whats the maddest a game has ever made you?
Whats the maddest a game has ever made you?
No game has ever got me so fucking pissed then when I played LoL.
It was always either the shit balance of the game or the people doing stupid shit.
>Pokémon Diamond
>NPC trades you a Haunter
>It’s holding an everstone
lol what a cunt
I whipped the controller at the wall, it smashed into literally a dozen pieces
I usually just turn off the game and take a break if I start to get mad
>aged like fine wine
>talented artist
>well dressed
>good at video games
>has a hot girlfriend who dresses in cosplay and cooks for him
>probably the father of James' daughter
>has a big dick
>posted the pics on twitter to prove it
>beat Super Mario Bros. while shitfaced on a stream
Is mike, dare I say it lads /ourguy/?
I used to bite my snes controllers in rage when I was a kindergartner. Surprisingly I don't have fucked up teeth today.
tfw I've never had a Gengar
gravity rush final boss, the controls are just so bad and it frustrated me so much i just quit the game and deleted it off my vita. the controls never really bothered me until that fight
those were your baby teeth
For some reason this game's competitive mode makes me irrationally angry when my team loses. I always feel like I could be doing better somehow and it all just spirals into self-disappointment.
Sly Raccoon 1 HD Remaster
There's a twin stick shooter minigame thing near the start and I failed it 5 times in a row right at the end despite the fact that it was clearly very easy and I did it no problem as a kid.
Anyway I just fucking uninstalled the game. I wasn't gonna deal with that shit.
Is this a stealth Mike-posting thread?
Bootsy was ritually sacrificed and canibalistically consumed by Ryan.
i broke a control but i was mad at the control for being a piece of shit, not the game
While it was more disappointing and frustrating, I thought Kane and Lynch 2 would be a middling, but fun experience as a 3rd person shooter, kinda like Binary Domain.
Boy, was I wrong. Who the fuck thought that ugly fucking artstyle/appearance was okay?
Dropped dark souls 3 for half a year because of the twin princes boss fight.
Playing Smash 4 while drunk made me break my launch 3ds screen
I used to sperg out as a kid though, god damn. Anger issues are not fun to have, glad I don't have them anymore.
MGS:V. I was trying to get a stealth S rank on some mission for a few hours. Almost had it, and I misfired for some reason. Blew a gasket and threw a vacuum straight through a wall.
>Call of Duty: World at War
>Veteran Difficulty
I conquer Satan that month.
>bootsy talking about all the hard nes games hes beaten
>mike getting visually flustered
>"uhh i beat umm punch out"
>bootsy is gone shortly after
why is mike such a loser?
>Objective: Destroy the Flak 88s (4 remaining)
>Grinding any Halo game on Legendary until you're at the point where you know the location of every enemy in every level
I'm pretty sure sniper Jackals have taken years off my life
I gave up trying to kill this faggot at level 30 with +3 weapons.
>be a friend of mine
>play castle crashers all night with the boys
>trek back through hell to revive a friend
>form a bond stronger than brotherhood
>love the game.jpg
>get to the peasant arena
>spend days trying and failing to beat it
>frustration intensifies
>get to the final round
>literally chuck your fucking controller through the tv screen.mov
His anger makes me uncomfortable... I mean it's not necessary.
You're uneccesary, Mike is based as fuck
I am not saying he isn't but I feel a lot of times he gets much more angry than the situation calls for.
No he doesn't, his reaction is perfectly normal
>playing fable 3 on 360
>trying to make all the good choices as king but donating money I make from property in to the treasury to save the kingdom
>spend ages just sitting around waiting for money to just accumulate
>must have spent all day waiting
>finally have enough, commence final battle
>faggot dog comes in to room
>sniffs my slim newer version 360
>nose touches touch sensitive power button
>game turns off
>load it back up
>save data corrupted
>have to start a new game
>traded the game in an hour later
Was so fucking salty.
Riot doesnt care about teammates being shit either and their matchmaking system is garbage if youre trying to climb
these days I only do my provisionals, collect my free skin at the end of the year and only play with friends or if im really bored. Ranked is a joke
probably cuphead and overwatch
that dumbass fucking dragon made me want to commit suicide. the devil and the die man fight was an easier fight for me than that dumbass dragon.
the balance and complete bullshit of heroes like mercy and junk also make me suicidal. sold my account for 200 euros after the mercy buffs in s6
didn't mean to reply
I don't remember what game it was, but when I was a kid, I got really mad at it and started punching my bed.
>Fable 3
Your dog did you a favour user. You should be eternally grateful.
Yeah I know I was like 14 or whatever and thought it was a sick game.
I remember being super angry at that fucking dog then he passed away the next year.
I still miss the fucker.
same desu
But this nigger was one of the easier bosses.
Took me no more than 3 tries.
>playing WoT ina Jagdpanzer E100
>wreking fools left and right but team kinda falling apart aswell
>comes down to me and 3 medium tanks versus two meds an arty and a FV215b
>pinnned down by the two meds that know i can one shot at least one of them
>my team pinned down aswell
>take the shot and kill one of the meds while the other one immidiatly rushes to kill me
>full reverse down a hill hoping i can turn and reload before he gets to my backside
>reload and fire killing him but arty finally nails me
>3 meds on my team left against an arty and a fv215
>they rush the fb one gets one shot but the other two manage to bound all of thier autoloader shells on the fv in the shittiest display of aiming ive ever seen
>arty and the fv kill them one at a time in what should have been the easiest victory of all time
>lose with mastery unlocked on jpe100 due to ungodly amounts of dmg inflicted on enemy team
i stopped playing for a year after that
>14 when fable 3 came out
Yeah almost 8 years ago, what's your point?
him? really?
try fucking Abyss Watchers & Dancer
But those two twins or whatever from the first one... thats the one that got to me. holy cunt fucking nigger rape/murder kids shithomo cumstain fuck cunt cunt uncuntun
Abyss watchers are easy as fuck just parry then lmfao, the dancer is easy as fuck to dodge too
>abyss watchers
nigga really? they basically kill themselves
yea no one except me seems to have had a hard time with the abyss watchers, but they actually made me more pissed off than dancer. but last boss wasnt that bad. expected him to have 3 phases, so was positively surprised/disappointed when he just stayed dead after two