>"Street" Fighter
>the fights take place inside a dedicated tournament with rules
Videogame misnomers
"Dead or Alive" is a weird name for a volleyball fanservice game.
>final fantasy
What fantasy and why/ how is it final?
Why is it called dead island? Surely the land itself is thriving and well?
>Fallout 3
>its the first one
>The Elder Scrolls 5
>it's the first one
Todd sure does come up with some wacky names.
>metroid zero mission
>actually just the first mission instead of a prequel to the original
>Bioshock Infinite
>the game has an ending
>Darkest Dungeon
>Doesn't take place in my basement
>fire emblem fates
>practically the same ultimate fate, choices are aesthetic and waifu-based, and you can't even truly side with nohr
>"Rayman 3D"
>it's a remake of the 2nd one
What the fuck Ubisoft
X fits it fairly well
Actually, the series is named after a singular fighter, Ryu, who travels around the world, often engaging in street fights. in essence, he is THE Street Fighter. If the game was called Street FighterS, with an 's' to denote multiple street fighters, then it would be inaccurate.
>Starfox 64
>it's only the second game
>Game is called Street Fighter
>There's more than one character
>pocket monsters
>pokéballs don't actually go in your pocket
unironically so many people thought his of Fallout 3
well the game isnt called "The Street Fighter" you retard
and also of Skyrim, the elder scrolls 5
Oh good, it only took them ten games to realize their title doesn't make any sense
>street fighter
>never fight a single street
>League of Legends
>the titular "League of Legends" got retconned out of the lore
>You hunt multiple men
Perhaps they thought 'menhunt' sounded weird?
Never played that game, but seriously? How the hell do they do that?
>XCOM Enemy Unknown
>enemies are clearly aliens
>dead space
>spacebar must be fine for me to play the game
No Oblivion was way too successful and a multiplat
The creator was an electrician and had unsuccessfully attempted to make games throughout his life. He decided to try one more time and called it his final fantasy.
>King of Fighters
>Females in roster
>resident evil 4
>evil is foreign spaniards
>Electronic Arts
>Their soulless cash grabs are far from being considered art.
Honestly, I'm genuinely surprised EA hasn't orphaned their name into just the initials EA so that it doesn't mean anything anymore, kind of like what WWE did.
one of them is named King doe
>Chaos emeralds.
>Only one is actually green.
>Mount and Blade
>I can't fuse my horse with my sword
why even bother
It's called street fight because despite it being a tournament, the matches take places in streets.
>shin megami tensei
>goddess is irrelevant to the plot
>isn't even goddess of shins
or change it to Electronic Anal
What were some of his unsuccessful games, were any of them hidden gems?
>king of iron fist tournament
>no iron fist king
do you know what a street fight is, user?
>call of duty
>0 notifications
>Bioshock Infinite
>Doesn't take place in the water
>you have 100 HP in the game
>Harvest Moon
>no mining resources off the moon
>Killer is Dead
>At least one killer is alive on screen at most or all times
Nothing I've ever heard of, except maybe Rad Racer.
I wanna do the sex things with this lass
Pawn Stars is unironically pretty great.
>you never find the metro ID
>you don't deliver any mail
>100% Orange Juice
>there's no orange juice whatsoever
They butchered the lore twice and removed the summoner thing out of the game but still ingame because how everyone say it.
They also murdered the lore of lots of characters.
Rip trundle.
>skyward sword
>sword gets stuck in the ground after everything
You mean Lylat Wars.
>isn't about biology
The men are hunting you.
>Endless Ocean
>Has boundries
what the fuck does bioshock have to do with biology
>Sup Forums-video games
>no videogames
>Gravity rush
>there's really no rush to do anything
>actually a single war
Any gem composed of colored beryl is an emerald.
>Metro Last Light
>Electricity runs fine in the metro
>The sun is still here
>world in conflict
>is only a war between Russia USA and a bit of france and germany
>Pocket monsters
>The monsters are actually not in pockets but in balls
Plasmids my man.
It's a monster collection game on a handheld console that fits in your pocket
This one actually fits faggot
If you really want to be technical, but if that were true, then we wouldn't have names like Aquamarine and Morganite, now would we?
>final fantasy x-2
>actually not final fantasy viii
>Splinter Cell
>The game is not about a rat who tries to gather his cells
>Honey Select
>Actually a sex game and nothing to do with honey
>deus ex
>actually free from asspulls
>Guilty Gear
>I don't care about the gears, much less feel guilt towards them
>Grand Theft Auto
>You don't theft grand autos
>Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>You don't have amnesia and don't descent into the dark
You do have amnesia tho
How do you get around the map? Theft not so grand autos?
>siding with a literal monster made out of goo
You either play as an old fat geezer or a little kid neither of which are MEGA
Aquamarine is just short for Aquamarine emerald.
>Arkham Origins
>Literally has nothing to do with Arkham Asylum or it's origin
>Is not short for Defense of the ancients
It is, Valve just isn't allowed to say it.
No it's not. Aquamarine isn't short for anything, and it's only recognized as a type of beryl, not as a type of emerald, because emeralds are green.
>Mountain blade
>Blade isn't a mountain
user, I've seen people out of the loop who literally thought Skyrim was the first one, to the point of "I wonder if they'll make a Skyrim 2"
>Dawn of War
>It has 3 titles already and its still only "dawn" even though a lot of important things happened.
But you do though.
it wasn't meant to be this black and white
the creators of the original game were about to go out of business and their last hope rested on an rpg in a fantasy universe. thus: final fantasy
>metal gear solid 3
>not a single metal gear
>Making fun of an actual genius for his excellent taste in headwear and beard trimming skills
>animal crossing
>can't crucify tom nook
>fire emblem awakening
>plot is so shit you sleep through it