Monster Hunter Stories

Can we have a MHS' thread like the old times? new DLC subquest was released today, is to farm tesotra, but when the update that allows you to ride Teostra will come out?

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>succefully managed to hijack sick fuck MH bait thread and turn it into a MHS' thread
>mods kill it anyway
Is not fair.

>sick fuck
It was perfectly innocent just like your monsties!

I'm waiting for the update too. I've always wanted to have a Kush of my own since there's no way they would ever give us a Fatalis.

Crapcom mistake was advertising this by literally calling it "monster hunter for kids", alliniating their 3ds fanbase, plus the japanese market is saturate with monster collecting games and kids don't give a fuck about MH. I am damn sure the game has sold much better in the west because is STILL on the best sellers page. Nintendo should buy exclusive rights for MHS.

Fatalis is pure evil, it actually acts out of malice and wants to destroy the world. Riders are it's sworn enemy as they can clean it's blight with the kinship stones. Friendship is impossible.

>still can't rename monsties

Teostra's subquest was released today, how many pre-first update quests are left?

Instead of riding a Rathalos, can a Rathalos ride me?

The 3DS fanbase are kids, though?!

With world making MH popular in the west maybe they will try again with a second game.

Yeah, this is fucking bullshit, they should have get some pokemon devs to give them advice.

Lute a cute!

Not user, MHS is too different, most of newbies that started with world with look it like shit.

Then why the game failed in japan if all those millions playing 4 or X were "kids"?

They don't want something that's not hunting monsters. They've got garbage like Pokemon to fill the niche Stories tried to get into.

using the shot as main publicity was a mistake too, splatoon put all the focus on the girl and it became a success. Next game should focus on the girl while leaving the boy as an afterthought (which, ironically, is literally what the male inkling was).

user, MHS was speficially made to get the kids as capcom noticed all it's MH fanbse was teenagers, young adults and adults.

Splatoon sold well because it was actually fucking advertised. They tried to go for the Level-5 audience here but didn't fucking promote the game.

I think having Ratha be so entwined with the story was also a mistake. If they wanted that, it would be better to leave it as part of the cartoon. But for the game, it really should have been designed around whatever monsters you had on you.

And kids, don't kid yourself.

>people actually unironically believe that

yeah, but the later group was much larger, i never said kids didn't play MH, but adults are the main group, like for one kid playing MH there are 10 adults.

You mean teenagers.

What MHS next game needs
>be on switch
>having more monster, for all the games, frontier and world included
>more weapons types
>more armors
>more special collaboration armors, like the madoka set which would look great on girls with stories' artstyle
>advertise it with the GIRL
>focus on the west

I'm looking forward to sequel on Switch, the game has a lot of potential and as long as Capcom doesn't pull shit like two versions, it could become a solid spin-off series doubling as an entry point for kids.

teenager, adults, young adults, let's put them in the same group and call them "olders"

Let's add kids to the group too and call them "fans"

user, focusing on kids was the mistake, just present it as a MH spin off and don't mention anything about being for kids. Not even yokai watch present itself as a game for kids, they just present itselves.


>sequel on Switch

Why not? game maybe didn't sold as well as capcom expected but wasn't a flop, and the switch is selling like hot cakes.

>just present it as a MH spin off and don't mention anything about being for kids.
And that would have made kids buy it?
>they just present itselves.
Which was clearly for kids. What the hell are you talking about?


They've already put it on iOS instead.

>And that would have made kids buy it?
It would have stopped olders from not buying it.

>ride teostra
But I want Lunastra. Give me my pic related.

Why do you think it stopped (((olders))) from buying it? You seem extremely insecure about your own age.
Pokemon has always presented itself as a game for kids (of all ages) and it sells well enough.

>he hasn't bought scalped imports
suffer more

WHEN? also it gives the ability to fully redo your rider midgame and new haircuts and armos that literally let you turn into perfect legs girl or the edgy faggot.

Those were just extra sales. I doubt they cared about how many adults bought it. They wanted to tap into the kids market. Besides how would you know? It was was not only the art style that was different the gameplay too. That may have been the maim reason why they didn't bought it.

then why is selling so well in the west? is still on the list
only disappearing when a game goes into sale and returning when the sale is over.

Didn't Capcom organize one tournament between kids and the winner got a Gold Rathalos and second place a Silver Rathian?

what stupid prize, you can get them ingame
or you mean the specxial amibos?

/r/ annal vore wojak thnx in advance

i am broke.

I guess it's popular with kids then? Why would you say it's a mistake?

It's more likely than you'd think. Capcom clearly wants to expand the MH franchise.

I kind of wanted to get into this but the PvP is really bad and the PvE doesn't need you to utilize anywhere near the games' potential.

>when the mobile is the definitive version


Don't you need one of the most expensive and recent mobiles for it?

The regular game. You can grind and breed monsters to make an uber beast but there's nothing really you'd need to use it on, even the secret boss is mostly just brute forcing it.

try to fight fatalis without an anti-fire or fire resistant monster.

Did they added a gacha?

I did, my guy has full Fatalis you just brute force him with an Ivory Lagiacrus/Styggy Zyggy and use those safety gems that stop you from losing a heart when you die before he does his explode.

But that one is like the anti-elder attacker.

Delete this

It's anti everything, I can't remember what type of move Dragon Charge is but the way you break the game is just getting a monster with one of those elemental physical attacks and giving it both types of bingos (ex: I. Lagi has Thunder Fang which is speed AND thunder so it gets bonuses from both bingos)

No, there's a separate gacha game, which has Agnaktor, Valphalk, all the fated four, but the main game is purchase and that's it.

have you created a super monster out of fodder just for fun? i made a dragon velocidrome and defeated fatalis with just because i could.

>Can't ride Agnaktor in base game

I will never not be mad.

>all the fate four
Fuck you, crapcom.


what is even the gameplay in this?


Episode tonight is kino.

>anime is still alive

Did you ever have any doubt? It's on right now.

Anime focuses on the shota and the edgy faggot, fuck it.

No, literal unique statuettes as their trophies.
The joke was the mixed colors.

But that's what makes it good

Delete this.

Ah yes, that's why we got 4, 4G, X and XX on the WiiU

this shit?

This still makes me laugh.
Just like Pink Rathalos.

It's true though.


at least the shota fag didn't get yaoi doujins, alvinia and the other girl did though.

Of course he only got shota doujin.


Pretty sure there's like two, I don't think they're scanned or translated though.


Lads, where can I get me some DS game roms


there is these two

You should see what happened to the edgy fag mom.

She doesn't have a cute butt though.

What? Wrong thread?

Nah this is monster hunter.

Those are just the scanned ones though.

Son of a bitch. I would kill and give up my first born if we could at least get dlc quests or egg fragment rules sets for the rest of the fated 4.

Mizu would desperately be needed due to being a stronger water monstie, and likely being speed based. Astalos slightly less, but they would at least be either speed or tech.

Actually, this is Monster Rider.

Some user had a fun explanation for the first one, MH world is a place where you could die at anytime so humans evolved to breed like crazy as soon they can.

Delete this heresy.

Monster hunter is now 2 franchises
I'd love a more rpg mon hun in the middle
Unlikely stories will be on switch and world is multiplat

Imagine nintebdo announces they bought exclusive right for monster hunter stories and a sequel is coming to the switch, while usual MG will still be a wild card. The shitposting on Sup Forums would be apocalyptic.


Same. I tried Monster Hunter before, but wasn't into it. Stories was awesome though. I think I seen a pic posted here that said Stories was basically Monster Hunter for those who don't wanna play Monster Hunter.

I wouldn't put it that way, i would say "MHS is a MH game for people that like MH's setting but not it's usual gameplay".