How the hell did they get Nintendo to green light this line?
How the hell did they get Nintendo to green light this line?
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Mario has a long history of horrific fucking shit. This is as tame as Mario being a furry.
Yeah, but at least it wasn't whatever the hell this is implying.
Btw. What the hell is the implication here? What 'Daddy Issues' are they referring to, and why are they so bad that he's trying to suppress them?
Nobody but Miyamoto and a handful of babyfurs care about Bowser Jr, so Miyamoto agreed that they can make the game if they shoehorn Bowser Jr into a prominent role.
Could be that he's a bully and is lashing out because daddy is a monster and military dictator that insists they live in lava.
Yeah, that wasn't the question.
Sorry I'm drunk, I missed the word "line"
Bowser is not premium Dad material.
Parental neglect/abandonment. Not to mention Bowser's usually yelling at him for his failures. Still pretty tame compared to
>Peach actually questioning if she's Jr.'s real mother
>characters bringing up the fact that Starlow is nude
>a murdered Toad in Rogueport
>the bros. exiting a giant, alien Yoshi through its anus
>the plunger in Color Splash
>What the hell is the implication here?
Bowser's a pretty shit dad most of the time
When he's not sending Junior to get the shit beat out of him by Mario, he leaves him alone
>a murdered Toad in Rogueport
Wasn't that cut from the international release?
Do you think the SJWs at Ubisoft would've wrote that line if Boswer Jr was a girl?
That reminds me, I quit playing Partners in Time when my cartridge got stolen and because of that I haven't played any of the other games in the series past it.
So yeah, if anyone has a save file right past the UFO boss near the end, that would be great
Serious question here: is this actually out of character or not? Both the fact that he'd admit it AND the fact that he'd have daddy issues?
People never admit it, they just turn gay.
Go to any husbando thread on Sup Forums and ask if anyone has daddy issues and everyone will say yes.
M+R as a whole was "OoC" for the sake of humor.
>>Peach actually questioning if she's Jr.'s real mother
No she wasn't. She didn't ponder if she was Bowser Jr's mother, she wasn't all "Could this be?" She only reacted to someone saying "You're my mama" with "I'm your mama?" in total disbelief. Probably more confused why the kids believes that.
Most of Mario+Rabbids was out of character
You know Luigi wouldn't dab
its a joke you autist
You are literally the only person who thinks this
Maybe Bowser Jr. is always ignored by Bowser when Bowser kidnaps Peach?
"Bowser is best dad" faggots btfo, they can never recover.
No I'm not and that isn't an argument anyway.
Bowser ditches Jr. all the time. I don't know what you're making such a huge deal over.
Cause Junior has done nothing but give his father a 24-hour blowjob about how great he is and how awesome it is to have him as a dad ever since we were introduced to him.
>the plunger
What’s the story behind this one
It's almost like this is a spin-off focused on making jokes at each character's expense.
luigi would dab
... in 2019
Remember when Bowser got all his skin burned off?
fun fact: Police does the "body chalk line" when is an injured person who has to be taken to a hospital.
Out of all the Mario characters Luigi is the MOST likely to do a dance move that no one likes except ironically, what are you talking about?
but he uses parental controls
It was seen in the Paper Mario and M+L crossover where both version of Jr. just wanted attention from Bowser because he's always too busy with princess kidnapping and Mario to actually interact with his son.
Pretty sure something similar was done in Sunshine. Bowser was just on vacation when Jr. went out to kidnap Peach himself to spend a family vacation together (thinking Peach was his mom because Bowser probably never shuts up about her)
>Out of all the Mario characters Luigi is the MOST likely to do a dance move that no one likes except ironically
Wario and Waluigi.
I'm someone else and you're a fucking retard
Mario can get pretty real sometimes
>>the bros. exiting a giant, alien Yoshi through its anus
What. When did this happen?
The Ace Attorney games have lied to me
Just wait for the Illumination Mario movie
I wonder how that feel like.
That's not a dance move, and he's not doing it to look cool and hip, he's doing it as a way of saying 'suck my thorny whip'
Wrong. Wario is the greedy Chad interested only in money and riches.
Luigi has been shown cross dressing and gushing over green Princess. He's a meme machine.
It used to be for crime scenes in general until they realized it just contaminates the area
Jesus christ
Say what you will about Color Splash, but the game had some good writing.
is this kino?
The only interesting thing in Color Splash.
>nintendo takes a fucking shit
woowwwwww yoooooooo nintendoooooo haha daaaaaaamn yooooooooooooo
That's all it had going for it and half of it was meta Toads trying too hard to be funny.
I suspect he'll show up in the Donkey Kong DLC in some capacity.
... When is that coming out, anyway?
what the fuck
I've played this game multiple times, and I've probably been in that room
how the fuck did I not noticed the crime scene with blood everywhere
>explodes into a rainbow of goodies
I shouldn't be laughing as hard as I am
>Donkey Kong DLC
Shits unfair. It was his turn.
That's only in the Japanese version.
Relax, Soliani hinted a tweet that Junior was gonna be around.
wow, too far Nintendo
this needs a T rating for sure
I dont.
of coursh
My dad was ok
I am just gay because I like to suck dick, duh.
This was pretty fucked up
Junior and Kamek are the two characters I can most easily see coming out as gay at some point, desu
All of super star saga was pretty fucked up imo
that's not superstar saga.
you'd better be baiting
neglectful parenting is a form of abuse.
I didn't say the picture was super star saga you fucking idiots
you're still wrong
SSS was no where near as grim as PIT.
Ok kill yourself.
>"hey, I'm an important character. Surely this moment will be memorable to you sometime in the future."
>"hey, remember me? I'm the guy you met 5 minutes ago."
Predictable and slow-minded. Both decent areas in general, though.
>i'm an important character
isn't it just like some npc you can talk to if you want
Kamek maybe, but Junior doesn't have any big red gay flags except that he's overly into his dad and seems lonely and troubled.
Remember how in Bowser's Inside Story you had to stop an epidemic of Inflation
Like, Toads are literally just inflating to becoming balls the size of houses
And then Bowser breaks into Peach's Castle and vores everyone, including Mario, Luigi, and even Peach
>And then you have to vore this boss so that Mario and Luigi, who are still inside of Bowser, can beat up the boss for him
And then in one level Bowser gets really really fat after being overfed and becomes so fat he can't move
It really is the best Mario and Luigi game, IMO
Literally just a random Shy Guy who sets himself up as some important set piece. Both the train and the forest are near the end of the game so there's not even enough time for you to have forgotten that you've met him, making the "remember me, from the train?" stupid as hell. It's like those Facebook posts my dad shares saying shit like "hey, remember grilled cheese?"
So this is confirmation that enemies that Mario kills actually die?
Damn, I just assumed they just respawn at Bowser's Castle or something.
Quick reminder that Bowser has an army of necromancers working for him.
Not that guy though, he's dead.
I liked the overall tone PiT had.
The fact that this is the ONLY thing people remember about Color Splash just proves how much of a dumpster fire it was. Fuck that game and fuck everyone who defends it.
>Spanks his ass when taunting
>Always seems reeeeally protective of his male friends
>Constant chip on his shoulder
>Clear insecurities masked by smug bravado
>Wears koopa jewelry only worn by female characters
>Wears a ponytail
>Wears a flamboyant bandanna
There's more than a few flags, user.
>>Always seems reeeeally protective of his male friends
give an example
Fuck you, faggot.
It's not the game's fault that people are still pissed off about Sticker Star. To me, those scenes are actually the least memorable parts because they're so ham-fisted and forced
You just want him to be gay so you can fantasize about fucking him, huh?
searching for the truth
>It's not the game's fault that people are still pissed off about Sticker Star.
I guess. But Color Splash is still a bad game
>So this is confirmation that enemies that Mario kills actually die?
>that time in SSS where Mario and Luigi kill a bean person that got transformed into a Laser Snifit
>Implying him turning out to not being gay is gonna stop people from doing this.
I thought paper mario had that underwhere and overthere places. and they let you start a new game if you have no regrets.