Why are videogames after all this years still in an early stage of development as an artistic medium?

Why are videogames after all this years still in an early stage of development as an artistic medium?

Can all of the film masterpieces in the left in the pic compare to the videogames of the right in artistic merit?

Video games are not an artistic medium and never will be

but user we aldready had our citizen kane of vidya and was released 18 years ago

Banjo tooie?

>Banjo tooie?
what? no

It's because literally every single part of game design is better off being used in something else. Movies, TV, costume design, architecture, music, books. Any real talent doesn't let themselves get trapped making only video games.

Video games should stick to their strengths or uniqueness and not chase after or directly emulate other mediums. Desperately trying to be 'art' or appear sophisticated/serious only results in pretentious non-games, shitty awards shows and e-sports.

>*proves you wrong*

Phantasy Star is almost 30 years old though

>Walking Dead

Maus is great but overhyped to fucking death

In september, yeah.

thats a bait pic user, most of the choices are complete shit

Being fully aware of that, I still got angry enough to respond.


Most artists have egos that are way too big to let them work on something they view as lowly as video games, so by default almost every game has shallow music, story, and art direction
And most programmers/gameplay designers/level designers/etc. are autistic in that they are very good at what they do but have no real creativity and need to be kept on a leash by a talented director, but most directors are also egotistic hacks

My only experiences with 'artists'.

>two friends that are fantastic at it
>both are humble, have careers completely unrelated but like painting and doing other stuff on the side
>two other people I know that always tout how they're 'aritsts'
>absolute shit at it, huge egos, like to act like they're an authority, try to hock their amateur pieces constantly and most likely practice their signatures more than anything

Even though the image is bait I actually like those games, so it's fine

In what universe is Dark Souls an "achievement" of the genre?
I could ask that about more games there but Dark Souls being there is just fucking ridiculous.

Oh boy...
>can one artistic medium compare to another thats completely different
>can this painting compare to this song.

Lmao stupid.

But as for you first question
>Why are videogames after all this years still in an early stage of development as an artistic medium?

Because its still a infant as far as art goes.

Film has been around for over a century..and its real source (theatre) is thousands of years old.


im not comparing a videogame to a film , im just showing that the development of videogames as a medium is ridiculously slow compared to other artistic mediums.

And in the pic, there are only films that appeared before 1962, same timespan for both mediums, 68 years.

>the last supper
>sound and fury
>great gatsby
>tree of life
>twilight princess
>walking dead

This is absolutely bait

It was the first game that was both a videogame (instead of instant gratification + sight seeing) and mainstream.
Normies and "hardcore" gamers (who only play AAA games and mock all else as not real videogames) forgot games were awesome, and so they hail DaS as the best thing ever.