What made this game so great again?

>Is a rehash of the entire Original Trilogy
>Characters are meh (except HK-47)
>Writing is bland and dull
>"Twist" isn't shocking or groundbreaking in any way

This game has aged badly


>except HK-47
Jolee and Canderous are both great.
Mission a cute.

Nostalgia, I replayed it a while back and holy shit, some of the writing is really bad and the Unknown World/ Star Forge are awful levels.

if you want to play a version of that game with good writing Kotor 2 exists and was finished sometime this decade

I know, I played KOTOR 2 a lot and agree. I wish KOTOR 1 would be remade, some of the levels like Korriban are fun as fuck.

>mfw no completed KOTOR 2 and New Vegas

I have played it with the restored content mod, I love it and blew my expectations away after the disappointment of Kotor. Now if only the game didn't crash on me every 20 minutes

Because you probably starting gaming during at least 7th gen consoles and have never played DnD. You're just too young to understand why this game was too good for it's time.

it only crashed on me in Nar Shaada (missing Hutt textures) and even then I just pressed enter over and over and the game let me back in no problem

Be sure to get Extended Enclave add on for restored content it adds stuff to the best scene in the game

Imagine attempting to please Kreia in bed and her responding with those lackluster comments

Maybe that's why Brianna's dad left her


The hell does this even mean?

>"Twist" isn't shocking or groundbreaking in any way

Yes it was, or are you one of those autists that claim to have seen it coming a mile away? Probably looking up every detail about the game before playing.

Then tell me, What made the game deserve a "universal acclaim" score and multiple awards? Is it nostalgia? Because looking back into the game, its just mediocre and clunky.


Ah let me clarify here have one

>Is a rehash of the entire Original Trilogy
>yfw luke was secretly a sith lord
>yfw luke fought wars before ANH
>yfw thr millenium falcon gets stranded on some random planet in RotJ
>yfw Luke wins pod races in all 3 movies
>yfw Boba Fett is actually with Luke
>yfw Sidious doesnt even exist

Yep, you got it. People loved this game when it came out due to nostalgia

>mfw Tarkin and Solo were comrades from a previous war
probably my favorite part

You forgot to mention the absolutely atrocious and childish dialogue. I replayed it recently and it blew me away just how bad that was.

as a child i was extremely easy to excite and even then i found the later half of kotor's story to be kind of shit and uninteresting