*blocks you from playing a bunch of games on the system you bought*

>*blocks you from playing a bunch of games on the system you bought*
Was there a bigger jewery than this thing?


>a bunch of games
DK64 came with it for free... So Perfect Dark and Majora's Mask?

Only DK64 required it (and it came with one anyway). Other games just got a performance boost.

Three games required it, one of which came with it. Its nothing compared to the proprietary memory card prices for the Vita.

>bunch of games

such as?

had no memory card for the n64 so naturally i could only save my progress in banjo kazooie.

there were more than three, I remember Battle for Naboo required it as well.

>A legit upgrade is a scam

Rogue Squadron doubled resolution with it.

>bunch of games

you mean two?

>*blocks you from playing a bunch of games on the system you bought*

It's okay because Nintendo

what do you mean? they still sell games for $60 years later and sell accessories for $80(labo, controllers, docking charger)

>a bunch of games
Wow. I guess you would prefer to spend $400 for a PS4 pro

A lot of games were improved by it but only about two required it to play the game.

Literally 2 games required it (DK64 and MM), and DK64 came with it at no additional cost.

Perfect Dark was playable but needed the Expansion Pak for Single-Player and Co-Op, and a few other things.

Every other game only got either a few graphical boosts, with a very select few requiring the pak for 3-4 player multiplayer for a few extra bits of content like another race track.

No, Battle of Naboo only increases the resolution to 640x480, it definitely didn't need the pak

>tfw gonna buy an Everdrive 64 soon

Best way to play N64 games is on the N64 itself.

DK64 gave it out for free, real jew move there.

Yeah but then you're stuck with DK64.

>block you from playing worst zelda

I mean... thanks nintendo?

I'm become convinced that the N64 is kind of a piece of shit with fewer than 10 games that actually still hold up. Used to love it though.

>blocks me from playing games I never bought because poor
>could just unblock by going to the local mom and pop video rental
The real jewery is paid online.

>OP being literally BTFO his own thread within minutes

>buying an everdrive
>not just getting an ed64 plus

same shit just made by chinese knockoff bros. shit works just as well. own one and it plays everything, as far as i'm aware.

Oh I will try that one out

>The Sega CD
>The Sega 32X
>The Sega Modem

Although most would agree that Sega learned that lesson pretty hard.

Sega CD actually got decent support and some good games though.

Who is this semen demon?
I also have an ED64+ and it cost way less than an everdrive and it's worked with everything i've thrown at it so far.

Fuck you, I liked it.

I'd love to ram my dick into that tight ass so hard she'll turn caucasian