Megaman / Shanghai Battle Network

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Eagerly awaiting the next big update. I wanna continue to enjoy the story. On that note, upon beating the current demo is there anything else I can do on the side in terms of bonus content?

Sure bro, got any unlocks for 3500ez?

There's a gauntlet room that unlocks after you beat the demo, and you can go virus hunting. Other than that, collecting all the chips with Crimson Noise, and playing on Hard mode there isn't anything left.

no more story updates, just updates on gameplay. after the demo, it tells you theres is a special room full of trials you can do. theres also hunts, side missions, and crimson farming

2 questions: I downloaded the newest version; how do I transfer my save? Does MHalbred count as a sword-type? I Have Heat Doctor, Leaf Witch (ohohohohoho), and Poison Wing. Now I want Shinobi-style. Currently I'm in the middle of the school scenario at 15 hours. As someone who has never played Touhou, I got to say that this game is fantastic.

Personally, I would want a Beast-type style. Not in the OP way Beast Out was, but something that at least has a monstrous appearance. What would you anons like in the complete game?

does beating bosses sp5 give you better stuff for crimson noise or can i just farm sp?
in game data there is a file called save.she you can transfer over

Thank you.

Don't think so.

What's this? Do you not just get them from story progression?

its just like mmbn2/3, you get one through story progression and after that, depending on what your playstyle is, it will determine your next style. you can keep 4 styles. i think its 50 battles you get one

Styles show up in this fast. Less than 2 hours fast; depending on if you're speeding through the game. I didn't know that you could switch styles on the custom screen during battle and it makes a difference. Such as starting with Doctor style for a larger starting hand, and then switching to Witch Style for an elemental power boost. It'll make future online battles interesting, especially since EXE's battle system emphasises fastest deletion speed possible.

I got Doctor style in the story despite barely using those three unlock things and I haven't unlocked any other styles since.

first one is probably random then. just keep doing random battles

Awww rang, I just got Earth Shinobi. Now my styles are: Heat Doctor, Leaf Witch, Poison Wing, and Earth Shinobi. My favorite element is Aqua so it'll be interesting what style comes out from non-focused battling; eventually I'll take the style just for Aqua element.

It takes 50 battles. Just play the game however you like. You'll get a style based on how you play. What methods do you prefer?

You know you can force the element you get, right? Use the various Peace addons.

I am still on the school scenario. So I don't have access to those add-ons yet (that I know of). That sounds exciting because I want to make an object oriented folder. Along with folders based off my favorite boards.

Is poison the only DoT board? I got poison flyer and I thought a Folder for poison and Buster would be cool, wondering if theres anything else I could toss in for that. What does Burner do?

Sorry man, what does DoT mean? I have zero idea about the new ideas brought into the game. Such as the burn status being weak to aqua, amongst other ideas. Here is a guide I found so far:

damage over time

In the Systems Tab it says Statuses, so using the Burner Board halves everythings attack?

Check the Chip Shop. If there's a girl in a school uniform next to the counter, you can get the addons.

Cracked panels vanish temporarily when a virus or navi steps off them, turning the panel into a Hole.
Burner panels will spray fire shortly after a virus or navi steps on them. I believe it also causes the Melt status effect, that lowers attack power.
Ice panels will cause a virus/navi to slide to the next tile in the direction it was moving.
Grass panels heal Wood element virus/navis over time.
Thunder panels are struck by lightning on a timer, briefly stunning any virus/navi hit by the strike.
Sand panels slow movement, forcing the virus/navi in place shortly before they can move again.
Poison panels deal damage over time.

Using the FlotBarr chip or Wing style grants immunity from the effects of Crack, Hole, Fire, Ice, Sand, and Poison tiles.

Only if it's hit by the fire. If you want to trigger Melt itself, there's the MeltWax chip, and HeatDoc has a charge shot that inflicts the ailment.

If you want to trigger Melt yourself*

Thank you, and I wasn't aiming for melt I just wanted to know if there was another way to cause DoT using Poison Flyer and I have Poison Roads, Board, and White Lilly in my folder was just trying to stack DoT.

Poison tiles and Whit Lily, while both poison, cause different types of DoT and do indeed stack, but I don't believe Wing style has any way of causing DoT on it's own. Wing style just gives a Tornado charge shot that matches it's element. So PoisonWing will deal extra damage to Grass and Aqua, but that's about it.

I'm pretty sure you can drop multiple white lilies and they'll all stack