The first "big" game of 2018?

The first "big" game of 2018?

can't wait to shoot some christfag npc's in the face

god who actually cares about far cry

Just imagine the outcry if the enemies were Muslims.

The firs shit game of 2018.
More ubisoft open world shooters WOW!

>there aren't dozens of shooters where you kill terrorists

Mods, ban this underage fuck

>height: 32cm
When will they learn?

I know right, we'll never EVER get a game where muslims are the enemies.
You fucking retard.

>LUST above his crotch

>open world meme
>worse, ubisoft open world meme
>plus added race war bait/inciting racial hatred of whites to indulge liberal power fantasies
hard pass


Closet fag.

Are you a redneck in this one? Or do you get to shoot some?

Name a game released after 2012 were the enemies are explicit Muslim.

COD:MW is the last game prior to the rise of SJW in the industry that I can remember were you shot dirty brown people who were obviously Muslim.

Your character is customizable and unvoiced, but I think you can kill rednecks here. Don't quote me on it though.

Then make your own games, faggot.

>playing openworld ubisoft shit

Battlefield 1

Hilarious how all the games where you kill Muslims are totally accepted, but then they release a game about killing Christians and the christfags get all up in arms about it.

Fucking Sup Forums flood of 2016 ruined this site.


Holy shit.


Yeah, because this marketing tactic really works.

here's the difference
in Modern Warfare, the plot starts in "the Middle East", no country is named explicitly
your enemies are members of a political coup, their religion is never mentioned
if you automatically assumed they're Muslims, that's just your anti-Muslim bias

in Far Cry 5, you're in Montana, fighting a Christian sect and that's not the player's assumption, it's said in the game

weren't you supposed to be a named police deputy?

*blocks your path*

nothing personal kid, just historical accuracy

"customizable" in the sense that you can choose gender and skin color, hold your horses
yes you're deputy but I don't about a name

by now Ubisoft has realized what a retarded idea that was and they're trying to tone down the anti-conservative stuff in their marketing
they even revealed the setting of the DLCs to get people's minds off the base game

>can choose gender and skin color
i didn't think it'd be more than that in the first place
then again, getting to choose from a bunch of preset characters did a lot for immersion in FC2
knowing what you look like, and the minimal information you were given in the selection screen made it possible to identify with your character

>He thinks the brown hordes in modern warfare weren't muslims
Wow, you're retarded.

I'll buy this game just to piss off Sup Forums and explore virtual Montana since I used to live there and I miss the scenery. In reality though, it looks identical to Far Cry 3 and 4 and that formula is stale as fuck now.

> You finally get to kill cishet white trump supporters
Already preordered the deluxe edition

>putting money in Ubisoft's pocket by paying for a game you don't even want


>playing triple A shit

Assignment Class Oranges got cracked so I'll just wait to pirate this one, just like FC4.

It's a fun series, I actually like it. But no way will I pay above 10 dollars for it. It's just mindless fun, a big themepark essentially to blow some shit up. Also Montana looks super gorgeous.

you didn't know if they were Muslims
they toppled the goverment and killed the current head of state (whoever he was), so it could've been an outspokenly secular coup like Nasser's

point is, MW intentionally avoids dragging religion into the story, while in FC5 you're killing Christians

> Lunatic cultists are christians
I guess the abortion clinic bombers are also christians
Interesting religion you have there tbqhwu familia

well christians are fags so i don't care

lol what a manlet, that's probably like 5'4

That's not monster hunter

>FC5 you're killing Christians
You literally aren't. They are a doomsday cult, one of the characters on your side is an actual pastor

No that’s kingdom come deliverance
Shame they didn’t research medieval Czech

they're stupid, misguided, violent christians, but i won't deny their christianity from them or pretend like they have nothing to do with my religion, even though i'm a european roman catholic

So the churches and the crosses are just accidental?

> Muslims run over people with a truck
> Christians bomb abortion clinics
> I won't denounce my own religion wtf


He's a turbo manlet

I spared Pagan Min in Far Cry 4, but I'm pretty sure I'll end this religious nut job the second I have him in my sights.

>inb4 edgy
I'm not an atheist and I've got nothing against religion, but this man has clearly lost it. He's gotta go.

Christianity stand for stability, peace and culture, Islam stands for rape, intellectual regression and cruelty.

don't you have some rapist priests to hide?

They're obviously muslim you fucking retard. How desperate are you to prove your idiotic point that you're trying to claim that they're not meant to represent muslims? Do you honestly believe that? Or have you just been backed into a corner and now you're lashing out like a retard?

If you don't like Farcry because it hurts your delicate christian sensibilities then don't buy it, it's as simple as that. But I've got to tell you, if you look at the lunatic violent cultists in the game and think "wow, these guys represent me!" then you need to get your fucking head checked.

Far Cry 4 did a great job at being morally ambiguous
In the end I was wondering if maybe helping a bunch of war criminals and drug dealers was the wrong choice and maybe I should have just waited 15 minutes and shoot guns with Pagan.

I actually like the setting, it's like fighting Jonestown but most people are too underaged to even know what Jonestown was.

calm down bro, you sound unreasonably angry
Far Cry has been trash since FC3, the cheap politicized marketing is just another reason not to get it

>game has you shooting brown people
>minorities irl: hey why are you shooting brown people

>game has you shoot white people

>"Playing something popular"
Wow way to out yourself as a hipster contrarian faggot.

It's easy to throw stones from your glass castle

Both Branch Davidians and People’s Temple of Jim Jones both used christian symbolism and mythology as a base for their fucked up beliefs, doesn’t mean that they were what one would consider ”christian” in the usual sense of the word. Telling that they were pieces of shit has absolutely nothing to do about whether you like mainstream christianity or not.

>Throw a bitchfit about how much you hate Muslisms and how their radicals should be denounced by their faith.
>But it's ok when my religion does it!
>A Christian being the dumbest hypocrite on Sup Forums right now
Wish I were surprised. The sinner is you.

>implying the church isnt a bunch of didlers either

Nice strawman

Jones was gay, had ties with Martin Luther King jr. and was frequently targeted by klansmen
so killing rednecks in FC5 is pretty much the opposite of a Jonestown simulator

But abortion clinics are literally murder factories. It's arguably immoral not to bomb such things.

>He like 2 and 3
Absolutely zero fucking taste. Just what I'd expect from a lunatic cultist.

>Denouncing abortion clinic bombings

MHW already came out though?

I guess I can see why you would consider embryos a person when even a retarded five weeks old embryo is smarted than you

It took 2 years for Ubisoft to make The Division a half decent game. No thanks

>tfw Sup Forumsrdthedonald fags are finally dying out on this fucking site
>tfw patreaon intelectual attention whore youtubers with shitty fursonas are becoming less relevant

its a good feel

Is it true this game has a silent protagonist? Seems like a weird choice for 2018

I said it's not okay to firebomb abortion clinics, and it's not okay to pretend they aren't Christians, we owe responsibility for the things committed in the name of Christianity and have to speak up against them.
How that's hypocritical I don't understand.

AC Origins is great


I don't get why nu/v/ has to get assblasted because its got some white people in it.
I hope this game has some good spookiness to it like some of the trailers had. Looking at old pictures of Jonestown empty are really creepy and I hope they capture some of this.

Can't wait to see how this thread is going to devolve into Sup Forums snowflakes being triggered

>not playing something popular

jesus christ go end your fucking life, you will do a big favor for all of us

Anyone else going to boycott this game?

Christianity has nothing to do with Christianity.

Those game's never focus on there religion.

It still annoys me that there was never a post-game DLC where you and Pagan take down Amita/Sabal.

Pagan was far from innocent, but out of every character in that game he was by far the most honest and likeable.

Take a walk with him for 5 minutes and he tells you everything. Spend the entire game with other characters and they won't tell you shit, because fuck you.

They're probably putting a spin on it that it turns out in the end he was actively stopping the apocalypse or something


I am still upset there wasnt a Pagan Min campaign route or DLC.


Already preordered Far Cry 5. It's a given for every decent person to #resist and show our support to these brave devs from Ubisoft.


Yeah no thanks

Is the Hillary skin for co-op DLC confirmed yet?


but nobody on Sup Forums even cares about videogames u dumb marketer lmao

why are these threads being spammed constantly? AAA garbage is long dead

I just hope I can shoot that stupid fucking orange cheeto in the face

>americans get fucking MAD when their country is for once portrayed how it really is

hahahaha i already pre-ordered copy for me and few more for my friends

This is a bit more subtle than your last attempt but is still obvious shilling

people like to drool over Spec Ops: Just Don't Play The Game, but FC4 does it much better

Why does this game trigger Sup Forums so much?

I really like how this game shows how tense the situation in America is. If Trump will stay president, things will get really problematic. It even could turn out like in Far Cry 5, a future ruled by white supermacists.

i'm a huge nazi and i'm looking forward to playing this (but i won't buy it because i'm not retarded)

>only, like, 10 people dead since 1993 in these so called "bombings"
>"don't worry senpai 10 = the gorizillians muslims have killed! :)"

Sup Forumsflakes cry about everything. Sensitive like women.

>k-k-kill y-yourself!
Very original m8, think of that one all on your own?

More people have died from Christian wars than Muslim wars.

> Trying to deflect the subject to mudslimes
Are abortion clinic bombers christians or not?
Are insane cultists christians or not?


Because Sup Forums likes to RP as christians, but since they don't know the first thing about actually being one they can't tell the difference between believers and lunatics.