Is this even a fucking videogame?
>collect things to craft things to collect things to craft things to
People born since 1990, and games designed for their tastes, were a fucking mistake.
Is this even a fucking videogame?
Is this even a fucking videogame?
>collect things to craft things to collect things to craft things to
People born since 1990, and games designed for their tastes, were a fucking mistake.
That's what they advertise the thing as, pay attention to the media when it's presented to you.
Is this even a serious thread?
Yeah, that game blows too.
Yes. How is this enjoyable at all? Am I even the same species as you people?
>implying I paid
Here's your (You)
Collectathons are great tho, that said, Subnautica is pretty non intensive once you get past the SPOOPY DEEP SEA since you get practically showered with a multitude of tools to progress, although there is a RNG factor, i didn't get a Cyclops until HOURS after i got my Prawn simply because there were only Engine fragments and no Hulls or Bridge wherever i went when pre-release i got the whole set at the Aurora right after i got the Seamoth+RadSuit, or just plain rad suit.
>we thought Nethack (a good game) wasn't autistic enough so we made it 11x as much
Newsflash buddy there are different types and genres of video games and different people who like them. Obviously you dont like these kinds of crafty explorey games so why dont you just accept that people have different tastes and move on?