Shigeru Miyamoto doesn’t understand why the basically gimmickless switch is selling well

Shigeru Miyamoto doesn’t understand why the basically gimmickless switch is selling well.

>touch screen
>detachable controls
>can connect it to a TV
>motion sensor controls
>rumble HD
>cartridge system in 2017+1
The switch has more gimmicks than the other nintendo consoles togheter

Connecting to TV/portable isn't a gimmick. The other gimmicks aren't being forced on players in every game like they have been with their other consoles.


No that is a gimmick

> wagglan
yeah no, If anything, this has reinforced in his mind that this kind of thing is good

You have it backwards. Switching between TV and portable literally is the gimmick.

>basically gimmickless switch

It's a little toy iPad.

>>can connect it to a TV
FUck i hate this gimmick, why hasnt there been a console with no video output yet?

That Shigeru's a mad bumbaclot, mane

Thats a funny joke, Jerry.

It seems to me that the only thing that separates a "gimmick" from a "feature" is how much you like or dislike it.

What the fuck

Fuck off Sakura you dumb slut, nobody asked you.

Is it? I call it fake news. The WiiU kept being touted as a success until they couldn't lie about the facts anymore.

This is the first Nintendo console that doesn't have a proper D-pad, all because it also has to double as face buttons for the sake of the 2-player joycon gimmick.

a feature is something like "twice the processing power, and a more economic cooling system"
a gimmick is "it comes with a mouse that you have to sit on, and move your ass around to manoeuvre the cursor, and the click, you must tense your left or right buttcheek"

you forgot tabletop mode

Nintendo is lying about the sales.


are your parents brother and sister OP?

How would you say “without gimmicks”

"anything but Nintendo"

The trick here is that no creativity from the developers is required, unlike the previous nintendo systems.
They were a bet on the game industry innovation and and adaptability and you saw what happened.

>How would you say “without gimmicks”
"Without gimmicks."

i'm a huge switchfag but it's gimmicky as hell.

Where is your source?

Switch is loaded to the brim with gimmicks. Although all are irrelevant to the sales. Day 1 Zelda and Year 1 Mario pushed units

according to Sup Forums, anything nintendo does that isn't copying sony and microsoft is a gimmick

Words can be created or fall out of use, language is always evolving.

Exactly. It's a reason Sup Forumseogaf doesn't see something like PSVR for the gimmick that it is.

It's literally the dictionary definition of gimmick:
>a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.

What a time to be alive

Sup Forums is so fucking butthurt by the switch's success that now they have to go on technicalities and dictionary definitions rather than the common usage of the term just so they can continue call nintendo a gimmicky company

gg motherfuckers

Gimmicks are features that don't add anything substantial to the experience. It has nothing to do with brand loyalty.

Since you're a nintenbro, I don't expect you to understand, but just because people criticise a company's decision, it doesn't mean they hate that company, just that they disagree with them in that particular instance.

>Depth perception in a 3D game is a gimmick.


>Gimmicks are features that don't add anything substantial to the experience
well portability and dual packed-in controllers have added plenty of substance to my experience with the system, perhaps it's brand loathing you have against nintendo

Motion controls and VR are a gimmick.

You just made me realize if you want a D pad you have to dish out $70 for the pro controller

Will it help the games being developed for it
Is it just there to differentiate itself from the competitor

The portability actually downgrades the console by forcing all games to be able to run on just the tablet instead of dedicated hardware. This is the definition of a gimmick because it does nothing for the games except make the console different from the competitors.

The Switch is extremely intuitive. Anyone can understand the concept and operate it since it's similar to a smartphone.

for one, the portability is the base system, the dock boosts the performance, not the other way around. second, you're implying it's automatically bad because it's different, just look at the DS, it was centered around a touch screen gimmick yet plenty of games made great use of it than a game without it. third, i like how you're using performance instead of user input to define the negative use of a gimmick, like no one can enjoy the portability of the system because the performance may be different

Finna woke senpai


I won't even call that a gimmick, I actually think that for some people it is going to be a worthwhile feature.


Get real, those things are packed to the gills with gimmicks that will never see use outside of a few select titles, published by Nintendo to highlight, and rationalise, their existence.

Nobody is going to use the motion controls or infra-red sensor. Detaching from the console to use in docked mode is fine, as are the extra few buttons that allow them to be used as separate controllers for simpler games, which I expect to be part of the system's draw. Being able to play 4 players on what is basically 2 controllers isn't especially new, but it's a nice touch that makes local multiplayer more accessible.

if the switch has a gimmick it's docking because it's the best portable system ever

Whats wrong with cartridge system? They have longer shelf life than CD/DVD/Bluray

I thought the Switch didn't have a touch screen.

Portability is what sold me on the Switch in the first place, as I only spend 10% of my time actually AT home

The reason I bought one of those portable TV case deals from Gamestop for my PS4

Nothing. People just got too used to CDs. Cartridges had physical limitations in the 90s, particularly in the memory department. CDs made sense then as a novel technology 20 years ago but no more. Cartridges are back better than ever, CDs and even their Blu Ray counterparts are becoming obsolete as you can now fit more into a tiny SD card and not have to worry about scratches. Though overall, digital downloads/cloud computing is killing every physical form of storage.

If it weren't for the high prices of card/cartridge storage, and the movie industry still clutching to DVD discs just like they did with VHS tapes for over 20 years, it's possible that the next versions of Microsoft and Sony's consoles could have cartridges. It's just more efficient, allows for portability, and you can make a more streamlined console without the need of a bulky optical drive. Though I suppose the next Xbox would have an optical drive since they're the only video game console maker that cares about backwards compatibility.