Is there any hope for Borderlands 3?

Is there any hope for Borderlands 3?

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Anthony Burch no longer works for Gearbox so that's a start

I'm hoping it will be the last
Both for the IP and for Gearbox

it's already been announced its being worked on, right?

Well at least Randy is looking better than Cliffy these days

gearbox is already on its last limbs, this wouldn't surprise me too much. the most likely scenario is that ea or microsoft will buy them out


after what happened with battleborn, borderlands 3 is the last hope of gearbox

Really hope they get rid of the tons of running and driving you had to do. the maps were too big in bl2.

Telltate manage to give them a fucking nice kickstart with a good casting of character but since gearbox are retarded we will have a shittier Borderlands 1 with all the shit dlc from Borderlands 2

doubt it.

I mean 2 was a fucking mess and I heard that the pre-sequel also sucked.

>giving Gearbox money

you realize bl2 was the best selling game of the year, right? that doesn't speak about its quality, but the shit prints money

>you realize bl2 was the best selling game of the year

because of how BL1 was good.

my point is, the entire franchise is profitable. bl3 is gearbox's only chance at making money at this point

>bl3 is gearbox's only chance at making money at this point

hopefully they don't use the same writer from BL2 and Pre-Sequel

>gearbox after A: colonial marines

i liked both 1 and 2, pre-sequel was one of the worst games I've ever played. Hollow writing, bad level design, it was like a mod that cost money. doubly irritating.

Burch is busy ruining Riot now and Pitchford may be a socially inept dumbass but not even he is retarded enough to screw over his only money-making IP.
No, the real danger is Take Two trying to cram in as many shitty microtransactions as they can get away with.


Watch a few minutes of this.

Give him the benefit of the doubt, once.

He is in his zone with Borderlands. The passion is obvious.

I have a lot of hope for BL3.

>Give him the benefit of the doubt

we did, with Battleborn and look at how that mess turned out. Went F2P in less then a year because they picked a fight with the big boys

And Overwatch is still shit.

Sure he has the passion but none of that is technically impressive. Focus on the goddamn class design

if you try to argue that battleborn is better than overwatch you're just completely fucking wrong. regardless of your opinions on overwatch.

How are they even able to make 3 when they can't steal funds from another contracted project?

get telltale to write the story line for BL3 and there might be hope

I hope it will be Gearbox's death fart before they quietly fade into nothingness.

what he said

I didn't hate the levels as much as everyone else did, but whoever wrote Janey Springs should've been shot on the spot.

>"Look at me, I'm Janey Springs and I'm a LESBIAN Isn't Borderlands such a progressive series for having LESBIANS as major characters? Did I remind you that I'm a LESBIAN character?"

Personally I think pulling funding from colonial marines was a good move. The game had been in development hell for at least a decade which is always a terrible omen. Just look how DNF and Grimoire turned out. It's better to put those resources to use with a game that has a much better shot at success


those gawdamm ess jay dobble (you)'s.

i could ignore the minor references in 2, but they really got feral in the pre-sequel. no one wants to see or hear catlady vidya.

Fuck off

>BL1 - best writing, worst loot
>BL2 - best playable characters, worst level scaling
>BLPS - best gameplay, worst writing
fucking fite me

>best gameplay

>BL1 - best writing, worst loot
But the Borderlands 1 was godawful beyond belief. I think Burch may have actually managed to do a better job if that's even possible

So, no chance at all then?

>>BLPS - best gameplay, worst writing

I never played BLPS. Saw footage of the horrible writing and never looked back to the series

I just want to see Janey and Athena scissor and eat out each other's buttholes desu

I hope not. Borderlands was never good.

I don't think he's wrong, actually. Borderlands 2 has the scaling problem and slag. Borderlands 1 just crucially lacks procs, talents and weapon variety to make the game interesting.

>BL1 - worst loot
Objectively false since the guns don't have any retarded gimmicks shoved in your face. Is a gun that looks and functions like a gun not good enough for you?

>no retarded gimmicks
Really? Are you fucking kidding me?

but pre-sequel had cryo, which was basically just slag anyway, also some of the characters were a bit boring like shield lady and revolver woman

The only outright terrible gun gimmick I can think of in BL1 is the carnage shotgun.
BL2 has every Torgue gun acting like a carnage, Hyperion guns wasting ammo with reverse recoil, Dahl only burst-firing while zoomed, and every Bandit gun below purple rarity being absolutely worthless.

Im not a raging autist so Borderlands 2 and pre-sequel were fine for me

If it follows what tales of the Borderlands did, then it's going to be fine

>Ignoring TK Baha's Wave gun which everybody and their mother despised

The thing about the TK Wave was that it was only one unique shotgun. I was talking about the manufacturer gimmicks.

>Anthony burch not involved
>original writer of BL1 is back
>retarded level scaling from 2 is pretty much confirmed to not be returning since not even pre-sequel had it
>huge failure that is brittleborn so they need to actually try and make money this time
Once I hear an announcement and see what they are offering I can make a decision, the level scaling and writing is already a start but a lot of weapon types got fucking shit on in 2 and pre-sequel and if they aren't fixed I won't touch with a 10-foot pole
fucking looking at you, revolvers

>tfw I liked Borderlands 1 and Borderlands 2

I just like shooting and collecting. As long as BL3 is the same thing I'll play it

>anthony burch is a good writer

you fokken wat m8

Borderlands 2 was so fucking terrible that they have to fundamentally change their design choices for 3 before i even begin to be interested. They also have to cut out all the shitty forced humour.

>this is an actual quote from borderlands 2

I would settle for just being able to erase my memory of borderlands 2 so I can play it fresh again

BL2 improved on the original in every way, looking back on it the first one is kinda boring.

Exponential scaling is not an improvement.

The list of gripes people have with Gearbox nonwithstanding, there's a lot of shit they're going to have to do right if they want the game to be successful. Personally I'd start with making sure their entire writing staff isn't full of a bunch of barely literate Berkley graduates and shitposters from 9gag.

Also if they're going to show me a galaxy map at the end of BL2 full of planets to do shit on, but make the entirety of BL3 take place on Pandora again, that'd be shooting themselves in the goddamn foot.

>comparing uniques to entire weapon production mechanics
What did you mean by this? Not to mention TK's Wave is gotten so early.

Maybe, only maybe though

>Entire franchise is profitable
I won't dare argue against that because that's fucking true. However, battleborn is an excellent example of how fucking stupid gearbox and Randy are. I wouldn't be surprised if they spent 300 million dollars just making the game, another 600 million of other people's money marketing the game, and being surprised when they don't net 4 billion dollars in sales at least. Featuring a Duke nukem cameo

BL2 had a lot of little system/quality of life improvements, but it also broke many things. Overall weapon variety was reduced by the manufacture limiting/gimmicks, as well as the removal of several weapon types and sub-types. Whenever you found a weapon in BL1, you'd take a look at it's stats and determine if it was something you want to use. In BL2, half the weapons you find will immediately be thrown into the trash can just from their manufacture/weapon type combo alone.

And this isn't even getting into the issues of the game's massive number scaling and how it overall sullies the experience, nor the terrible shift in writing/the overall tone of the series, though that started to show up in the DLC of the first game.

there's always something looming in the shadows

That aussie kid made me want to euthanize myself

The classes in 2 were leagues better than the first one and the more experimental dlc classes proved that they've figured out pretty good class disign, the pre sequel classes all felt like the bl2 dlc classes which is great.

>Based Mr. Torgue

It wasn't even a big deal until the end of NG+ / UVHM

Pretty annoying though, the game expects you to play through it at least three times to get to the end level but it becomes an absolute slog halfway through the second.

yes, tons actually, if they get the telltale staff to write for it.

Bring back revolvers as a weapon class.

Fuck you.

Gearbox games have been undesirable outside Op For. and Borderlands, nobody expected much when they said they were doing something else

>inb4 muh brothers in arms

if they add weapon customization and higher drop rates

And make the Unforgiven not an underwhelming piece of shit. Was great in Borderlands 1, especially if you got a masher unforgiven.

For at least a year, since their GDC thing.

Why? All that would do is give you another ammo type and nothing else would change.

Wow I seriously thought BL3 was already out, like, years ago. Its such an unbelievably boring game. Huge empty maps. Driving around aimlessly. Billions of random weapons that have barely any difference between them. I can't think of anything that can salvage it.

>when you try to write a psychopathic hatesink villain and he ends up being the most reasonable likable and sympathetic character in the game

gearbox dropped some hint about some other planet in battleborn i think, but i can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

jack is unironically a good character and perhaps the only good one from the mainline series, maybe based scooter too

My man

Scooter benefits a lot from his characterization in TFTBL, otherwise he's just a comic relief character

Athena a best though

The most fun I had in BL2 was when I had an overpowered weapon and was shooting low level guys, basically fragging them with one shot. The bullet sponge stuff was awful, which is how the game normally is

Remember, Burch's script was so bad, the voice actor for Jack improved all his lines.

literally based

Not with this faggot at the helm

That was just extremely juvenile considering Kaplan is all about cutting down on cyber bullying.

Fucking kek

i read randy's tweet as "you are on the overwatch team" at first, good thing i reread it before i reinstalled overwatch

i'm playing through borderlands 1 right now, using mordecai. what skill tree should i go down? i've been going with bloodwing but I hit level 14 and now shit's getting hard and my shield is gone in 2-3 hits

The one where you can make your main weapon the bird. I think it's the middle tree. Get the explosion upgrade for it and you can mow down the final boss in 5 minutes alone. Camp cover and let the bird do your work.

i never liked mordecai's trees in bl1. either pigeonholed into snipers, pistols or bloodwing. i think the bloodwing tree is the best just because you have more freedom of gun choice with it.

what game will they steal the funds for it?

Man, I miss the daily Battleborn hate threads. Few things have made Sup Forums come together and hate something or someone as much as that game.

you can always respec if shit isn't working out for you. you're too early for your points to matter that much, but from what i remember mordecai is OP as fuck any way you build him.
pistols, snipers, and bloodwing are all great though. i didn't mind the pigeonholing, i thought that was the point of building a character

cool shadow tech
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be a pseudo mmo like destiny. BL2 but with players dropping in and out

Krieg a best and if you say otherwise I'll shoot you.

maybe for sub 70 content :-)


Why does he even feel like replying
It just makes him look like a turd

Athena was fun, the ice lady too

>Jack apologists
dude hooked his daughter to the healing crystal machine long before he even had visions of the vault