Best JRPG they said

>best JRPG they said
>can get 20 min long cutscenes

Other urls found in this thread:

>play a Xeno game
>don't expect long cutscenes

>20 minutes


>best JRPGs
>not having 20 minute long cutscenes
Everyone knows that cutscenes are indicative of a game's quality. That's why MGS4 is the best MGS game.


All Takahashi games are like that since the very first Xenogears, with stuff like Xenosaga 2 being the worst offender with literally up to 30-40 minutes of cutscenes regularly happening through the whole "game".

>Best JRPG
>Cutscenes are shorter than cutscenes in MGS4
Are the Japs even trying these days?

I started Xenosaga recently and wish the cutscenes were as short paced as Xenoblase 2's in comparison.

Does it get any better in Episode 2 and Wpisode 3 anons?

>best JRPG they said
>can get only 34 blades to be waifu material


Episode 2 is even worse and Episode 3 is about the same as 1. That aside, though, why are you wasting your time on the weakest part of that series? It's a widely acknowledged failure.

This but unironically

At least Xeno2's cutscenes have been skippable form the beginning

Video related in original release was unskippable until they patched it out of the jap version

>12 hours of cutscenes


Are you trying to say MGS4 is shit?

I want to know more about KOS-MOS and where she comes from.

Also got that ps2 JRPG buzz after completing Xenoblade 2.

Good. Xeno games rely on story and worldbuilding.

>best JRPG they said
If anybody actually said that you shouldn't trust anything else they say. That game is garbage.

That's what you're playing a JRPG for though.

Because it is.

>weebs complain about western games being "movies"
>yet defend games like Xenoblade 2

Release your Blades.

it's definitely the best one in the past decade

>I want to know more about KOS-MOS and where she comes from.
I can tell you right now. She's the host of Mary Magdalene's soul and was created by Shion's douchey late fiancee, Kevin. Wilhelm, the president of Vector industries and a dude who's lived since the time of Jesus, planned to use her power, as well as chaos's powers, in some harebrained attempt to reset the universe so as to keep U-DO from destroying it through expansion. There. I just saved you over a hundred hours of slogging through a shitty series. Go play something else, user.

with hour low budget and dodgy a lot of the game is, it surprised me that a lot of the random side quest cutscenes that most people won't even come across have proper animation and voice acting desu

how* the fuck

Xenoblade 2
>12 hours worth of cutscenes
>200+ hours worth of gameplay

Your average western game
>3 hours worth of cutscenes
>8 hours of gameplay

Kill yourself nigger

All the blade ones do at least, because it's the only time they can really show off the character of the blades outside of generic responses.

>10-20 hour playable movie compared to 70+ hour RPG with 12 hours of cut scenes

dumb pickle rickposter

That's bullshit and you know it. The average Western game is like 5 hours long these days, gameplay and cutscenes combined.

There should be a special accolade for those who suffered through all 3 xenosagas. I stopped at the first one.

did know you can skip them?
anyway is it normal for unique enemies to summon other monsters even if they are higher level than them?
I'm trying to beat this falcon guy and twice I'm so close to beat him and out of nowhere an even bigger one (lvl. 22) comes out and fucks my shit, is this normal or I'm just unlucky to aggro this guy? the area is kinda fucked with tons of flying enemies

Shit, I might watch this miniseries some time this week.

Lots of cutscenes =/= movie

>lol go play your Cowadoody cinematic experience shit XD!
>proceed to play KAWAII UGUU & EEEEEEEEHHHHH!!! cinematic experience shit instead

I'm not sure how Sup Forums could give a pass to XB2.

Is the portable mode in this game as bad as I've heard it is? I got a Switch recently and I kinda grew to love playing it on portable.

The resolution really takes a hit in portable mode, try to play it on the TV

I tested it yesterday, it runs ok on towns or confined areas but big areas like plains and so have several drops, the issue I think is not that much framerate, it's the video, everything looks blocky as fuck in portable mode you can tell it is not optimized for it, supposedly they were going to patch it but I doubt it

It's honestly not. It's noticeable but on a smaller screen and in motion it doesn't look nearly as bad as screenshots make it out to be.

It's bad while you're in the first city. After that it pretty much holds the resolution quite nicely. Despite all that it's very playable.

Maybe my standards are low but it looks fine to me and runs alright.

it looks awful in portable mode, don't believe the shills.

>200+ hours worth of gameplay
complete fucking bullshit, there's half of that at best

I would play the shit out of a kawaii uguu Call of Duty.

I'd believe it. It took me ~160 hours to finish the game and I didn't do all of the sidequest and I didn't get all of the rare blades by then.

Here, decide for yourself.

It took me 70 hours to beat the game without doing any secondary quest and I'm currently sitting at 150 and I don't even have all the rare blades. I'm waiting for NG+.

When can i get QTpi, just finished chap 6

I've got 100 hours and am up to chapter 7. Haven't done any grinding and only done a few side quests

Not until after ch8

board split for eastern and western games when

Up to Chapter 8, still don't have her

midway through chapter 8
do her heart to heart in Leftheria if you haven't already

It's fairly noticeable. It's not unplayable, but I definitely prefer playing on TV.

>just over 200 hours in
>Not even level 99 yet
>Just recently got all the rare baldes
>havent even finished half the rare blade quests yet
>hyped for NG+

there is way more than over 200 hours worth of content, and I'm no where near bored with it.

Turn based combat is literal movie tier

>press attack and watch a overly long animation of him attacking

You can literally play this game with one finger


Xenoblade is not turn based, dumbass.

Literally only play portable if you have no TV within 5 miles. You can definitely play the game but on a small screen, it succumbs to UI taking up more space than normal, FPS dropping in battles and normal exploration, and the resolution is actually 240p.
But, if you aren't doing anything important like grinding or exploring, handheld isn't too bad.

How does it feel to have cancer user ? Are you bold yet ?

are you shitposting about a game you haven't played or even watched footage of?

>It's a widely acknowledged failure.
You mean like XB2?

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Guess who's here.

Can't wait for NG+ to release already. There'd better be a level reset option, I want to play through the game with the build I actually want.

You know you can switch blades between drivers right ?


Doesn't matter, I didn't roll the blades I wanted until after I finished the entire game.

What do you think a "reset" button will do ?

>Sup Forums actually defends FUCKING MGS4
No only is it a shitty movie, it butchers everything about the series, go fuck yourself if you defend that trash

What if new game+ wipes your blades?

how many overrides there are?, I rolled Godfrey with Nia and she's not using him at the best while I rolled Dahlia with Rex and wanna change but have only found one

How do they expect me to keep playing after this?

That'd be stupid then. What'd be the point of NG+?

You do know you can't savescum blades right?

This is why Platformers>RPGS/Weebshit RPGS

100% gameplay with a cool ass OST, no shitty story that you have to suffer through or characters being annoying

3 in game that you get early on.
5 from completing affinity charts for the main characters.
Unlimited from maxing out and releasing 4 star common blades, but you really only get those with regularity at the end of the game.

Also Godfrey kinda sucks. You probably don't want to use an overdrive on him.

I'm 160 hours into the game. I can easily believe there's 200+ hours of game, considering I still have about 10 more rare blades to find and a whole lot more blade quests and side quests to complete. And I'm not even done with the main story yet, still on chapter 9.

I noticed so I mostly wanted to change Dahlia with Nia as I feel she can be more useful with her, Nia with Godfrey is so slow I can barely do anything before we either die or win but wanted to get a dedicated tank character before changing him anyways

Xenoblade one is the best

Who did you pic as your wife?

Paedo onee-chan, tsundere or Princess Unicorn?

Isn't that just Valkyria Chronicles?

I'm like level 71 right now for most characters, yet I still don't fully understand how the fuck people generate elemental orbs (especially so many). Apparently it's from blade combos or something, but I still don't fully understand how the fuck that works. Because just by pressing ZR/ZL after performing a special doesn't seem to generate elemental orbs.

Call of Duty has much better writing than Valkyria Chronicles though.

I know exactly what your talking about cuz it happened to me. I fought some hostile drivers when the unique birb came and changed the music. Then after killing drivers, another birb swooped in and wiped party. It'll keep happening if you don't kill it fast enough, so just come back at a higher level

>implying people play Valkyria Chronicles for the story

You have to complete a Blade Combo. There are three levels. When you use a special attack, it puts on an elemental effect on an enemy. There's a flowchart in the top right corner. You have to follow that element of the flowchart with a special attack that's at least the level of the depth of the chart. So you can follow up a Lv1 Water with a Lv2 or Lv3 Water. Once you finish the third level blade combo, you Seal one battlefield effect and you put an orb corresponding to the element of the Lv3 attack on the enemy.

How the hell did you get through the game without popping orbs in chain attacks?

I find that the shit writing makes it hard for me to enjoy the games.

Elemental Orbs come from completing Blade Combos. in the top right you see the paths you can take after using a level 1 Special. completing one of these paths (completing a 3rd Stage Blade Combo) puts an Orb of that element and a Seal Effect on the enemy, which is different depending on the element. for example you might want to use a bunch of Shadow 3rd stage attacks for Seal Reinforcements, so they can't summon friends to gangbang you. this made the final boss pretty stupid.

Figures, I'll just leave Gormott and come back later, in fact the third time it happened to me it aggroed the bigger falcon at half life and then I said fuck it and ran away, on the road I managed to aggro EVERY SINGLE FUCKER on the road in seconds I had like 10 enemies running after me between the unique falcon, the bigger falcon, several of those bird niggers and other different kind of birds

>turn based
Come on user, I know you can do better than that.

I swear in the last chapter of the game there was a 40 minute custscene and between the end of the ninth chapter and the end of the game there was at least 2 hours of cutscenes.

I loved it.

here's the blade combo list.

Thanks, I think I understand now (hopefully), gonna try it out the next time I play Xeno. And I just generated elemental orbs by chance, I suppose. It's not like I didn't know how to perform specials, it's just the whole blade combo + elemental orb thing never made much sense.


in addition i think there's other ways of generating orbs as well. it might be from triggering a level 4 Special or exploiting a weakness but i'm not certain.

They're all pedos

they could really use some tutorial menu to review the explanations, I noticed the game has a tendency to tell you so many systems at a time that it's really easy to not get it or get it wrong, for example the combos at first I thought I just had to link a low level followed by a higher level, then I thought it only worked if the enemy had some kind of ailment like in the original xeno THEN I started noticing the chart at the right side and then it finally made sense

It’s a problem for stuff like VC and Bayonetta which have shit stories but make it such a time consuming part of the game

It's funny how you type this and you're not even japanese, imagine dickriding for another nation that don't accept you lmfao

There's a generic blade battle skill that lets them put an orb on just by doing a special.