What does Sup Forums think of the Xbox One?
What does Sup Forums think of the Xbox One?
don't care
>xbox one x
wtf? when did this happen
Why is that Nintendo fan posing with an xbox?
why is his mouth opened like that?
I've warmed up on it a bit, honestly.
Used to hate it.
Now I think, yeah, if you don't want to go through the hassle of building a PC, this is a better option than buying a prebuilt.
You can see his ash ketchum pokemon hat. Heh, looks like he wanted to play some games with the big boys on xbox
No exclusives so who cares
No one cares about Xbox
Id probably tell people to get one over the ps4 if it had the japanese titles.
video games are for soyboys
prove me wrong
Cool as my SOYstation 4
you're not
Real men stop playing video games after pueberty
Needs to be prepped to take cocks at any and all times
I wonder why soyboys always take a picture of themselves with their mouths open. Is it subconscious implication of submissiveness and soyboy being a HUGE FUCKING COCKMONGERING FAGGOT?
kek, looks like you still got some growing up to do then...kid
>soyboys trying this hard to flip the meme on Sony
Dont you have some cardboard to play with?
Hmm, weird, black men love vidya.
I think it's because they have so much test that they need to counteract it with the intense soy of vidya to even be anywhere near the level of faggotry that whites are on.
The biggest joke in console history.
a redundant system.
>vidya is for soyboys
>Sup Forums is for fags
Checks out.
It's literally just the current normie way of showing excitement.
I got it launch because Gamestop had a nice trade in deal so I ended up costing only 100. Everything runs better, looks better, and being able to do 4k blurays is a nice addition. Probably the best you can do for multiplats at the moment because its exclusives are tiny and miners have fucked over the pc market
Even though the GPU is better on the Xbox X compared to the PS4 Pro (about 2 extra TFLOPS), it is still held back the CPU.
The Xbox X can’t even get 60 FPS in MHW
Not worth going xboneX to lose yakuza, persona, etc., for very little FPS game on multi plats
>Nintendies, in their last ditch effort to regain their pride, accuse everyone of being soyboys
Imagine being THIS much of a sore loser.
>faces of surprise and people with their mouth open while talking
Nice try, soyboy.
Strange to go from a pretty even match up last gen to such a clear win for Sony this generation.
I guess it was just a halo machine.
When will this soymouth meme die?
I don't think of it at all, there's no games on it I want to play that I can't play on something else I own.
when beta soyboys die
>y-youre a soyboy, n-not me!
>most powerful console of all time
>4k 60 fps
>500 bucks
you cant say xbox one without xbox won
MHW might after a couple patches. Last mt framework game they made was revelations 2 and that needed patches
The numale epidemic.
Holy fuckin shit LOL
I like it. Mostly playing Destiny 2 still for whatever reason. FFXV and Forza Horizon 3 both look pretty good.
its a ps4 without exclusives
i own everything but i just dowt play my xbox really
Trying to pin the numale thing on Nintendo was always kind of awkward because being a numale never had anything to do with consoles and to imply no numale touches a sony or xbox product is kind of crazy. even to say they gravitate toward Nintendo products is a bit crazy because this was never a thing people pointed out until very recently when that one image with the retard with his open mouth holding a switch went viral, and the only reason why it's so easy to find numales holding Switches is because the console came out last year and we just went through the holiday season so big surprise there.
Where’s the Sup Forums one with the fat hand?
Can't the mods institute a permaban rule for anybody who posts console war threads?
I don't.
The best console on the market with nothing to play on it.
Anything the PS4 can do, the Xbone X can do better, except play really good exclusives. Hence why the PS4 is still dominating.
I love shitposting and making So(n)yboys incessantly upset, what can I say?
Only the ones with the motion blur are me btw
>4k 60 fps
Remember when Sup Forums actually talked about video games rather than just poke fun at every single fucking person on Earth who plays the god damn things every single day? Does't this get tiring?
Switch not flopping made total console war a thing and you can expect the fire to rise for atleast three years.
>Remember when Sup Forums actually talked about video games rather than just poke fun at every single fucking person on Earth who plays the god damn things every single day?
>Does't this get tiring?
Best console around
>Games Pass
>Third party games look better than PS4
No exclusives though. So it’s a hard sell over the base PS4 unfortunately
Sup Forums is fucking pathetic. Caring so much and going along with the meme of guys having their mouths open while holding a console. Simple Console wars were retarded, but this is just sad. It would be fine if it was all just a joke but it’s clearly not.
no and no
>”Hell yeah bro we’re going to take pictures with xbone and ps4 consoles at stores while doing the nu-male smile”
>”lol this will discredit all sony and microsoft fanboys. Nintendo for life!”
>”I would die for Nintendo.”
I heard this at my local Gamestop. I was shocked and too scared to say anything since they seemed unhinged.
are xbocks soy?
Maybe Sony should stop being so fucking good and then we will stop having console wars
>hell yeah bro we’ll save all these pictures of Nintendo fans holding their mouths open while holding Nintendo products, that’ll stick it to Nintendo
It goes both ways. You’re ALL retarded and need to immediately kill yourselves.
People here don’t like it much
I don’t care how much you want to fight in the Sony army you stupid fanboy, your wars are retarded.
To hide the pedo smile
How is this a console war thread? Does Sup Forums really get mad over people doing the open mouth smile thing?
Im pretty sure MS intention is that we would all simply call it “the one” istead we chose “xbone” in a single afternoon, it stuck, and they got unironically upset.
You thought it was all a joke... Poor user, they’re using this meme unironically. This is a console war thread
no exclusives, therefore worthless
The console itself is pretty solid.
The only real issue is that it lacks exclusives.
It was Wii U tier naming retardation but unlike the Wii U which was only underpowered the original Xbone was not only underpowered but void of exclusives.
>So(n)yboys get triggered when they're accused of being soyboys like everyone else
Can't sell Sony without soy
>implying Boogie eats soy
He eats a lot of things....soy isn't one of those things!
>funny black man face meme is some how the soyboy meme
STOP! Stop, opening your mouth taking pictures, what the fuck is wrong with this society today? Is opening your mouth in pictures like a retard the new fad or something?
Been posting here for damn near 12 years, and this place has always been more about shit posting than vidya.
Recommend me some good alternatives to Sup Forums for discussing vidya
Lamar Wilson is actually a die hard Nintendo fanboy. Trying actually watching his shit on yourube.
Yes, it is
>Soyboys make fun of other soyboys
Its obvious cisplay dumny
Some of us are idorts, user.
>trying to flip the meme
Lol it started out on Sony, if anyone flipped it, it was roaches because the Switch didn't flop
Why would they when boogey is holding some cardboard right there?
If a console doesn't have exclusives, it's literally pointless. Even the Wii U, one of the worst selling consoles in recent history, had decent exclusives throughout its lifespan. Xbone basically serves no purpose and only exists for marketers to shill on Sup Forums in the same repetitive fashion on a daily basis
>it's better than PC gaming cause it's cheaper and you don't need W10!
>it's better than the Switch cause the Switch is a kiddie console!
>ACTUALLY I MEANT TO SAY SWITCH + XBONE + PC MASTER RACE WE'RE BROS FOR LIFE DUDE with a picture of one of the same 5 Xbone + Switch + PC setups
nope lol
>first post november 2nd
>first post november 10th
this motherfucker shapes his motherfucking eyebrows
what the fuck
Your wife's boyfriend let you buy THREE consoles?
>putting soyboy and the company's name together
>Using that as proof
lmaoing @ ur life
when did Sup Forums become a safespace
Cool you still don't have proof so I'm right
I don't have a wife or girlfriend, you cuck fetishist.
My wife and her boyfriend bought me my own xbox