Do you think there's even a slight chance it will be alive on PC ?
By alive I mean being able to find different players anytime you want without running into the same people over the course of say an hour.
Do you think there's even a slight chance it will be alive on PC ?
By alive I mean being able to find different players anytime you want without running into the same people over the course of say an hour.
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Its going to be hacked on PC, and spoil the fun. Why even bother then? There's a reason why some versions are better than others, surprisingly the PC fighter base was good last year for example. But for ARPG hackers fucking everywhere to spoil it.
Oh wow, I never even thought of people hacking in this game.
This actually changes everything.
If the XB1 version didn't run at 25fps I'd just get it on that.
>why bother
No big deal if you only play singleplayer. Best bet is to pirate the game first and if it still has an active playerbase when it's on sale then you can buy it for the multiplayer.
You should be soloing everything anyways, easiest game in the series. Playing with random shitters can be fucking awful
lets be real guys, the only reason why they are delaying this game for the PC is to try and pathetically attempt to inject some denuvo bullshit into the game.
Well that's not unheard of for these games, look at the PC port of the recent One Piece game. The multiplatform release was almost simultaneous but the PC port got the PS3 level settings while PS4 got the major improvements.
>if you only play singleplayer
You might as well play anything that isn't MH then
Honestly they should make this game ad protected as possible for people that do enjoy the multiplayer attitude of the game.
Nothing could be worse than some dude who joins your hunt, flying around the map dropping bombs on everything and breaking the game. It would make the time spent optimizing the gamr for online features on pc all for naught if people just easily hack the game
I exclusively play with friends because fighting and making strategies together is one of the most fun aspects of MH, I don't care about muh hardcore gamer cred.
I got a 20% off coupon from Sony in my Email yesterday and just bought it for ps4 pro its pretty on fps mode 60fps most of the time.
If your playing with friends then who cares if the online is dead? Just play with them....
Everyone is going to be playing RDR2 Online by the time MHW comes out on PC
How'd you get that coupon? Looking to save a few bucks if I can.
there are a bunch of steamcucks who want it, guaranteed 200k at launch given they can't even play rdr2 or kh3 either, this is what they'll play
i want to play this with my girlfriend once its out? should I just torrent it first for her and let her see if she likes it? or should I just get her 4u or gen to try first?
60fps most of the time
lol no, PS4 Pro performance mode never even goes above 40
Basically a bunch of PCbros that are super salty they don't have it now are going to but it, start shitpost "thanks for beta testing" then brag about it while everyone who played it almost a year ago will have moved on
Aka smart people waiting for the best version while the console losers get scammed for money.
PS4/XB1 25-30fps
PS4 P XB1X 25-40fps in performance mode
lmao, enjoy your shit release.