Incredibly Unpopular Opinions

Vidya opinions that are so contentious they'll have you burned at stake.

I enjoyed Sticker Star so much that I 100%'d it on all three save files. Its innovation with the battle system puts it up there with TTYD.

Other urls found in this thread:

I like Color Splash, myself.

I'm only a little into SS so far, but I am enjoying it more than I thought I would, with how much everyone hates on it. I don't know if I would 100% it, but I think the battle system is neat, and it looks and sounds great. I do wish I had a way to tell when to activate the Action Commands though, that's my only wish.

New Vegas is better in most circumstances, but 3 is better if you're feeling sad/angry/nervous and just need something comfy to immerse yourself in.

The only Souls games I could really get into were the last two (Dark Souls II and III). Tell that to certain people, and they react as if you set their mothers on fire and pissed on their asses.

>Its innovation with the battle system puts it up there with TTYD.
Explain yourself.

4 is the best mgs

Revenge > Paradise > 3

Fallout 4 was my favourite one, followed by 3.
I am NOT shitposting. This is my genuine opinion. I'd be shot at the gate of Sup Forums mansion.

I don't like Bomberman, Wario, Metroid or Kirby.

nice edit, now post the original.

I think Wii was pretty fucking great and I enjoyed some casual shit on it.
I think Wii U was amazing, mainly because I always have a lot of work, so even few games it got were enough to keep me entertained.
I think Monster Hunter needs a portable option, but I'm happy World exists and looks great.
I think Sup Forums is fucking shit with all the wojak posting, mods sucking cock, console war shit etc. No one tries making good baits any more, only threads like this or the ones for people 30+ seem alright.

I wouldn't say best but I never understood the hate, it's a fantastic ending to the franchise but the rest of the game lags behind the others.

FF6 is fucking shit. More reading than gameplay and the enemies never scale up so the battle system doesn't make up for it. None of the characters are memorable except $5 Joker. The spritework is outdated as hell.

God tier

Good tier
IV(DS), VII, XV(if the royal update lives up to the trailer otherwise ok tier)

Ok tier
V(Advance), X, XII:ZA (would be good tier if the story didn't drop off towards the end)

Poopoo tier

Castlevania Lords of shadow still has the best atmosphere i've ever seen in a video game.

2 was the best after I grew up, 3 was the best as a game. But 4 is the best if you played all of them before, knew the series, and didn't give a crap how cheesy the plot got, you forgot all about it once you piloted Rex, once Ocelot screamed at you and the music kicked in. Every MGS is good at something (besides 5, fuck 5), but 4 is the only one that's good cheesy shit for the fans.

V is good man. It's not perfect but you don't have to trivialize the game because it has some low points. It set out to be an open world stealth game and it does it better than any other game

Oblivion completely outclasses Morrowind in all aspects.

every thing people praise Morrowind for is done better in Oblivion with the sole exception of the unique nature of the setting

Super Meat Boy’s new soundtrack is overall better than the old one.

Wii is the best console since the PS2.

Games really were better before the HD era.

2nd gen is the best due to the arcade experience that existed at the time.

4th gen is overall the best for consoles.

4th gen is overall the best for PC, followed VERY closely by the 5th gen.

In fact, 4th gen is probably the overall best period for overall gaming.

N64 has aged better than PS1 despite having less games.

NES is the best console ever.

PC is better than consoles.

Arcades are better than PC or consoles.

Portables have never really been better than mediocre and the Switch is probably already the best portable ever.

Breath of the Wild is the first non-shit Zelda since the N64.

I think that the original Spyro, Crash, and God of War were all fucking terrible. Spyro is basic, clunky controls and dodgy platforming in a shallow, empty world and the idea that you collect hundreds of gemstones but don't use them as currency in any way is outrageous.

I got 2% of the way through Crash before I got fed up with the awful movement physics. Crash controls like he's got a ball and chain on his ankle at all times. The save points are also terrible; having to unlock them with collectibles is one thing, but you still have to play a mini-level, and if you fail, you can't save. Also, even though the mini-levels are sidescrolling, you still move in 3d, so you can just fall off the side, which is bound to happen because your depth perception is all fucked up.

God of War has too much combat against too many repeating waves of too many enemies with too much health. Areas are revisited too often and become boring. The puzzle design is obtuse. Any part where Kratos has to balance his fat ass on a wooden beam is a complete fucking chore. The Hades level was inexcusably bad. The final boss fight was bullshit because it threw you headlong into a difficult battle with a weapon you had never used before.

I agree entirely.

I think Dark Souls II is utter trash and not really worth playing through.
I also feel Bloodborne is meh. Just meh.

But I never cared about the game aspect of MGS. It was good to have it polished, with to s of easter eggs, but I never wanted it to be the focus over the plot and cheesy wacky cutscenes and bosses. But 5 is just that. It's a great game, but not for me. Literally the one twist it has explains how it even isn't that important in the overall MGS mythos. No Big Boss meeting Sniper Wolf, no wacky shit, I had expectations after the trailers but once they changed voice actors and heard nothing about bosses and that it was more open, I knew it wasn't a game for me.

>for the fans.
>Remember every ounce of magic or mystery the series ever had?
MGS4 was never 'for the fans'. It was to shit on the fans.

I agree with spyro and crash 1 being too basic and/or bad but spyro is more enjoyable for me, maybe because it is easier
also some gems were fucking hard to find

>V is good man
Another one for the thread. I sincerely cannot agree with the sentiment that MGSV is a good game.

Dark Souls II is a perfectly fine entry in the series and miles better than III.
Dark Souls III is a fucking shit mess of a game that has no idea what it's trying to be and is so wrapped up in DaS1 nostalgiafaggotry and trying to be "stylish" like Bloodborne (dual katanas that let you fucking float in midair to slash) that it never carves out any sort of identity for itself.

If you were with the series for some deep plot or wanted some kind of explanation that wasn't bullshit, you failed from the start. People think Kojima is some god tier writer, when he's just good at crazy shit and comes up with stuff when needed. Seriously? Ocelot being a triple undercover agent in MGS3? Trying to tell you genes work that way in MGS1? user, MGS4 has the most bullshit, but at least it waves the illusion away with nanomachjnes, so you can have fun. Even if the bosses were a bit bland, though they had great fights. I never said MGS4 was perfect, just that it was cheesy and entertaining for the fans.

The Wii U is one of if not the best console of all time.
I think MGSV, FFXV, Halo 5, and DaS3 are all the best games in their respective series.
The ps4 is shit and the xbone blows it out of the water in everyway except specs.
I liked every AssCreed, I know, except origins because it felt like it didn't know what type of game it wanted to be.
Crash is a shit franchise and should've never been remastered.
Nioh is the best soulsbourne game.
I hate it when games like Yakuza don't have dubs or in MHW's case on dub 1 in every 5 sentences but I'm perfectly ok if characters speak different languages like in Nioh.

Thats all I got off the top of my head.

MGSV is a fucking excellent game in regards to gameplay, and Chapter 1's story is legitimately better than 3's. Venom is a better character than Big Boss ever was.

I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with turn-based rpgs and people just don't understand the appeal of a thoughtful and elaborate battle fought in a relaxed pace, especially with the ATB in most Final Fantasy games where combat proceeds in a more organic fashion, yet is still fundamentally turn-based, so you get the best of both worlds. I feel like at least some of the people who comdemn turn-based games to extinction and say they're outdated secretly do love them and are just trying to suppress the sadness of their loss.

This isn't an unpopular opinion. You're just posting this here because you got mad so many people mentioned they didn't like 5.

Special snowflake homo trans 1/64th latino options are a good addition to role playing games.

>This isn't an unpopular opinion
My man yes it is. V gets shit on everywhere.
>you got mad so many people mentioned they didn't like 5
It was more like I was scrolling through the thread, noticed an argument about V, and decided to post an opinion about it.

Bamham/Asscreed combat is fine and if you are complaining about how easy it is, you are an idiot who doesn't understand the point of it

Nintendo is every bit as evil as Sony yet gets a free hand wave for reasons I will never understand

Survival crafting games can be good, people just hate them because they are numerous

Linear games are superior to open world games. There isn't a single open world game in existence that wouldn't be improved upon by being linear

Tell Tale style choices and consequences are fine. People have un realistic expectations for what they should be

If you have to do a stealth take down in a stealth game. it means you failed at the stealth and should feel bad

Its your job to not play like a cheap piece of shit, not my job to discover a strategy around it

I agree wholeheartedly. Grandia 2, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy X show turn based systems can be great and fun to play. G2 gives you movement and knock back, CT gives you techs and overworld battles, and FFX gives you switching and possible 1 on 1 with summons. It's such a shame no one tries to do anything with these, except I Am Setsune with CT

>Linear games are superior to open world games. There isn't a single open world game in existence that wouldn't be improved upon by being linear

Minecraft? Eat a dick, faggot. You don't know shit.

>improved by being linear
this is a legitimately retarded statement
every single aspect of what you just said was fucking stupid
i honestly think you should apologize to everyone ITT for exposing them to this post


Twilight Princess was good.

>you are an idiot who doesn't understand the point of it
enlighten us on the point then shithead

If everywhere means Sup Forums, sure. But you know as well as I do that outside of this place everyone thinks TPP is the Goat.

Dark Souls 3 has the best boss fights. I agree 2 is good though

Japan is not saving video games. All the handholdy bullshit you see in video games came from Japan.

Not him, but beating the enemies isn't the point in Bamham, at least. I don't know about Assassin's Creed, but in Batman you are playing for score or you are playing it wrong.

I liked the Crash remake more than the originals.
The DS is the best platform ever.
amiibo could have been cool.
I love the Wii U GamePad
Zoo Tycoon > RC Tycoon
The Sims is boring
Gen V > HG/SS
Mysterious atmosphere adds a lot to platformers
It's ok if you listen to VGM as long as you also listen to other genres.
eSports are stupid.
The GBA is forgettable at best.

>Its your job to not play like a cheap piece of shit, not my job to discover a strategy around it
My only job is to win

Agree with most of it but Nintendo isn't nearly as bad a Sony in practice and there's some exceptions to being better open world like Minecraft or the first 100 hours of Botw.

>Its your job to not play like a cheap piece of shit, not my job to discover a strategy around it
Ah a fucking scrub then

Git Gud

Since we are talking about V and unpopular opinions
I think Quiet is the worst aspect of V and the game is much better if you kill her. Some of her cutscenes are really lame, they also interrupt whatever you're doing at times, her humming is fucking annoying, mission 45 is the worst in the game. She's not even hot just dressed like a slut. Also she doesn't even have the 3rd parasite it's implied Miller does

>wanted some kind of explanation that wasn't bullshit
I simply didn't want explanations to things that didn't need them. We don't need to know why Vamp is an immortal vampire, nor how Big Boss survived Outer Heaven, or that the Patriots were actually Naked Snake's Snake Eater buddies, that's not important to the plot. But Kojima didn't do that, he explained everything in the most unsatisfactory way possible because the fans didn't accept MGS2 as an ending. It's quite ironic because Snake's motto in 4 is Let the World be, but Kojima did the opposite with his work.

I think that DmC is a good game, even if it isn't necessarily a good Devil May Cry game. It's clear that it's a game with it's own identity; the weapon-switching and move upgrades are unique and it has its own story to tell with its own characters. However it is that unique identity that is the root of the problem, because it's not SUPPOSED to have a unique identity; it's supposed to be Devil May Cry. The multitude of weapons you can carry exceeds that of any other Devil May Cry game and actually balances out the loss of the styles, but people still complain because that's not the way Devil May Cry does it. The story and characters were perfectly passable, but people hate them because that's not the way they were in the old Devil May Cry.

Also, having colored enemies that are only vulnerable to certain weapons is not necessarily a bad thing, but once you incorporate a style mechanic that emphasizes building your own combos and fighting in your own unique way, you now have two conflicting game mechanics with completely different philosophies behind them. DmC is a collection of good ideas that was smothered by the necessity for a recognizable brand, and the second anyone tries to give credit where credit is due, all the worst people that give the DMC fanbase a bad reputation come out of the woodwork to bash you and tell you you're wrong, and that it was the worst game ever, just because it doesn't fit the mold.

There's not a single game that doesn't get improved by a properly implemented higher difficulty setting.
Implementing difficulty settings that make the game absurdly easy for "Enjoying the story" are retarded. In the time it takes to beat this RPG with a mediocre story I could have watched a movie with a much better plot.

>I think that DmC is a good game, even if it isn't necessarily a good Devil May Cry game.
oh no it's retarded

Wario works better sticking to the Wario game formula since 2. Everyone who wants him in a mainline Mario title is a retard. This extends to Waluigi

Nostalgia is good. Pixel art can be good. Indie games can be good. That doesn't mean indie games using pixels are automatically good (or at least visually good) on that alone. Fucking NES, C64, Arcade, PC-88 and so forth at least had standards on approximating things. Glorified Atari sprites gradiented to Hell and back are not "just like the old NES days." Clearly you never paid fucking attention.

>Its innovation with the battle system puts it up there with TTYD

Shut the fuck up about Android 21. She's not even that hot.

Kero Blaster > Ikachan > Cave Story

Yes, yes. Finally, someone with sense. I never understood how was Quiet even supposed to be attractive, she has the face of a potato. Seriously, it's very fat. Her looks don't justify the treatment she receives.
The forced love story between her and Venom (or is it still you, the player?) was terrible. And the rain scene was actually cringeworthy.

I find disgusting that Sup Forums shits over genuinely good games like Dark Souls 2 and Metal Gear Solid V while at the same time praising trash like The Witcher or Telltale's The Walking Dead as good games.

I think he's making the same argument you are, actually.

I completely went through psychotherapy and hypnotic thought to come up with this.
>Everything after Pokemon Gen V takes place in a different dimensions and the series ended at Black and White 2.
>Halo ended at Reach. Everything that was made without Bungie permission is completely fanfiction
>GTAV never happened the series finished at IV/Chinatown Wars
>New God of War looks like shit and the series ended with 3
>I refuse to believe StarWarsEAFront 1 and 2 exist
I prefer Sprite based Pokemon then shitty 3D animation on the mainline games. 3D was only for the console games which gives them a advantage over the mainline series.

Silent Hill 2 is the worst SH game.

Dark Souls 3 is objectively the best game in the series

videogames have contributed to the downfall of western society

Saints 3 and 4 are better than 1 and 2
Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are better than the original Deus Ex
Fear 2 is better than 1
I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 to pieces but I'm not a fan of 1. I played through it once on normal and never thought about it again.
2D Zelda games are kinda boring. They lack the charm and wonder of the 3D games.
Ocarina of Time has aged like fine wine and is the best game in the series with Majora's Mask coming in second place.
Half-Life 2 is my favorite game and I enjoy it far more than 1, even if I think 1 is fantastic.
I've enjoyed every game in the God of War franchise, but the new game looks like shit and the franchise should've stayed dead.
Fighting games are shit, although Smash Brothers is pretty fun for fucking around with. Playing fighting games professionally is insane.
Every Sonic game is shit, though the 2D games are obviously better than the 3D ones.
RE4 is the only great game in the franchise, 7 is good.
The Last of Us is an amazing game

I'm also a firm believer that certain things aren't just for everyone. I wish I could play fighting games or bullet hell games but I've accepted I'll never be good at them and I will never, ever demand those two genres to become casualized / dumbed down so they can cater to my mental retardation.

kek, learn2read faggy

Explain, please!

that's probably true

what horrifically shit taste

None of the 2hu figthing games was ever good.

I think Final Fantasy XV is a solid 7 out of 10, and while it does have glaring flaws, I could never side with the spiteful, joyless, ungrateful folk who insist it is the worst game ever, even though that is blatantly untrue, and I don't think there is anyone out there that unironically believes that; they're just a bunch of butthurt assholes who are so incapable of coping with their own disappointment that they reflexively ignore all merits that the game possesses in spite of its imperfections, all in defense of their petty emotional responses. They can't accept that it wasn't the all-mighty, all-in-one godly super game they had hoped for and ungratefully tossed aside the perfectly acceptable game they were given, like a child who wanted pizza but was given broccoli instead. Square's business practices have certainly been questionable, but there's no reason to take your frustration out on the game itself.

I mean, if Homecoming, Downpour, or Origins didn't exist you'd be right.

Ace Combat is one of the most overrated series on Sup Forums.

If we take as a given that western society is collapsing or has collapsed then it's hard to argue that video games didn't contribute in some way.

That's only if you're a fag who thinks western society is in trouble.


I fucking hate Dragon Ball Fighterz, I think it’s a monument to bad game design that discourages the player from trying anything different in favor of dominant easymode strategy, and the only reason people forgiveit is because it’s Dragon Ball Z with a bit of Super mixed in, and are either nodtalgiafags blinded by a childhood they missed or Millenials trying desparately to fit in.

The Dark Souls series is overblown crap that uses its poor artificial difficulty as a crutch to get ahead instead of giving the player a fair & fun RPG experience that isn’t tailored around having them repeat sections of tedium again.

Capcom is not that bad of a company, and all the angry, knee-jerk reactions to their games and responses celebrating their failures & calling for bankruptcy are just sad attempts at shitposting.

Kirby had like two good games only, and those were Nightmare In Dream Land & 64, everything else was sub-par at best.

Microsoft’s Xbox One is clearly the best console out of the big three to own right now on merit that they have multiplats up the ass, Rare Replay, KI, & backwards compatibility, but the price they’re asking for is not worth it if demand can’t keep up with the PS4 and Switch, therefore the console should be sold at $200 at most.

I really like Gamestop as a store, and regularly use them to buy vidya for pre-order goodies & decent physical deals, I only don’t agree with their refund policy on opened shitheaps.

The home console experience will never beat the arcade experience, and for people who never had an arcade to hang at, along with the community & lifestyle that came with it, it’s a sad situation that they’re in, and they’re missing out hard.

Cyborg 009 is easily the better series of its time, and deserves a vidya game before Devilman gets one.

>artificial difficulty
oh no it's retarded

Git gud pussy

Ace Combat, Armored Core and Front Mission are underrated and deserve to be niche games. Fuck you to think Ace Combat is overrated.

It is true that today's society is a bored one.
They keep making up problems or blowing smaller ones out of proportion to keep their minds busy. People are just chronically bored now.

I find disgusting that people on Sup Forums consider Dark Souls II and MGSV genuinely good games.

I loved Brink

Overwatch is fun for what it is, I pop into quickmatch every now and again and get some enjoyment shooting things and that's all I really want.

Cyborg 009 is a '60s series, Devilman a '70s one so that last point is not really relevant. Unless you're literally retarded and think that all Showa titles should be grouped together but I assume that's not the case and just misremembered the years or something like that.
Ishinomori was never as commercial as Go Nagai and Dynamic Pro as a whole anyway so it's not even matter of either title "deserving" a game more than the other.

I think that the "hardcore gamer" stereotype is harmful to anyone that tries to embrace it. You don't have to play every game on the hardest difficulty to be a "real" gamer. People should play at the difficulty level they are comfortable with, no more, no less. People are being obligated to play on a harder difficulty because they are made to feel like they aren't a "real" gamer unless they do, and when they do this, they will almost always have a less pleasant experience because of it.

I unironically, unapologetically play Kingdom Hearts 2 on normal difficulty because that is the difficulty I am comfortable with. It's not too easy and it's not too hard, just the way that the normal mode should be. Anyone who complains because you "just mash x to win" can fuck off, because that's not how I feel about it, and that's not how I play. I feel the need to make use of all my combat abilities in a normal playthrough and I honestly can't imagine trying to beat the game by only mashing x.

In my view, Xbox division should just quit all together. Games were better when it was just PlayStation, Nintendo, Sega and Atari. Filled with innovation and creativity when these Giants came to the industry. Fuck Microsoft for putting the foundation for garbage genres

cyborg 009 doesn't even have an ending

Thats hardly unpopular. Xbox was a mistake.

I liked it when it worked properly.

Are any fan 2hu games good?

Shadow of Mordor is a fucking amazing game and should of gotten Game of the Year.
Sure it had micro transactions, but I've never once used them.

I never had issues with it working personally so that's probably why I loved it. The game always functioned as intended.

Ace combat is an excellent cheesy game and its underrated as fuck, seriously though, in what world ace combat is overrated, it barely has a thread per month on Sup Forums, and thats being optimost

Even my normie friends hate it.

Venom's love for Quiet is easily the best part of V's story and the closest he ever comes to being his own person. I think you're just brainlets.


The argument that you don't like a game because of its fanbase is nonsensical and poor. A person's opinion of a game should ideally be founded on their own personal experience with the game, not how unpleasant other people may behave because they like it. A fanbase's opinion on a game has no influence over the quality of the game itself, and that quality is what should determine whether you like the game or not. Shying away from a game because you don't want to be associated with the fanbase is cowardly; you don't have to associate with the fanbase if you don't want to, even if you did play and enjoy the game, and your opinions should not be so easily influenced by something so arbitrary and inconsequential. If you want to play a game, just play it; don't shy away because of the fanbase and risk missing out on something good. Sometimes a game is popular for a good reason. Lastly, a game is not responsible for the crowd it brings, because that is something that the game and its developers are completely unable to control, no matter how much they want to. I mean, c'mon; do you really think the people who made Friendship is Magic were planning on a bunch of neckbearded college students being the bulk of the fanbase?

Boco you are literally the biggest faggot on Sup Forums and your waifu is used goods from a dead series. Go back to begging in /trash/'s ERP threads.