Is it just me, or was this game actually pretty good?
Is it just me, or was this game actually pretty good?
is this a "oh yeah, that happened" thread?
I never got the hate for the game, if it being short is it's only downside than people are retarded
Its just you
Same diamond dozen TPS+QTE gameplay that doesn't even try to do something new
On top of that its only like 2 hours long
i played this on youtube, it was okay.
It was ok for what it was but it had no right being a full price release, if they did something like Hellblade and released it at $30 at most they would've gotten a pass I guess.
It was pure gun kino, but little else
The actual werewolf hunting left something to be desired, didn't it? Doesn't really scratch the itch of paranormal hunters.
It's a perfectly fine "game" for 5 bucks.
>>Sup Forums
>Ready At Dawn
>Finished by noon
better shit on netflix
This. If I had paid anymore I would have been furious though.
I really liked this game.
The cons are in zero replay value.
You've been shilling this shit for the last. No it's not good. Yes you have shit taste.
I enjoyed it for what it was. Full price I get why people were mad, but the game came out SUPER early in PS4 cycle and it was mostly a test on how they could pull graphics from the system in a way that was yet to be explored. I paid $20 for it, and enjoyed it. Like another user said, zero replay value but I got what I paid for imo, a movie experience that was twice as long as a movie at the price of two tickets.
for 10 bucks it was fine
ending was a big fuck you tough
couldnt imagine spending full price for what is essentially a tech demo
I usually make lots of excuses for good but criticized games. This one was a fucking slog. I don't really count it as an excuse to own a PS4.
What the fuck is this jesus christ. Are they treating their players as complete and utter retards
I got it for $10 and it was the easiest platinum. Interesting and pretty game but ultimately the world building left a lot to be desired. If this was the start to an epic new [franchise] I'd be happy but alas it's just another shooter. Like Resistance 1.
It's just you. Completely forgettable, makes Uncharted look like a masterpiece.
Just you, man
Fuck you cuck, Resistance is great
Is that a step by step instruction manual on how to beat a fucking quicktime fight?
It's alright. You don't have to get all WHIIRRRRR on me. Resistance had the advantage of sequels to help the world building. 2 and 3 made 1 a good game. The Order's gameplay is a little too meh to be held up enough by its story. Uncharted's gameplay is simple but it's fun enough to forgive the series' shortcomings.
It was a good gears of war PvE hallway clone. For the hype, it should have been more. But 5 dollars for the 10hour long campaign is fine as it is.
they have to fill the pages with something
It had solid ideas but they really fucked up by making it more film than game.
Add me on PS3
are u being rude rite now
This. For super cheap, the game is a solid 5 hour enjoyable game. Setting up vampires for a sequel would have been nice, but I can't imagine they made even.
Not sure why people were up in arms considering it was Ready At Dawn, literally making PSP games before 1886
Second Son goes on sale at the same price and is a much better game, even by cheap standards The Order is bad.
I dont think its that. The thing is that they had to write a whole guide for it, and the game has literally nothing to be explained. No mechanics, no cool stuff, nothing interesting to do.
The order 1886 was terrible, even as a "movie with QTEs".
It was solid. Story was fine, characters were good, production values were through the roof. Gameplay felt nice and solid, and the gun mechanics were all very interesting and unique. Length felt just right for a weekend of play. Overall, a good 7/10 game.
So what was bad about this game? I remember being excited when the trailer happened at E3(?) or whenever it was, but didn't have a PS4 on the games release. Just heard it was utter shit and have never bought it for my ps4 ever since I've owned one.
>Extremely short
>One of the most generic and boring TPS in the market.
>Story is offensively bad and ends with a super cheap cliffhanger
>"Bosses" are the same rehashed QTE fights, including the final boss
The game severely lacks soul. You can see no one (except the graphics department) cared about it. No one tried to make it fun or interesting.
Its the apex of a "play-safe, committee designed, super generic game" driven foward by a shitload of marketing generating fake hype and pretty screenshots.
>story is bad
I see this a lot, but no one ever explained why the story was bad. I think the story was a highlight.
Gunshot fade to black? GUNSHOT FADE TO BLACK?!
>On top of that its only like 2 hours long
its 6 actually
well.. they werent really "Paranormal Hunters" they were more or less secret police tasked with killed werewolves
Imagine the dude writing this guide, these people must really hate video games if they didn't notice something wrong with this.
Why is this suddenly being shilled so much?
What should he have wrote instead? Or do you think his opinion of the game would matter, as though he gets to decide what games he writes about?
Wasn't as much of a fucking ripoff as Metal Gear V Ground Zero was but it was still a fucking rip off demo sold as a full game
Got it done in 4. Wasn't rushing, was even taking screenshots
If that is one of the guides that come with the physical copy he probably had at least something to do with the development.
>Big ass QTE prompt in the middle of the screen during an 'impactful' scene
Were they trying to pull an MGS3 with that shit?
>diamond dozen
“””game””” anything that wasn’t completely on rails was fucking terrible. This game was nothing but walking, QTEs, cutscenes and extremely short and terrible shooting segments.
You can’t even compare this to MGSV unless you’re a seething retard. MGSV has tons of replayability and actual gameplay
It gets worse. If you don't press the prompt he just stands there. Doesn't matter how long you wait.
Why the fuck is this shit pole being talked about again? What is there to even talk about besides "It looks pretty!" It's the most hollow game I've ever seen it's like eaten a plane slice of bread. There is noting to it.
>diamond dozen