Will you still be a gamer after 30, even if it meant being like this guy, or being seen how he is seen?

Will you still be a gamer after 30, even if it meant being like this guy, or being seen how he is seen?

gamer is a fucking faggot term, nobody with any self respect calls themself that

I'm 32 and still play video games. I don't plan on buying a Switch.

Mods are going to be fags
And delete the soy threads
But we see through the faggotry
And we will soy on

THIS. Soyposters stay TOGETHER

I'm 40 and still play vidya. Fucking kill me

I'm not white so we don't have this problem.

I'm too far gone so no point in stopping.

My tastes in games are going towards the route of old grognards so yes i'll still be playing them.

im a 30, the difference is im not a balding soyboy who publishes pics holding Nintendo products

just don't combine a beard with glasses and a bald head and you'll be fine.

People keep making fun of his face but whats up with that fucking neck

Imagine being a weeb at 30, jesus christ

We soy posters will carry on

Im 31

I'm 33. All I play is Dominions, Mount and Blade, and Total War. It satisfies my mild autism. Or severe. Whatever.

most of the men in your life including you will go bald

>this is what bald losers believe

Only four more years.

Nice projecting, baldie. You gonna say that most men are 5'9" too, forgetting that the stat is heavily skewed by asians and spics?

tard rage


I'll kill myself before I succumb to any hair loss.

If I were a 30 year old gamer I'd kill myself. Luckily I can be a 30 year old videogame enthusiast.

Im 26 and i havent played a video game in 3 years

45 here. I got kids old enough to post here. I still play video games. No one gives a fuck.

26 but start to play less vidya lately since i'm usually busy with drawing artwork, i usually play vidya to get some inspiration or just waste time.

Already am, 31 years old

You have no idea though.


just a collection of other problems

I turn 31 in a few months. How is it? Hows your gaming life.

>living with parents past 20

there is nothing wrong with 24, if you are in school, but I just moved out at 23, its impossible even with 45 hours a week $10 an hour, but I finally moved out a year ago at 23 and I cannot imagine that kind of life. Its so depressing

I think including asians and spics it's like 5'7"
This is why going to LA is weird and funny

>all these 30+
literally pathetic

You'll be 30 too

>plays video games
>doesn't want to be called a gamer
stupid gamer faggot

I'm already pretty bald, but at least I've accepted the fact and just shave that shit instead of desperately hanging on.
I know, I know, soy and such.

In 9 years lmao

by the way, still play vidya, it will always be life, i dont give a fuck