Mansion has a secret underground area

>mansion has a secret underground area

How many video games have this?

Other urls found in this thread: he doesn't/filename/Screen Shot/

Oblivion has a secret torture chamber under castle Leyawiin, so I suppose that counts.

this house looks like girl parts, it has a thigh gap

Resident Evil
Fatal Frame 1
Sweet Home


There's also the liching room under the haunted house

Harassment is never ok.

Like what do you think your goal is?

What makes you think this is perfectly acceptable?



You deserve it, you know. All this time spent flooding Sup Forums with your inane garbage, evading every ban dealt to you and refusing to fuck off forever

You deserve to be publically named and shamed.



Someone doxxed resident lolcow Lee Goldson.

>deserve it
>for telling bronies to fuck off back to their containment board

That's a big house

He makes these threads nigger.

I'm confused, is this house related to Barneyfag somehow?

So what do you call your sustained autism then?
How many bans do you have, how many IPs have you burned through? 500? 5000?

It's been tiresome for years. You have spent almost an entire decade doing this. A FUCKING DECADE.

no he doesn't

>Middle america middle class home

>So what do you call your sustained autism then?
Justice, for what they did to our site and caused a permanent decrease in its quality of posting. he doesn't/filename/Screen Shot/

Oh wow ONE thread from the millions where he posts exactly 1 minute after.

That's actually him pretending to be his own supporter, user. Look at the filename.

Are you talking about furries?

He's multiple people, I've been to public places that the wifi banned out on all boards because people are pretending to be him

>being this brainwashed

>lolcow Lee Goldson.

Literally WHO?

Id say thats pretty based. fuck ponyfags desu.

{That post is retarded because i went to many boards where some people used a human pony character on the OP and nobody noticed or some people dumped porn and one image was a human pony and nobody noticed or someone just went full fuck it and used a reaction face of a pony and nobody gave a flying shit about the image.
but again /h/ is srs bzznes

if only Lee can get the ponyfags off of /trash/
do it Lee.

YOU are the reason ponies are still posted outside of /mlp/. Ponyshit hasn't been an issue on this site since /mlp/ and the only time it does become an issue is when YOU are involved. You are the very definition of a lolcow, you continually keep giving retards the reaction they love so they keep posting ponies to keep you coming back.

If you had just fucked off forever instead of feeding the retards, they would have fucked off too. But no, you just had to keep showing up to sperg out. Now you have copycats and imitators so we will never be rid of your fucking cancerous existence. Aren't you just so fucking proud of yourself.

I say without the slightest shred of irony or jest that the world would literally be better off if someone put your dox to good use and kicked your fucking door in to put you out of your misery, in the most protracted, gruesome, excruciatingly painful manner possible. You would not be missed. Nothing of value would be lost.

Yeah same

Who lives here?

He can't even remove ponies from here, lol. I've seen several blatant pony posts getting archived. Not even humanized, but actual ponies.

>getting ponie of their home board
What's next? ask the jews to leave israel?

Code Talker

So, now that we know where he lives, who's gonna be the one who volunteers himself go there and end him?

go back there

If you're not doing anything about it, you're part of the problem.

I bet he's one of these weird 8ch furries that migrated here sometime ago and think pony porn should be on /mlp/.

i don't understand any of this

t. ponyfag

Whoever does it will be a hero.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall

Hey that's my house

i would miss all the fun of Sup Forums getting butt hurt at being wrong once again.

9 times outta 10 it's someone doing it specifically to fuck with Goldson

same here can someone tell us please

Being wrong at what?

What the fuck are you autistic faggots bitching about?

is he jewish?

Am I supposed to know who’s house this is?

Lurk more. Barneyfag

This weird dream again, deja vu.

Lee is some mentally fucked up NEET from Canada who had a broken childhood which makes him fly into a violent spastic rage every time he sees anything that reminds him of Barney (My Little Pony more specifically). So he calls pony fans "barneyfags" and any time he sees anything remotely MLP related outside of /mlp/... (like it could literally be a cropped flower in the background from an MLP screengrab) he'll show up and call the person a barneyfag and tell them to kill themselves. Literally, instantly. Without fail. Every single time.
So his actual name is Barneyfag.

Nobody even cares enough to even call him or SWAT him

You'd be doing him a favor. He's one messed up manchild.

Am I supposed to know which cartoon this is

Ponyfags have no right to complain about other people's mental illnesses

His bandmates and some random dude from Sup Forums (who was surprised that Goldson was actually his neighbor) didn't do him any good. You'd have to call Leafland's opr8rs to go do him good.

honestly nobody gives a shit. He shitposts like anybody else. I just wish he would get new material. That's the only thing that makes him extra obnoxious. It's the same string of posts over again every time.

What if he's secretly a pedophile and is just mad at ponyfags because a lot of adults show at MLP events, which makes it harder for him to capture children for his underground rape dungeon?

This kind of Autism is even more impressive when you consider he's been doing it for at least a year and a half, almost nonstop

>honestly nobody gives a shit.
Exactly. People should just leave him be and let him have a stroke. He's on the way there anyway.


so is that mansion barneyfag's?


He goes beyond the scope of GR15 though. If he was just sperging for blatant GR15 violations it would be one thing...But I've seen him set off by a picture of a fucking rock from the show.

>not an hero

>year and a half
try 6 or 7 fucking years

Oh you sweet summer child.

And you're complaining why, exactly? If anything, he's helping mods do their jobs.

That just furthers my point holy shit

>siding with mods on anything

Anything even tangentially related to ponies by any degree of separation is enough to set him of

He has an encyclopedic knowledge of pony trivia.

The Giovanni mansion in VTM:B.

Why is this dude not in a fucking mental hospital

Great, now i have to fap

>he's helping the mods!
>by breaking the rules (spamming and ban evasion)

He probably watches the show religiously. It's an obvious case of projection gone awry.

>being retarded

Barneyfag has become a legend, if he falls another barnyfag will take his place. It can be stopped now, memes are a disease that spreads. Truly he is the hero we didn’t need or want but the hero we deserve.

Because in leafland it's really difficult to get somebody committed.
>T. leaf.

since this thread is going to die can somebody post a torrent for vtmb? I dont want to give activision my money

Please die in pain you fucking fuck
(remove the first period)

It's sad because I actually have a loved one who would benefit from psychiatric care (but is schizophrenic so obviously thinks the government is out to get him).
Likewise Barneyfag would likely benefit greatly from commitment. There's obviously some kind of horrible trauma or condition behind him.

has anyone sent him barney plushies yet

Oh god. please don't. The last thing Canada needs is Goldson going on a shooting rampage at a kid's concert or something. Just being him without receiving psychiatric treatment is punishment enough for him.

>tfw you tell Lee to chill out and take a breather, and that he'll give himself an aneurysm by raging so hard
>tfw it just makes him even more mad
He really needs to chill the fuck out. I'd be sad if he hurt himself.


> I'd be sad if he hurt himself.
I'm long past this point

>Sup Forums mansion is actually pizzagate

I know on the surface Goldson seems like a cyber bully (telling people to kill themselves constantly...but I mean... check out the venue). But from what I've read about him he's a pretty sad case. He's like that retarded guy that dances at the football game. He's a special part of Sup Forums. We love to hate him. Plus VPNs would all go bankrupt without all of his ban evading revenue.

He's been at it since 2011 when ponies were still rampant on every board

Do it anyways for the lulz.

I dont hate him though.

>He probably watches the show religiously.
He's admitted that quite a lot of times. He says he's only doing it "so he can spot pony shit".
The guy is a nutcase. Fucker was even planning to bomb a pony convention and kill the Barney creator, scouted the place and shit.