin. I just want to be good with dvj but I can never be he's way too hard. so I just play lili who is super easy execution..
Put some perspective on several ranks higher what is your asuka ranked?
Fucking hell you guys weren't kidding, tried to do it around 30 times already and only got one probably by mistake
Weird. I've only messed with Mishimas a little bit but I think that motion is easier on the P1 side. Why do so many take P2?
The trick is to hit the 2 input when it feels like your hitting the down input don't wait till you finish the whole motion.
you just need to break down each input. I find the key is knowing when to correspond 2 with your d/f+2 as you may end up feeling like you are pressing 2 before d/f when you finally do an electric. Kind of hard to explain but once you get it, it is pretty satisfying
Only a shitty fighter rank, but i seem to quite often beat yellow ranks in best of three by using broken rythem they aren’t
Expecting. Im not good, but im unorthodox.
mostly stick players. I think on pad it may be the opposite (assuming you are a pad player of course)
hitbox/keyboard mustard rice
Yeah I play on pad, so that's probably what it is. I wonder if there are any really good Mishima mains that use pad and play on P2.
There isn't a whole lot of difference between the yellow and green ranks from my perspective both sets of players still have large gaps in fundamentals or character knowledge but yellow ranks typically are better about finessing people on offense than green ranks but still lack the D to progress higher.
I find a lot of yellows are a little over obsessed with their probably new found ability to back dash. They spazz across the screen at high speed expecting me to chase them so i don’t. I just stand there, and them they eventually come to me and i fuck them up with Kazuya becsuse they expect me to do the same. Then i get hate mail after i beat them telling me to play the game properly. OH YEAH SORRY I DIDNT PLAY RIGHT INTO YOUR ONLY GAME PLAN BRUH.
Man we need a Fighting Game Elitism General or something. Threads about input bullshit come up every fucking day.
I can do it, but not on demand in a match, and probably not without a bit of warmup. Frame precision is definitely not my forte, although I was actually pretty consistent with Ramlethal's "green" Daruo in GGXrd before they made it more restrictive.
I think by the time you get to Orange, you should have some confidence in your ability; mid Orange I feel you are tested more on your knowledge.
>currently at Overlord but just want to play offline only
bit hard when those travelling days are over
>t.Scrub who cant do taunt jet upper
A lot easier on pad than on stick.
They gunna be putting all the arcade cosmetics in the game with the Noctis update then? There's some really cool ones I want to use.
.99999999% of Sup Forums doesnt play videogames
Yes it is. Launching a -14 move with EWGF would require one more frame-perfect input than launching a -13 move with PEWGF.
>can't do iWR at all
guess I can throw Drag and Claudio in the trash bin, cause I'll never be good with them
You can't just hopkick all the time, despite the meme.
I don't play Mishimas
>arcade cosmetics
>i play the OTHER edgelord instead
He has nice armbars and knee bars at least
There's a bunch of outfits that are only in arcades right now.
He's not the only one I main
Kill yourself.
Me and my friends play Tekken (very) casually all the time and I always destroy them with Lili because the timing of her kicks just throws them off balance.
Such as?
If you mean the bikinis etc. you can get those with the "Tekken Bowling DLC"
I bit the bullet and now I got a sexy bikini for Chloe
Any good ones? Does my man Feng have his suit back?
Main since Tekken 2
Fight me faggts
Love him to death but I just can't get good at him. I still play him all the time anyway.
This Twitter account has a bunch of images of them, hard to find a place where they're all compiled.
did you possibly get bodied by a chloe online and now you're salty about it?
Chloe is bottom tier character in every possible aspect, playing her well and winning with her is a challenge greater than abusing Mishimas, Jack or any other bullshit.
Harada needs to bless chloe with some buff attention because she's utter garbage performance-wise
>kills you because you didn't guess from his list of 100 throws correctly
heh, too easy...
>tfw I can 623 easily but I always fail 421
am I retarded?
I don't know why bamco has decided to have costumes that are exclusive to story mode and costumes exclusive to arcade. Stupid to have a character customization mode and leave us with next to nothing
>did you possibly get bodied by a chloe online and now you're salty about it?
No, the only Chloe players I've ever ran into are weeb faggots with anime avatars and Tekken Girls nameplates so I'm assuming you're one of those cockswallowers.
there are some new outfits plus hairdos.
Implying that's a problem in T7
fucking this, I am a beginner in T7 and I don't understand how to break any of the grabs of king
Guess I'll just eat this fucking RDC even after spamming all buttons
How necessary is KBD to gitting gud? Shit feels impossible, at least on pad.
It is for scrubs like me. Seriously, how do I know which button to press?
Both hands extended? 1+2 break
Left hand? 1 break
Right hand? 2 break
Congrats now you know how to break all throws in game.
Just set King to do 3 throws with those breaks and random intervals in Training mode
Just spam 1 and 2
lol you don't know anything about what the move even is
Literally the BNB in Tekken. If you can KBD well you can get to red ranks just using jabs, df1, a low, and a launcher into a simple combo while abusing KBD to move around and outspace your opponent. If you can't you'll struggle.
just try to get two in a row for starters. no need to kbd the whole fucking screen most of the time
I never use anime avatars because they're cringey, I don't use the custom health bar shit because it clutters the screen. I play chloe because she is fun to play, even with her limited amount of moves.
Lucky chloe's presence in the game is incredible, whenever you see her on a tournament, it always turns up things to 11. You know she's bottom tier but when she fucks up some clowns playing high tiers, it's the best feeling ever. She's a true party animal and needs more love from the community.
It took me a good week or two on Stick but I got it. unfortunately I can only do it 50% of time effectively in a actually battle. And pretty much not at all on the other side.
>Lucky chloe's presence in the game is incredible, whenever you see her on a tournament, it always turns up things to 11. You know she's bottom tier but when she fucks up some clowns playing high tiers, it's the best feeling ever. She's a true party animal and needs more love from the community.
You were the weird one in school right?
if this shit doesn't get you hype, then I don't know what does
Jeondding is hype, not lucky chloe
Except if Jeondding were to play anything else but chloe or eddie, it'd not be hype.
A player is as good as his character. Not even Saint can make Jack 7 interesting.
Mishimas are for scrubs.
>Saint's J7
>not interesting
literally the ONLY Jack player that will KFD his opponent and play with a wider range of moves. Along with Noroma, they are the only players that make him look even remotely interesting
What happened to Tekken anyway? Back in the day people used to laugh at it as a fighting game for shitters, and suddenly it is taken seriously?
>Back in the day people used to laugh at it as a fighting game for shitters
Sup Forums still doesn't like 3D fighters, because it's mostly americans who grew up with street fighter. In general Tekken is highly regarded.
kazuya actually has 3 versions
European here. 1-3 sold really well here but they were more like party games. If you wanted to really go at it you'd play a Capcom fighter or Virtua Fighter desu.
Well, I guess interesting, but it doesn't make you jump up in your seat in excitement like chloe does.
He's just so fucking good player, it's normal to enjoy a professional at his job.
Well, it is most likely the highest skill ceiling FG.