Game is ruined by one character

>game is ruined by one character





>said character is the protagonist

is that a sexy gril or a soyboy?

Wrong character.

>game is saved by one character

This, she felt so forced, especially in FES. The reason why I think Portable to be the best way to play P3

She enhanced the game for me.


>Gets hurt by her peers calling her a whore
>Literally begs for joker's dick at the start of the game

Wrong girl, user

Haru doesn't make the game any better or worse, though, she's just here.

Seriously i hated Mona telling me when i could and couln't leave the fucking place even when he couldn't use the "tired" excuse.



Portable doesn’t change her role in the story though. If you’re complaining about the Answer well then you don’t even have to play it

>mental midget couldnt figure out time management

I actually almost quit Persona 5 during the part where Morgana throws a temper tantrum and quits the team. Morgana is shit and I still hate him.


I agree user, even Ann couldn't protect the game from Makoto dragging it down like crazy

How does Ann ruin the game exactly? If anything I always hear that it's Futaba, Makoto or Morgana.

Chad soyboy

>not wanting to fuck the cat


>Wow Morgana is finally dying!
>HAHA you thought death would happen in your Post-4 Personas?

Snow and Sazh are the only two good characters in that trilogy


>imlpying Serah, Noel, and Caius weren't good
But you're right about XIII itself.

>Ryuji = eminem
I knew i loved him for a fucking reason.

fucking awful ending. Hamfist in "hurr dur assassins guild."

All run by this dumb bitch that hates her husband for no reason.

wrong reply

I managed my time just fine but why force me to skip nights during story events?.

Why exactly you don't like her?

She just seems so out of place in a game about accepting your mortality and the inevitability of death. Also waifubait. Probably the worst example in this series, which is saying something

But Akechi dies, along with a bunch of other people in that game. Including the MC in some bad endings

>Off screen death
>#1 in confidant polls
You bet your ass he's coming back in spinoffs

Pic not related

It actually makes sense when part of her struggle throughout the game is to find a reason to justify her "life", its existence even being put into question iirc. I don't see how she is that much of a waifubait either, care to enlighten me? I do admit P3's plot isn't that fresh on my mind

>>game is ruined by one character

funny how Persona is full of these characters

Luckily she's just an add-on.

op btfo

Still wondering how Ann could ruin the game for you. She's very inoffensive.

Ann isn't even that bad, she's just bland. Makoto is much worse simply due to how much of a mary sue she is and how everyone constantly fellates her ego every chance they get.

>Not Makoto

>part of her struggle throughout the game is to find a reason to justify her "life”
That’s the struggle everyone faces in the game though and in more relatable ways because they’re humans who face human problems. Her “development” is pretty garbage too. She gets destroyed by Ryoji and then rebuilt and suddenly can feel human emotions because reasons. Also compare her to the other characters. Everyone is either indifferent or out right hates you until you become friends later on. From the moment you first meet Aigis she starts orbiting you and saying you’re the most important person to her. That’s waifubait if I ever saw it

That's exactly what he said numbnuts

I took it as him implying Ann is somehow more bland then Makoto. My bad.

Whoever put Gackt into Crisis Core was a fucking retard and I will always be mad. Made that piece of shit canon, a sizable part of the backstory, then kinda just stop talking about it when they parted on bad terms.

I also misread posts from time to time tbqh

I guess they're both bland, then

You posted the wrong, let me help you.

I still liked Ann and went with her in my first run, I think the problem is more due to them pretty much forgetting she exists just so they can focus more on Makoto and Futaba.

t. Morgana

God I hate makoto so god damn much.

There is nothing wrong with Lady Ann

I honestly can't really argue with you, don't remember much about specific things of that game considering I last played it 6 or so years ago. I remember liking her though, the last scene on the rooftop was heartbreaking


>unironically hating the best girl
Commit sudoku

>Best girl

But we don't hate best girl...

>Constantly shits on Ryuji throughout the entire game, calling him a useless piece of shit
>One time Ryuji gives him a taste of his own medicine
>Runs away like a little pussy

>Best girl

You better not be having impure thoughts about my little sister user.

>Joker, you'd better max out your Charm if you want to continue my social link and go on a fake date with me, I don't want my retard friend and her Chad boyfriend to think I'm dating a loser

>t. Atlus

Objectively wrong

>Joker, you'd better be the world's most dextrous handyman if you want to touch my rooftop weeds.

You mean my future wife? Father in law already gave me the go ahead....he wouldn't trust anyone else with her after all.

If you weren’t assblasted before you sure are now. How about you stop being a loser instead of complaining about someone cheating on your virtual girlfriend

It's not like the game would have been shit without him, but he sure is what makes it good.
I do have a real example of something being saved by one character, but it isn't vidya.

Excuse moi ?

OP status: executed



If sojiro gave you the go ahead then that's fine. You better not break my little sisters heart user.

Absolute perfection.

I just took her out of my party and left her out ASAP, and then just never ever hung out with her, even when she was the only option to hang out with at times, I'd just go to batting cages or a movie instead.

Seems autistic.

>Breaking Futaba's heart

I would sooner die...

She's supposed to be really short but i feel like he's just abnormally tall.

You’re already autistic if you play Persona

Seems extra autistic.


Ryuji > Yusuke >Morgana > Ann > Futaba > Haru > Makoto

Switch ann and morgana and its perfect.

My wife Ann is a literal miracle of the universe. I love her.

Joker isn't much taller than the other males. Even compared with the other female party members she's noticeably smol

I'm honestly surprised I ended up liking Futaba more than I did. She's pretty endearing, and I thought she was just gonna be obnoxious LOL U DIE IF U WORK XDDD.

i couldn't even get through the start of the game just because i hate her so much

>Game is ruined by the two main characters

Haru is a beautiful cinnamon roll whose only crime is showing up too late in the game
She'd definitely be my first pick for Joker if I didn't want to go full degenerate with Kawakami