Someone red pill me on Zelda because I just don't get it. I played the first game for 20 mins and it was boring as fuck, skipped 2 because it was just a RPG side scroller thing, ALTTP I played for about 4 hours and got to the dark world but losing interest, OoT is fucking boring by the time I got to the castle, etc. It's the only "big" Nintendo franchise I just can't get into it's just a bunch of boring lame puzzles, and mediocre boss fights.
Someone red pill me on Zelda because I just don't get it. I played the first game for 20 mins and it was boring as fuck...
>red pill me
You're an insecure piece of shit who thinks Nazism will cure your depression and loneliness
>Someone red pill me
That's about right, LttP is the best Zelda. It's a kids puzzle series with light combat focus. Only the first two games are different, the first being an adventure game and the second being combat-heavy. the 3rd is Link to the Past and it sets the standard for it to be dungeon and puzzle focused, Link's Awakening is more of the Same, and OoT turns it into full retard mode where you walk into a room and you instantly know what to do
>i played 5% of 2 older games and got bored so the entire series is awful
Play the rest of the game you ADD idiot
okay. you dont like zelda games. do you want a cookie
If you use terms like redpill, you're too stupid for even nintendo games
>Someone red pill me on chocolate because I just don't get it. I ate a chocolate bar for 2 mins and it was boring as fuck, skipped white chocolate because it was just a pseudo-chocolate sorta thing, ect.
I got bored editing your post but the idea is simple. Maybe you just don't like Zelda, dude. What games do you normally play? Are they anything like Zelda?
4 Swords is the best Zelda.
>food comparison
Only the 3d games are any fun.
lol, get the fuck out of here with that shit nigga
>Getting this pooper peeved over a term
Neofags should fuck off somewhere else desu
>"I don't like game"
>pic related
Reminder that this is the new cycle for words on this site.
Do yourself a favor and never use "soy" or whatever people are saying these days. They have zero shelf life.
you need to go back
>I tried (game) and didn't like it
>why should I like it
You shouldn't retard.
>Doesn't like Zelda
>But saves a WW related image
Checks out, play BoTW, it'll suit your babby tastes
You should off yourself soycuck
I hope a Muslim bombs your house he goes to heaven while you go to hell
>OoT is fucking boring by the time I got to the castle, etc
Start taking pills for ADD for a start Egoraptor
Someone is using politics to cover up for not watching The Matrix.
Making insults to the wrong side of the debate, faggot.
>OoT is fucking boring by the time I got to the castle
if you can t even complete the basic tutorial shit then there's no saving you
LTTP is outdated shit. only autistic nostalgia faggots believe it's the best zelda game
op, i've also never liked zelda. i've tried many different games. link to the past is the only one i remotely enjoyed. everyone has told me it's something about the adventure and characters but it's all felt pretty bland and repetitive to me. breath of the wild is pretty interesting since it's such an extreme change from the usual boring shit. try that out if you have a switch or wii u.
BOTW is harder than every zelda game after the NES era. If anything the other zelda games are for babbys
Fuck off neokike.
>Gets Madden at buzzwords
>Throws out more buzzwords
Kek keep going this is fun
Newfag soyboys
Zelda is a bad series because it appeals to girls
I doubt you played it and finished it.
>tfw no autistic gf
Its the half life of nintendo
Overrated trash that manchildren will sperge on and on about endlessly
If you unironically use the term red pill you are forever a newfag.
Matrix came out when I was 10, Sup Forums wouldn't come out until I was 15, the term is older than you.
It's a children's franchise that tries to have simple puzzles with repetitive bosses. If you're over the age of 13 you shouldn't be hugely challenged by the game as its main audience is children. Yet if youre 8 you would love it as the puzzles are appropriate for your age with a simple easy-to-follow story and the bosses (for an 8 year old) would take a while to get used to before they figure out the 3-hit mechanic.
Most adults keep buying the games because they played the older games when they were a child. If you didn't grow up with zelda you won't like it as it is probably too easy for you.
I guess I can't be mad that current day pokemon is so easy, but as kids we figured out what to do, where to go, and how to do it without in-game hand holding. I'm playing Ultra Sun now and It's been more than an hour and I'm still getting gay ass cutscenes explaining shit and telling me where to go. I wish there was a mode that turned this shit off, I figured out blue version in 5th grade, leave me alone
Right. But still for an adult trying to get into the series for the first time, I don't think the lack of cutscenes and tutorials in the older games will offset the boredom from completing easy puzzles and the exploration that is aimed at kids.
And god knows later zeldas (starting with SS) had a ton more explanation and cutscenes than LttP and OoT. Still though, in the more memorable moments I think all the games in the franchise are fine with letting players learn and experience failure rather than a fucking Navi tell you everything.