Is this even a fucking videogame?

Is this even a fucking videogame?
>collect things to craft things to collect things to craft things to
People born since 1990, and games designed for their tastes, were a fucking mistake.

Is this even a fucking videogame?
>collect things to craft things to collect things to craft things to
People born since 1990, and games designed for their tastes, were a fucking mistake.

That's what they advertise the thing as, pay attention to the media when it's presented to you.

Is this even a serious thread?

Yeah, that game blows too.

Yes. How is this enjoyable at all? Am I even the same species as you people?
>implying I paid

Here's your (You)

Collectathons are great tho, that said, Subnautica is pretty non intensive once you get past the SPOOPY DEEP SEA since you get practically showered with a multitude of tools to progress, although there is a RNG factor, i didn't get a Cyclops until HOURS after i got my Prawn simply because there were only Engine fragments and no Hulls or Bridge wherever i went when pre-release i got the whole set at the Aurora right after i got the Seamoth+RadSuit, or just plain rad suit.

>we thought Nethack (a good game) wasn't autistic enough so we made it 11x as much

Newsflash buddy there are different types and genres of video games and different people who like them. Obviously you dont like these kinds of crafty explorey games so why dont you just accept that people have different tastes and move on?

I am an old fuck and I like this kind of thing I haven't tried this game yet but it sounds like Steamworld Dig where you dig so you can get crap so you can dig faster so you can get more crap so you can dig faster so you can get more crap I was totally hooked on that game for 8 hours and if they had padded it out I would have kept playing indefinitely

Steamworld feels somewhat crafted with meaningful challenges and all the basic actions you do in it feel good to do. It feels like a proper game. It doesn't feel like I'm "making my own fun". Trawling a murky 3D space for minerals with constant meters draining and a knife (which itself needs to be crafted) for awhile blows. It all feels blatantly padded out and meant to waste 100s of hours. Steamworld 1 and 2 are done in about 6 each.

>implying an exploration based survival game with little to not emphasis on combat or multiplayer is anywhere near what the standard is

>Am I even the same species as you people?

No, by all rights your warped perspective as an autistic person makes you not a human, more a badly programmed computer with fabric sensitivity.

>defending minecraft clones, the most patently autistic games of our time
>calling me an autist

this isnt what the game is and you havent played it. also you dont play video games.

i unironically agree with you, been playing this shit for 3 hours, its fucking nothing, youd have to be a genuine autismo to have fun playing this

You don't even spend that much time collecting, it's more exploration.

I bet you don't even have your seaglide.

You're fucking stupid, and it shows that you've barely even played the game. Subnautica takes like 20 hours max to beat if you're trying to progress.

Don't let the faggot OP deter you, the game is a lot of fun, especially if you like the coral reef/deep sea aesthetic.

>You can't kill shit so it's not a videogame

I got to the point where it wants me to build bases, and realized I'm in for a wild ride of autistic time wasting bullshit. A bit past the seaglide and a few other tools, but sure, whatever dude. Hand me my shortbus pass. I'm clearly just not enlightened enough, you pretentious twat.

I did not, I implied that you blatantly ignore important information and probably have mental issues because of this.

>pay attention to the [media]

key word in the sentence.

I understood your sentence, but I think you implied that I paid for it because I didn't read that information and felt betrayed somehow. I had a feeling this was going to be some craft-em-up bullshit I'd probably dislike, but heard it was one of the good ones and the exploration would make up for it. It did not.

Nah, more like "if it doesn't have any dexterity related challenges, or lacking that, doesn't have a compelling enough story or world, it's not a videogame worth playing"
This game has neither of what makes a story/walking "game" or action game good. It's just a craft salad with a lore dump. It's pretty by genre standards, but it's what it is.

This is a Subnautica thread now
Post your comfy bases


>I'm not saying there's just one type of game
>I'm saying there's only two


Yes, the challgene component revolves around collecting resources while your 3 clocks (02, food and water) run down and monsters hunt you, it's part stealth game, part resource management game and part time trial game, the deeper you go the more ways you unlock to mitigate our outright remove these 3 timers which in turn allows you to then go even deeper, this feedback loop on its own is very satisfying as there is a constant sense of becoming more powerful, but you are further rewarded with unique environments and enemies as you progress as well.

>freeze things with your gun
>kill things with your knife
is that even a game?
and I agree OP, nobody should have been born since 1990, people should have opted out of a raw deal, brothers and sisters walking hand in hand to extinction

>stop liking what i don't like
you're like a child, OP