>ArcSys put a ton of effort into making the ultimate vidya girl
>nobody cares about her
What went wrong?
>ArcSys put a ton of effort into making the ultimate vidya girl
>nobody cares about her
What went wrong?
I would rather have Videl in the game instead
shes a waste of a slot instead of an actual character from the series
She's not even the best ArcSys girl, much less the best fightan girl.
>nobody cares about her
Says who ?
The posts above you
>nobody cares about her
Are you kidding?
nobody wants to play the 10 hours story mode to unlock her. And it's understandable because it is boring and tedious.
meme high heels on a warrior. Nobody but sexist pigs like that.
Proper female warrior.
I haven't been able to escape her, despite not having interest in playing the game.
She's clearly just waifubait.
>Posting waifus even though it's not video games
a team of 3 gokus is just better
Because Dragon Ball is shit.
She's pretty difficult to play. And unfortunately the far inferior personality is the playable one, which kills a lot of the appeal for me personally.
Oops, wrong image.
>nobody cares
... that's not what the rest of the internet thinks.
I'm not especially fond of I-No, even if she's pretty cool. Her design and personality don't suit the lore behind her.
*puts penis in*
I like her but I don't find her absorb fun, and since this is 95% of the character, I'm not playing her
she is literally video game exclusive
>make a game about an established IP
>add OCs instead of characters from that IP
What the fuck is the point?
God forbid a single OC, how dare they, series ruined.
Fuck was the campaign supposed to be about without her?
where my niggas at
I don't complain, her attacks are true feast for eyes, I could play her just for choreography.
I hate Jam's tits in Xrd. She looks great otherwise, but her torpedo tits are just not right.
It's unhealthy to form "caring" relationships with cartoon and videogame characters. I think what really went wrong is you became detached from reality as coping mechanism.
>Jam vs Jam
>buy a dragon ball game
>play as a non-dragon ball character
What the fuck is the point?
>a lot of effort
>just basically a pink elf girl with a tail
Typical lazy Japanese monstergirl design.
She's literally just Cell & Buu: waifufaggotry edition. The game didn't need that.
Why wouldn't they at least make the OC actually ORIGINAL?
im sorry but dragonball is a fucking retarded universe. there aren't even good waifus
>Have to unlock her by fighting wave after wave of battles against level 1 AI. It's a test of patience rather than skill and it bugs me.
That's what makes DBZ so good. No bland otaku pandering to drag it down
I would eat shrimp fried rice off of them so I really can't relate
Besides Arale and Memeifla what other female characters are there even worth making a moveset for without completely triggering autistic powerlevel fags? Videl and Lunch could both work but you'd see these baboons screeching about them being above Dan tier
Kum is cute, shame you almost never get to see her.
>muh nihilist with child like mentality waifu
its overdone like the joker bitch from batman
She's just Super Buu. She is exactly how he would play if he was in the game.
They wouldn't have had to if DBZ had more than three relevant female characters. I can already imagine the shitposting if the game had released with 18 as the only female.
ASW can't break away from having a waifu as the final boss.
yeah it just blatantly panders to retards with shit taste instead. great fucking franchise
So then why didn't they just make Super Buu the villian? He's infinitely more visually interesting
She's pretty cute. Why do other people not like her??
stupid waifufaggotry
I don't like her because I feel cheated. Arcsys was promising a hot MILFtacular science lady that gave herself a kickass android body for fun, and they gave us Labrys + Cell.
If they hadn't tried to surprise us with her transformation or true personality, I'd be less salty.
Unless That Man genderbends then they're going to have to break away from it at some point. There's also GG:Judgement.
Not fat enough. Not interested.
why does she have hair? does it regenerate with her body as well?
>triggers waifufags hecause it would rather have fun characters and villians blowing shit ip rather then generic samefaced barbie dolls
DBZ truly is the greatest anime ever. Go play with your Bratz toys you fucking femboy
did you not understand his comment
android 21 is a retard villain like harley quinn that has child like tantrums
She's very popular. Check out all the porn that's being made of her. Have you been living underneath a rock?
21's is your generic "playfully sociopathic" female villian like Harley Quinn
What's worse is that 21 is canonically a milf (16 was based off her grown son) and fucking Sabat cast some dumb 20something for her part.
That would have made almost 1/4th of the cast one guy. I would say they could have dropped vanilla or Kid, but their playstyles are pretty unique. They also would have had to make a lot of costumes for him because his looks change when he absorbs people, unlike 21.
She's a popular character, but not popular to play because she's not straightforward and you have to unlock her if you don't get the season pass. Half the playerbase is playing people they like from the show, the other half are playing low effort top tiers because they don't care. She doesn't fall into either category.
No wonder I don't like her.
Well she was designed by Toriyama if that helps.
Welcome to the world of waifufaggotry. Nothing is allowed to leave the super specific mold because the fat otaku would have a meltdown. An actual milf would be an illegal act of treason
Yamcha can beat the shit out of Beerus in this game, I'm pretty sure powerlevelfags are triggered as it is.
isn't she literally 10 years old
No, she was SUPERVISED by toriyama. That means Arc drew up a typical waifushit design and he just translated it into his style
Should have made her part of the master race.
Why is your taste always so awful, Boco?
Fixed that image for you op
You know the gimmick super buu has? Like eating people and absorbing their power, and then gaining some traits they have?
Like, doing one super buu skin per absorbed char would have been a shitton of work, especially considering how their engine works. So they went with 21 instead, who has a similar gimmick that super buu, but without costing as much as half of the roster to animate
A cruel joke.
>want to fap to her
>don't like her as a character because she was shit in story mode
what do
Couldn't they have just done something like Double from Skullgirls who is literally made from unused frames from other characters?
People have already made custom alts. The whole "we can't do model swaps" excuse is a fucking load
Because devs seem to not give a damn about thin buu
>kid buu usually gets the rep and steals a lot of Super buus moves in games
>fat buu is already an established seperate character
>redundancy as a result where instead of splitting buu into three, they can just split into two with one guy inheriting super buus stuff
Plus probably some shit with "clones" even though we're getting 4 gokus in this game.
And those model swaps look like fucking shit, since half of the body isn't even animated.
Probably. Who knows? The reason I listed isn't even anything official, but that's how I would have done it. If they didn't include super buu, while also making a char that could function like him, it's probably for a reason
Yeah. Not that much art compared to the other waifus, unfortunately.
21 was a perfectly sane, kind person who was driven mad by the Buu hunger which had manifested itself as a split personality. She was able to use the same Buu technique of physically dividing herself away from the evil personality.
Why do people have such a hard time with this?
Easy when it's a show for literal children, you manbabby.
Proof of concept. Alts can work just fine.
This game sold 2 million. God forbid Arc put real effort in.
that's wrong, it's meant to be like a clock
How can one man be this stupid?
>this triggered and sensitive over the truth
>I-If I call him triggered I-It'll hide the fact that I'm upset over people liking non-waifutrash things!!!
and???????? do you play your fighters on pc??? using your numpad??? you fucking retard, it's not 1985. most keyboards don't even have numpads nowadays. it's meant to be a clock with 12 at the top, 3 on the right, 6 on the bottom, and 9 on the left.
>Proof of concept. Alts can work just fine.
I don't know where you've read that alts cannot work fine, but you gotta point it to me.
Because as far as I'm concerned, I've always read that it would be a budget problem. Which is fair when you think about it, isn't it? Gotta manually reshade the new parts, re-animate the intros,outros supers (because they simply don't work at all in some instances),not mentionning additionnal details like having to re-animate faces and such.
I also do want my Majin Vegeta skin. But claiming that there is no alt because arcsys is lazy is just ignorance. Like you can see yourself what do model swaps and alt look like when people do it.
It's not down-forward, up-forward, up, neutral? What do you mean lad?
>and???????? do you play your fighters on pc??? using your numpad??? you fucking retard, it's not 1985. most keyboards don't even have numpads nowadays. it's meant to be a clock with 12 at the top, 3 on the right, 6 on the bottom, and 9 on the left.
>having this large a persecution complex over a cartoon for little boys
wew lad, otaku don't give a fuck about your kiddy anime. Fat manchildren like you who eat up garbage like Dragon Ball Stupider do more damage than anyone else.
>Bitches never trained before but are able to do transformations and achieve powerlevels that took Goku and Vegeta decades
They don't even have alts in GG aside from Elphelt's, and that's a game that the director loves and wants for it to be the best it can be. It's just not so simple to do it and make it work well.
Her character is boring and her english VA is trash
So did Cabba.
And besides, Kefla is only strong because of Kale, who won the LSS genetic lottery
But the actual reason is that they were given those forms because, even with those transformations, they are heavily outclassed.
A Super Saiyan 2 is nothingin the ToP, and an exhausted SSG Goku was keeping up just fine against both of them at the same time.
I appreciate what you tried.
>there aren't even good waifus
So you never actually partook in any DB media ever?
I fucked up the joke I'm so upset
lol the cartoons sucked dick, even gundam wing had better waifus