Just bought this game and it's my first Monster Hunter game. What am I in for?
Just bought this game and it's my first Monster Hunter game. What am I in for?
What's everyone's
>favorite mon
>favorite weapon
>favorite location
>favorite set
you're in for a fun time grinding for monsters and making awesome armor and weapon sets
A great introduction to the series
40 minute boss battles
a cheep weeb ripoff of HZD
A learning curve that demands attention, followed by hundreds of hours worth of fun, with an ever moving goal post.
dying alot, you will probably get mad and come bitch on Sup Forums like the majority of these scrubby posters.
Ive never played a monhon game either but i shitpost about it not being on switch pretty much every day.
Chasing after monsters for half the battle.
Steamrolling every quest then getting stuck on one monster for 5 hours.
Getting ganked
It's pretty fun all things considered, especially if you play with friends
When will I get stuck? I'm like 15 hrs deep and the game has had a pretty smooth curve so far. Not 'easy' but I haven't had to redo anything yet. I suck at these kinda games and I'm playing solo.
Everyone has at least A monster they hate. Nothing will roadblock you though, from way you describe your experience with it you should be fine. Consider questing with randoms around High Rank however.
That's an upscaled 3DS game tho
The questioning of your sexuality as you lust for the hot monster dick
Despairing because of the low drop rate for gems
Electric Squirrel and Balloon bird were kinda annoying.
>Low drop rates for gems
Plates on the other hand, how unlucky am I for this? I didn't even want any, I'm just doing the bounty.
>mfw handheld shitposter converted to MHW
Light bow gun changes seem too tempting for me. That being said never played gunner in previous games. Can I get some tips?
I played God Eater: Resurrection and hated how repetitive and LOOOOOOONG everything was.
Will I hate Monster Hunter?
A shitty, lock-on system where your character doesn't even stay facing the monster.
>Why is this big sword so fucking slow?
Why are sacs so hard to get in this game.
Is the Hunting Horn viable when playing solo? I like the idea of the weapon but I don't see myself playing multiplayer for awhile.
God Eater is the shittiest version of the Monster Hunter concept. That said, if you didn't like the basic idea of farming monsters to get their parts then you won't like Monster Hunter.
Everything is viable
I found a Rathalos in the first area you're exposed to and I can't fucking kill it.
I get it's tail cut, I break its face, I beat the living fuck out of this thing and get carted left and right. It takes forever to heal in this game. Putting the weapon away just to pull out a potion takes at least 6 seconds or so, which is plenty of time for a Rath to charge you with his talons.
I beat him black and blue then he fucks off after I've carted 6 times.
I don't know whether to just progress the story or just keep trying.
You can win with it. You won't break any speed records or anything though.
I just got into high rank. Do I craft alpha or beta armor and what is the difference?
Just progress. You'll get better at the game and you'll get better gear.
Beta armor has slots, Alpha doesn't.
Alpha armor has double skills but no decoration slots. Beta armor has only a single skill but slots for decorations for customizing your set.
Other than that the alpha and beta sets for each monster are identical stat-wise.
more fun dark souls
Come back later with better gear. Every zone has one or two monsters you should avoid on early visits. You'll get quests for them later on when you should be more prepared.
cant tell it bait or just bad but if your that desprate you can crouch in bushes to drink or sharpen as long as the ui shows your in dark, but also alot of monsters are introduced a long time before your actually supposed to engage them to add threat to areas but your more them welcome to kill them any time
- Odogaron
- Longsword
- dont know
- Odogaron set
i'm on the story quest that is
>find a first wyverian
in the ancient forest but i cannot find them. i've run through the big areas just expecting an event to trigger but it hasn't yet. wat do
In the ancient forest, you can find his tracks and then R3 track him like monsters on your map.
He's in the upper areas of the map I believe.
alright i'll keep at it. found like 20 anjanath footprints
>hi im beseljeuce and im here to ruin your day
The puffball bat in the Coral Forrest.
I don't know, the arena is pretty cool.
I'm still a low rank shitter so this is just based on looks but the Girros set because plague doctor mask.
>How to spot a melee only faggot
too soon
I will try; thank you.
I may be just bad. Every Monhun game that comes out I choose a different weapon that I've never played before and I always struggle in the beginning. This time I chose Lance and it feels like it takes forever to put the weapon away to heal.
I got to G rank doing every single quest in 4 by myself.
I'm not that bad, but some of the new mechanics in this game get me so confused and frustrate me to no end.
I can't kill this Rath or even that Anjanath
>charms are craftable
>decorations aren't
Thanks Capcom
How are people having so much trouble with Kirin? Its just a typical dance battle. Anyone who played in an MMO raid knows how this works. And he has such weak health holy fuck. I killed him with the Kinsect.
No, I dont meant I was utilizing comboing into kinsect piss, I literally mean I just let the kinsect on him. It near completely DPS'd him.
Also his lightning is super telegraphed thr only way you get hit is by getting fucked in a corner by the camera.
>best set for main weapon looks like shit
Feels bad
Just go to the top of the map, between Rathalos and the camp
Actually you are supposed to find him after tackling Rathalos theres a cutscene, just go to Rath's nest.
Git gud
>Playing with lock on
I really hope this is bait
>meanwhile the japs I get paired with triple cart and fail my quest
> 40 minutes
You are either undergeared or you suck.
Git gud.
>game isn't fun until you reach high ranks
>using the lock on.
This, I thought it was quite boring at first but I'm having a blast. The only problem I have is joining the sos things because it turns out everyone is a fucking retard and you get nothing when they die. Multilayer on them sos missions is fun 1/4 times
Alpha has predetermined skills to spare you the slotting.
Bets is more customizable.
Depending on the armor there is variations in cosmetics as well. See Zorah and Pukei.
i got paired with a mexican who was fucking shredding the shit out of Kirin with Hammer. he must've KO'd that thing 3 times at least. i sent a friend request but he called me a gringo and blocked me
It's because the environments, boss animations, and other monsters aren't used to make the fights more dynamic. In MH they use these to switch up your tactics in order to give the fights variety. On top of that the weapons play quite differently and it makes for something that sounds repetitive on paper, but is incredibly engaging in practice.
It's better in every way.
This is the only one I've played since PS2 days. You're in for a steep learning curve, early game frustration, and heaps of enjoyment when it all starts to click.
well yeah, i didn't need to redo them either so I didn't get a chance to cheese them with a bow like a pussy
I'm actually gonna be mad if the game doesn't yank on me at least once. It's essential to the monhun experience
Don't act like soulsborne doesn't have a way better combat system, even with heavy weapons. Aiming strikes in this game is garbage, 3DS tier. The least they could do is learn lessons from modern games.
So is Bow easy mode or something? I made a Blast bow and it can use sleep and paralysis coatings and now I kill everything in five minutes by abusing the shit out of sleep and bombing monsters and dragon piercing paralyzed mons
I stopped using it when playing solo because it does take a bit longer to finish enemies off.
When do I unlock a paralysis bow?
Monsters and the hunting thereof.
Alright, so I main a new weapon in every MH game I play, and when this comes out on PC I'm going to do it again. So, out of the following list, what do people find fun in World?
Sword & Shield, Hunting Horn, Lance or the Bowguns?
I've mained everything else before, and I want a new experience.
>spending 60 dollars on a non-G-rank game
Surely you didn't do this? You must have realized that a G-rank version is coming in a year and that you will have to pay another 60 dollars for a few more hours of end-game content, right?
>smash the shit out of odogoron with a hammer
eat shit you leaping fuck
SnS is a shitload of fun. Lance is preddy gud too, but I personally find it pretty boring and basic.
holy shit, I have had a similar experience playing with Japs. Got teamed up with 3 long sword users vs bat ball and they carted the fuck out of the game. I ended up getting hit only once and took it down with a light bowgun.
Sup Forums told me that Japs were autistic S-class gamers who win at everything forever.. WTF
I love the lance, but the bowguns seem to have more fun new stuff. Either is my recommendation
I like SnS leap attack but does it have the damage at HR?
They're not gonna follow that business model after pulling in the casual crowd. They'll release G-rank as a DLC expansion with new mons and recolors.
Their forte is handheld monhun
> Odogaron
> lance/hammer trying out GL, its okay
> rotten vale, mainly for the music
> zora or lagiana
also, will we ever get monsters theme in, kinda tired of the generic large monster music, except for rotten vale one
No we didnt. Its well known japs suck at vidya and prefer garbage like gacha they can pay to win at. Jap developers like hard games, jap games suck at them.
You are thinking of Koreans.
If you can stay on the monster then yeah. It's easily the most versatile weapon and allows you to use items with the weapon out. It's got stuns, leaps, and cuts, you just need to spend the time to learn the moveset and you'll be able to smash shit real quick
fuck off ninten toddler false flagger
Jap gamers* suck at them.
>post yfw all these delusional retards who think that MHW is "casualized" despite "Monster Hunter" literally being Japan's "Call of Duty"
-Bazel and Diablos
-GS DB and ham
-Coral Highlands
-Pig mask and bondage gear
Musou is Japans CoD
>Pig mask and bondage gear
post your hunter
shield attack is for stunning mainly?
Fuck light, go heavy.
Expect be be oddly entranced.
I don’t mind grinds but I find my self making every armor set I can. And farming all the elements of my main weapons.
It’s a simple game with a huge amount of depth. I’m like 35 hours in and damn I just don’t get sick of it.
My favorite part is I can sit down and accomplish something within 20 mins. OR accomplish a shit ton when I fuck on monsters for hours
I main long sword at the moment. Started off with Great sword but how slow it is wears on you.
50 hours in and no idea shit like this was possible
apparently you can also grapple on to random wingdrakes and control them to fly around the maps? what the fuck?
educate me on hammer movesets
do you always spin to win? level 2 charge seems like a nice poke, I know big bang on KOs only but what about regular triangle hits?
Yes. It's surprisingly good at it too. When you leap attack you can use either your shield to get a bit of extra stun in or a sword slash.
> rath lance
that shit lasted me so long
MH and CoD has about the same difficulty curve imo
God Eater is bottom of the barrel weebshit trash.